Auto Scaling Scenario
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    Auto Scaling Scenario

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    In Auto Scaling of the NAVER Cloud Platform, you can easily and conveniently use the Auto Scaling Group creation and management function. You can check how to use Auto Scaling in detail in Start Auto Scaling and Use Auto Scaling, but it is recommended to first look at the entire scenario of using Auto Scaling. You can use Auto Scaling more efficiently by learning how to use it after studying the use scenario. The full sequence of using Auto Scaling and the description of each sequence are as follows:

    1. Set usage permissions
    2. Pre-set the environment
    3. Create Launch Configuration
    4. Create Auto Scaling Group

    1. Set usage permissions

    If multiple users need to manage and share Auto Scaling resources, they can set permissions for each user. Permissions for each user can be configured as administrator and user permissions through Sub Account of the NAVER Cloud Platform, and roles can be defined for each permission. Setting use permissions is not required. You can set or cancel them at any time when permissions are required while using Auto Scaling.


    Sub Account is a service provided free of charge upon subscription request. For detailed description of Sub Account and its pricing plans, see the Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account menu in the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

    You can refer to the following guide:

    2. Pre-set the environment

    It may be necessary to pre-set the environment depending on the purpose of using Auto Scaling.

    Create My server image

    3. In Create Launch Configuration, when creating a launch configuration, if you want to build an Auto Scaling server with My Server image, not the default image, you must first create an image of the server you are using. You can refer to the following guide:

    Connect Load Balancer

    If you want to connect Auto Scaling servers and load balancers, you must create a load balancer first. You can refer to the following guide:

    3. Create Launch Configuration

    Create a launch configuration, a server configuration template. You can refer to the following guide:

    4. Create Auto Scaling Group

    Create an Auto Scaling Group. You can refer to the following guide:

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