Ncloud Chat operation and management
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    Ncloud Chat operation and management

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    This page describes how to operate and manage chats from the Ncloud Chat dashboard, how to view chat-related statistics, and how to set up integration with various NAVER Cloud Platform services.

    Dashboard login

    To log in to the dashboard where you can manage Ncloud Chat, follow these steps:

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Business Applications > Ncloud Chat in order.
    2. Click the management page URL for the project.
    3. Enter the admin ID and password, and then log in.

    Dashboard menu

    The dashboard helps you view the operation status of your chats, including access status, message, and statistics at a glance. Check a graph by selecting a date.

    The dashboard menus are listed below.

    HomeView service usage and status
    AnalysisAnalyze users and concurrent users
    UserView members and manage blocked users
    ChatAdd and manage chat channels
    MessageSearch and extract chat messages to Excel by time period
    ArchiveCheck all files (images/videos) transferred during a chat
    SettingsManage General, Security, Integrations, and Dashboard settings for a project
    Task managementView the history of data exports from the Search menu
    GuideGo to Ncloud Chat user guide


    In the User menu, you can view the information of members registered on the dashboard, block specific users from using chats, or withdraw them from all chats.

    Check user information

    To view the information of users registered on Ncloud Chat dashboard, follow these steps:

    1. From the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click User > Users.
    2. Click the user ID to view the user's details.
    3. View the details in the pop-up window.
      • View features such as user name, profile URL, country of access, IP, model, device ID, sign-up date, and last login date and use custom fields and notes
    4. Edit the item to user information, and then click the [Save] button.

    Remove user

    To withdraw a specific user, follow these steps:

    1. From the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click User > Users.
    2. Click the ID of the user to withdraw.
    3. When the user's details appear on the screen, click the [Delete] button.
    4. When a pop-up confirmation window appears, click the [Delete] button.

    Search users

    To search users registered on Ncloud Chat dashboard, follow these steps:

    1. From the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click User > Users.
    2. Set search conditions, and then click the [Search] button.
      • Search by user ID, name or IP
    3. Check the search results.

    Block users

    You can adjust settings so that a specific user is blocked from using chats for a certain period. In the Blocked users menu, you can view and search users who have been blocked.
    To block a specific user from using chats, follow these steps:

    1. Click User > Blocked users from the Ncloud Chat dashboard.
    2. Click the [Add] button located on the right.
    3. In the Add window that appears, you can search for a user ID, set a suspension or permanent suspension, and set the default language.
    4. If you also want to remove the user you're about to block from all channels, then mark the Remove from all chats checkbox.
    5. Set the user ID, reasons for the blocking, and block period, and then click the [Add] button.


    In the Chat menu, you can view channels and send chat messages.

    Add chat channel

    To add a new chat channel, follow these steps:

    1. From the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click the Channel menu.
    2. Click the [Add] button.
    3. You can separately create Open chats and Private chats. (Open chats can accommodate up to 200,000 users, and Private chats creates a private channel with a limited number of members.)
    4. Enter the channel name and unique ID and click the [Add] button.
      • Enter a unique ID to access a channel with the value in the SDK
      • You can select push, automatic translation, and integrate additional products from Integrations.
    5. Check if the channel has been created.

    Chat channel settings

    To check users participating in a specific chat channel, or edit or delete the channel information, follow these steps:

    1. From the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click the Channel menu.
    2. Select a channel and click the ... icon at the upper right of the channel page.
    3. When the context menu appears, select the task you want.
      • Subscribers: click to view the list of users participating in the chat channel
      • Edit: click to edit the chat channel information
      • Delete: click to delete the chat channel

    Send image message

    To check users participating in a specific chat channel, or edit or delete the channel information, follow these steps:

    1. From the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click the Channel menu.
    2. After selecting a channel, click the Attach File icon to the right of the chat message compose field.

    Supported image types: image/bmp, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png, image/webp, image/heic, image/heic-sequence, image/heif, image/heif-sequence, image/svg+xml


    In the Message menu, you can view and search messages exchanged in all channels of a project. You can search with ID, nickname, message, channel ID, or date and time the message is sent. You can also download the message list in a CSV file.

    Search message and view message details

    To view a message's details, follow these steps:

    1. From the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click the Message menu.
    2. Set search conditions, and then click the [Search] button.
      • Search by sender ID, sender name, chat ID, nickname, or message content.
    3. Click a message to view its details.
    4. You can see the user ID, name, chat ID, message ID, message content, and the date the message was created.

    Delete messages

    You can search for a specific message and delete it. The message deleted from the Search menu will also be deleted from the chat channel.

    1. From the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click Message.
    2. Click the message you want to delete.
    3. On the message view screen, select Delete and click the [Delete] button.


    In the Archive menu, you can view and search images and files exchanged in all channels of a project. You can check the usage status, sender, chat ID, preview, file name, format, size, number of times sent, creation date, and expiration date. You can also select a specific file to ban or delete the user.

    Push notifications

    Push notifications are messages that appear on mobile devices and are sent by application publishers. These notifications can be delivered at any time, regardless of whether the user is actively using the app or device. There are a few key things to keep in mind:

    • The message payload, which is the size of the JSON, is limited to 4 KB.
    • When you send notifications internationally, they are delivered at the scheduled time based on the local time in each country.
      You can set up push notifications and view the list of sent push notifications.


    In the Settings menu, you can set Ncloud Chat project information, change how you handle forbidden keywords in chats and automatic message translation status, edit member information, or grant the admin permission to specific members.


    You can view the project name, ID, API key, and set the maximum message length and the type of profanity filter restrictions.

    1. You can view and copy the project ID.
    2. You can copy or regenerate the API key.
    3. You can set the maximum message length.
    4. You can select the type of profanity filter restrictions.
      • Disabled: display the forbidden keywords without any blinding
      • Replace with *: display the words specified as forbidden keywords as * in a chat window
      • Block sending: do not send words specified as forbidden keywords
    5. Click the [Use default filter] button to automatically import the profanity examples.


    You can set the security of the created project, as well as the allowed IPs and image types.

    1. Click Settings > Security from the Ncloud Chat dashboard.
    2. Specify the required security settings.
      • Token authentication: grant access with a specific token
      • Add or delete allowed IPs
      • Add or delete allowed image types
      • Limit upload size
      • Set download expiration time
      • Set allowed access types
      • Set and delete white lists
    3. Click the [Save] button.


    You can set the integration status or integration of various products such as Papago, and Object Storage to the project you have created.

    1. Click Settings > Integration from the Ncloud Chat dashboard.
    2. Select the name of the product you want to integrate.
    3. Fill in the integration status and input fields for each product and click the Save button.

    For more information on how to view the client ID and client secret for setting up integration with Papago Translation, see the Papago Translation user guide.


    You can view and edit the administrator information of the Ncloud Chat project. However, the details of the account currently logged in can be edited from the Edit profile menu under Account information.
    To edit Admin information, follow these steps:

    1. Click Settings > Admin from the Ncloud Chat dashboard.
    2. Click the member whose information you want to edit.
    3. Set the member name, new password, and user status and click the [Save] button.
    4. If you want to designate a certain member as the dashboard admin, then activate the Admin permission icon, and click the [Save] button.
    5. Click the [Delete] button to delete the member information.

    Activities & Files

    In the Activities & Files menu, you can download the export result of CSV files from the Search menu for 30 days.

    Account information

    The user icon in the upper right corner allows you to edit your account information and log out.

    Edit profile

    Check the information of the logged-in account and change the name, profile URL, and dashboard time zone. Profile URL is used in chats.
    To edit profile information, follow these steps:

    1. Click the User icon at the top right of the Ncloud Chat dashboard and then click the Edit profile menu.
    2. From the Edit profile menu, set name, profile URL, or time zone, and then click the [Save] button.

    Change password

    To change your password, follow these steps:

    1. Click the User icon at the top right of the Ncloud Chat dashboard and then click the Edit profile menu.
    2. Click the Change password menu, enter the current and new password, and then click the [Save] button.

    Dashboard logout

    To log out from the Ncloud Chat dashboard, click the User icon at the top right of the Ncloud Chat dashboard, and then click Log out.

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    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.