B2B PRISM Live Studio overview
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    B2B PRISM Live Studio overview

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    B2B PRISM Live Studio provides features for enterprise customers on the No. 1 live streaming service, PRISM Live Studio. It enables easy configuration of a live streaming environment optimized for customer service.

    B2B PRISM Live Studio features

    B2B PRISM Live Studio provides the following features:

    • Provides No. 1 service in the world: you can easily build a live streaming environment optimized for customer service through the leading global live streaming service, PRISM Live Studio
    • Streamer's easy broadcast preparation: streamers can log in to the B2B PRISM Live Studio app with customer service login information using the SSO login feature and can bring in broadcast settings from the customer service to stream broadcasts to various platforms without the need for separate configurations
    • Seamless integration with customer service: enables more efficient service operations and the best viewing experience by adopting functions such as OAuth2 authentication, live creation, viewing of service channels, and chat through APIs
    • Swift and proactive customer support: offers fast and proactive customer support services of NAVER Cloud Platform exclusively for enterprise customers to minimize inconvenience and quickly address inquiries

    About B2B PRISM Live Studio user guides

    B2B PRISM Live Studio is available in the Korea Region. Check the following table of contents and their details for efficient use of B2B PRISM Live Studio.

    • B2B PRISM Live Studio overview: introduction to B2B PRISM Live Studio and related resources
    • Prerequisites for using B2B PRISM Live Studio: supported specifications and pricing information for using B2B PRISM Live Studio
    • B2B PRISM Live Studio scenarios: entire usage process for using B2B PRISM Live Studio
    • Getting started with B2B PRISM Live Studio: how to start using B2B PRISM Live Studio
    • Using B2B PRISM Live Studio: screen configuration and features for using B2B PRISM Live Studio
      • Service management: screen of the Service management menu and how to create and manage services
      • Live Channel management: screen of the Live Channel management menu and how to manage channels
      • Statistics: screen layout of the Statistics menu and how to view live statistics
    • Using the B2B PRISM Live Studio app: B2B PRISM Live Studio app screen, features, and how to use the app
      • Signup and login: how to sign up for and log in to the B2B PRISM Live Studio app for general users and service users
      • Live settings: how to configure the settings for live streaming
      • Key features: features provided by B2B PRISM Live Studio and how to use the features
        • My Studio: My Studio features and how to use the features
        • Effects: description of each effect and how to use it
        • Special features: description of special features and how to use them
      • Live modes: how to use different live modes provided by B2B PRISM Live Studio
      • Live stream screen: live streaming screen's layout and provided features
      • My page: My page screen's layout and provided features
      • App settings: how to configure B2B PRISM Live Studio app settings
    • B2B PRISM Live Studio integration: how to integrate the B2B PRISM Live Studio app with customer service
      • B2B PRISM Live Studio integration overview: reasons for the need for API integration, API specifications and security guides, and essential/selective build APIs
      • Usage process for essential build service APIs: guide on building service APIs that must be built
      • Usage process of selective build service APIs: guide on building service APIs that can be optionally built
        • Chat process: chat-related process during broadcasting and related APIs in the B2B PRISM Live Studio app
        • Manage chat users: APIs for managing chat users during broadcasting in the B2B PRISM Live Studio app
      • Cautions for building service APIs: API security and capacity, as well as related potential issues
    • B2B PRISM Live Studio resource management: B2B PRISM Live Studio resources and task history by resource type using Resource Manager and Cloud Activity Tracer
    • Managing B2B PRISM Live Studio permissions: how to manage B2B PRISM Live Studio permissions using Sub Account
    • B2B PRISM Live Studio glossary: terms you must know when using B2B PRISM Live Studio
    • B2B PRISM Live Studio release notes: update history for B2B PRISM Live Studio user guide

    NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources other than the user guide to help customers better understand B2B PRISM Live Studio. If you're a developer or marketer in need of detailed information while you are considering adopting B2B PRISM Live Studio for your company or establishing data related policies, then make good use of the following resources.

    • Improvement in comprehension and usage methods for B2B PRISM Live Studio
    • User guides for B2B PRISM Live Studio-related services
      • Live Station: how to use Live Station, which provides essential features for live broadcasting
      • Video Player Enhancement: how to use Video Player Enhancement to customize various features of the video player according to the service's characteristics
      • Sub Account user guide: how to use Sub Account to help manage B2B PRISM Live Studio operations

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