Backup glossary
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    Backup glossary

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Backup service has the following terms you must know when using Backup service. The terms and their definitions are as follows:

    Classic environment

    A platform that does not provide VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), a customer-only private network, on public cloud

    VPC environment

    A platform that provides VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), a customer-only private network, on public cloud

    DataBase Management System (DBMS)

    A set of software tools that helps multiple users to access the data within a database

    DataBase Instance (DB Instance)

    Set of information stored in a database at a certain time


    Server that will go through backup or recovery


    Daily/monthly report that provides the result of performance in Backup service


    A NAVER Cloud Platform service that regularly backs up and stores server data using verified backup solutions


    Task that you can restore the specific data of a desired time into the resource you want to restore

    Remote Backup·(duplexing backup)

    Duplexing task where the copied backup data is located into a different zones


    Backup agent needed to use Backup service


    Schedule when you perform the backup


    Task where the backup is performed by using resources with the agent installed, preset storages and policies


    Storage where you store backup/remote backup data


    Setup of policy about data that is stored in the storage during the established retention period


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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