API Gateway resource management
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    API Gateway resource management

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Check the resource information of API Gateway. All activities that you can perform in API Gateway are mapped with the resource type and task history by resource type (action) defined in Resource Manager. Based on the value mapped, the task history actually performed by users is collected in Cloud Activity Tracer, and the admin can use it when monitoring the users' activities or creating audit reports. In addition, the resource type is used as a standard for usage permissions by user in Sub Account.
    The following describes the resource and task history by resource type:

    • Resource
      • Unit of key information managed by each service
      • Object that can be created, changed, and deleted by the user
      • Unique value by each service of NAVER Cloud Platform
    • Task history by resource type (action)
      • History of tasks performed by the user through the console and API
      • Act of creating, changing, or deleting resources

    The following describes API Gateway's resource type and task history information by resource type:

    Service name (product code)Resource typeTask history by resource type
    API Gateway(APIGateway)APICreate API
    Delete API
    Update API
    APIKeyCreate API Key
    Delete API Key
    Update API Key
    AuthorizerCreate Authorizer
    Delete Authorizer
    Update Authorizer
    CertificateCreate Certificate
    Delete Certificate
    Update Certificate
    ProductCreate Product
    Delete Product
    Update Product
    UsagePlanCreate usagePlan
    Update usagePlan
    • Resource Manager: it is a service provided by NAVER Cloud Platform for free. For more information on how to use the service, see the Resource Manager user guide.
    • Cloud Activity Tracer: it is a service provided by NAVER Cloud Platform for free. For more information on how to use the service, see the Cloud Activity Tracer user guide.
    • Sub Account: it is a service provided by NAVER Cloud Platform for free. The permissions are designed based on the resource type defined in Resource Manager. However, because the resource type group and the action by resource type are configured in Sub Account, they differ from the group and action values defined in Resource Manager.

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