Using action methods
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    Using action methods

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Use ActionMethod to link the external system data to a chatbot. You can use action method to call APIs, pass the analysis from the conversation with the user when calling APIs, or receive the result returned from APIs to be used for answering the user. For example, changeable data such as price, user, or weather information can be called from a database in real time to be provided as an answer.
    A created action method is defined as the ${ActionMethodName} format to be used. Enter the action method you want to use in the {ActionMethodName} format when registering a conversation answer to call the action method when the answer is returned.

    The following action methods are supported.

    • Action method v1.0
    • Action method v2.0
    • LINE PAY
    • Naver Pay
    • Send CEK request
    • Built-in action method
    • To make good use of an action method, prior development knowledge such as REST API calls is required. You need to prepare a backend system environment that can respond to the chatbot's action method calls as each customer has different backend system environments to be linked to the chatbot service.
    • Although CLOVA Chatbot provides action method GET/POST specifications, developing and implementing a backend server to link these is the customer's responsibility, and it is not included in the services provided by CLOVA Chatbot.
    • To enhance development convenience, the method of checking action method requests (echo) is provided to see what format is used to send GET/POST to the backend server from an action method.

    The default value of action method calling timeout is 200 ms. The calling timeout value can't be changed directly, so please contact the customer center if you'd like to change it.

    Action method parameters

    A defined parameter format is required to send information to a backend system through action method. This is when an "entity" is used. A predefined entity is the key for mapping the user's data, and the entity must be defined and operated together in order to use action method. Predefined entities can also be used in action method.

    Action method specifications by version

    Action method v1.0- Only one value can be received from a single call.
    - GET/POST methods provided
    "It is ${weather} degrees Celsius in Jeongja-dong."
    Action method v2.0- Multiple values can be received from a single call.
    - POST method provided
    - User variable values can be received.
    "The remaining point balance of ${} is ${membership.point} points."

    Action method v1.0

    Before creating an action method, create domain entities to be used by the action method first. Enter the created action method in the answer field for the action method to be called when the answer is returned.
    For example, if the answer is defined as "It is ${weather} degrees Celsius in Jeongja-dong," then the value of ${weather} is information returned as a response after calling the defined URL from the action method. If this value is "24," then the chatbot provides the answer of "It is 24 degrees Celsius in Jeongja-dong." Note that up to 2 inputs can be made in a single answer for action method v1.0.

    Create GET action method

    The following describes how to create a GET action method.

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > CLOVA Chatbot > Domain menus, in that order.
    2. Click the [Run builder] button of the domain you want to run the chatbot builder.
    3. From the chatbot builder, click the Action method menu.
    4. Select the type as Action method v1.0 and GET. Enter the action method's name in the name field.
    5. Enter the URL to call in the URL field.
      • When you enter $, the registered entity list will appear and you can add entities by selecting them from the list
      • Click the [Call echo] button to enter the test API automatically. Calling this action method will display the request sent from the chatbot engine to the external API server, which enables you to see how the request is made.
    6. Select the value transmission option.
      • CLOVA authentication access token: The user request can be delivered by receiving the access token of a user account authenticated in CLOVA Extensions.
      • Session attributes: A specific string which is UTF-8-encoded can be included in the X-KAA-SESSION-ATTRIBUTES header and delivered.
    7. Click the [Save] button.
      • The action method created can be used in the ${action method name} format when entering an answer.

    Response format

    HttpMethod: GET
    Http Headers: {
    body ={}
    X-KAA-USERKEYSends the hashed user key value
    X-KAA-USERENTITYIt contains entity information that appeared when a task ended or a slot was in progress.
    It is in the entitykey=entityvalue&entitykey=entityvalue&... format and encoded in UTF-8.
    X-KAA-USERMSGIt contains the user's utterance.
    It works only if the user has made an input when an open-ended form has appeared and is encoded in UTF-8.
    X-KAA-USERIDIt contains the user's original user ID.
    X-KAA-CLOVA-OAUTH-ACCESS-TOKENWhen a request is made to the CLOVA platform and the domain is using external authentication, the authentication token is included in the CLOVA request. If an action method that set the actual value to be valid has been called, then this header is used to send the token value.
    X-KAA-CLOVA-OAUTH-ACCESS-TOKENWhen a request is made to the CLOVA platform and the domain is using external authentication, the authentication token is included in the CLOVA request. If an action method that set the actual value to be valid has been called, then this header is used to send the token value.
    X-KAA-SESSION-ATTRIBUTESIf there is a header value that uses this value as key for the response value of an action method, the engine remembers the value temporarily and then includes and sends the exact received value in the header when an action method, of which the flag for receiving this value is on, gets called.

    Create JSON (POST) action method

    The JSON (POST) method is identical to the GET method, but differs in that data can be included and sent in a URL call. Data is sent in the JSON format. Specific values other than entity data can be sent together.
    The following describes how to create a POST action method.

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > CLOVA Chatbot > Domain menus, in that order.
    2. Click the [Run builder] button of the domain you want to run the chatbot builder.
    3. From the chatbot builder, click the Action method menu.
    4. Select the type as Action method v1.0 and POST.
    5. Enter the action method's name in the name field.
    6. Enter the URL to call in the URL field.
      • When you enter $, the registered entity list will appear and you can add entities by selecting them from the list
      • Click the [Call echo] button to enter the test API automatically. Calling this action method will display the request sent from the chatbot engine to the external API server, which enables you to see how the request is made.
    7. Enter the names of entities to be mapped in the JSON format in the data field.
    8. Select the value transmission option.
      • CLOVA authentication access token: The user request can be delivered by receiving the access token of a user account authenticated in CLOVA Extensions.
      • Session Attributes: When a string is encoded and contained in the X-KAA-SESSION-ATTRIBUTES header, the value in X-KAA-SESSION-ATTRIBUTES is cached by the chatbot engine. When an action method with the Session attributes option is enabled, the string saved in cached X-KAA-SESSION-ATTRIBUTES is delivered with it.
    9. Click the [Save] button.
      • The action method created can be used in the ${action method name} format when entering an answer.

    Request format

    HttpMethod:  POST
    Http Headers: {
    body ={"state": "korea", "country": "seoul"} 
    X-KAA-USERKEYSends the hashed user key value
    X-KAA-USERENTITYIt contains entity information that appeared when a task ended or a slot was in progress.
    It is in the entitykey=entityvalue&entitykey=entityvalue&... format and encoded in UTF-8.
    X-KAA-USERMSGIt contains the user's utterance. It works only if the user has made an input when an open-ended form has appeared, and encoded in UTF-8.
    X-KAA-USERIDIt contains the user's original user ID.
    X-KAA-CLOVA-OAUTH-ACCESS-TOKENWhen a request is made to the CLOVA platform and the domain is using external authentication, the authentication token is included in the CLOVA request. If an action method that set the actual value to be valid has been called, then this header is used to send the token value.
    X-KAA-SESSION-ATTRIBUTESIf there is a header value that uses this value as key for the response value of an action method, then the engine remembers the value temporarily. It then includes and sends the exact received value in the header when an action method, whose flag for receiving this value is on, gets called.

    Action method v2.0

    How action method v2.0 differs from action method v1.0 is that it can receive multiple values with a single call.
    For example, if an answer is defined as "The remaining point balance of ${} is ${membership.point} points," then the values of ${} and ${membership.point} are the values of variableName returned as a response after calling the defined URL. If the value of name is Gildong Hong, and the value of point is 1000, then the chatbot provides the answer "The remaining point balance of Gildong Hong is 1,000 points."

    • Action method v2.0 only supports the JSON (POST) method.
    • Enter in the $2{action method 2 name} or $2{action method 2 name.variable name} format when entering action method v2.0 in the answer.

    The following describes how to create a POST action method v2.0.

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > CLOVA Chatbot > Domain menus, in that order.
    2. Click the [Run builder] button of the domain you want to run the chatbot builder.
    3. From the chatbot builder, click the Action method menu.
    4. Select the type as Action method 2.0 and POST.
    5. Enter the action method's name in the name field.
    6. Enter the URL to call in the URL field.
      • Enter $ to see the registered entity list. You can add entities by selecting them from the list.
      • Click the [Call echo] button to test the action method v2.0.
        • The method is echoed (POST is returned) if $2{action method name.method} is entered.
        • The body is echoed if $2{action method name.body} is entered.
    7. Click the [Save] button.
      • You can use the created action method by entering $2{action method 2 name} or $2{action method 2 name.variable name} when entering answers.

    Request format

      "actionMethod": {
        "name": "Action method name",
        "methods": [
            "args": [
            "variableName": "Variable name included in Answer 1"
            "variableName": "Variable name included in Answer 2"
      "userInfo": {
        "id": "Contains the user's ID received from messenger",
        "key": "Hashed value of the user's unique key used within the serving engine",
        "query": "Utterance entered by the user in this turn",
        "entities": {
          "Entitycode1": "Entity 1 entered by the user",
          "Entitycode2": "Entity 2 entered by the user"
        "taskEntities": {
          "Entityname1": "Entity 1 filled in the task's slot",
          "Entityname2": "Entity 2 filled in the task's slot"
        "userVariables": {
          "User variable name": {
            "value": "Value contained in the user variable",
            "type": "User variable type (It may be TEXT, NUMBER, or JSON)"
    actionMethodObjectYAction method information
    actionMethod.nameStringYName of the action method requested now
    actionMethod.methodsArray[Object]NMethod information
    It collects action method information of identical names included in the answer and makes a single request.
    actionMethod.methods.argsArray[String]NAn arbitrary argument can be put in here. When there are existing arguments, they are contained and sent in the request.
    $2{name(arg1, arg2).variableName}
    actionMethod.methods.variableNameStringNAction method's variable name. This refers to the part that comes after . in the action method.
    userInfoObjectYContains user information
    userInfo.idStringYContains user ID. Value received from each messenger
    userInfo.keyStringYHashed value of the user's unique key used within the serving engine
    userInfo.queryStringYUtterance entered by the user in this turn
    userInfo.entitiesMap[String, String]NContains entity information analyzed from user utterance
    - Map (entity code -> user input)
    userInfo.taskEntitiesMap[String, String]N- It contains the slot value filled in the task if the task is completed.
    - User's input or representative term is put as the value according to the Map (entity name -> user input or representative) slot settings.
    userVariablesMap[String, (String, String)]NValue that contains the user variable information
    userVariables.valueString or LongYValue that is contained in the user variables (text, number)
    userVariables.typeStringYUser variable type (TEXT, NUMBER, JSON)

    Response format

      "data": [
          "variableName": "Part that pertains to variable name",
          "value": "It determines to which value the variable pertaining to variableName will be substituted."
      "userVariable": [
          "name": "User variable name",
          "value": "Value to be saved in the user variable",
          "type": "Type of user variable",
          "action": "Specifies action",
          "valueType": "Type of value to be saved"
        "name": "text",
        "value": "olive",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "action": "EQ",
        "valueType": "TEXT"
        "name": "number",
        "value": 10,
        "type": "NUMBER",
        "action": "ADD",
        "valueType": "NUMBER"
        "name": "date.year",
        "value": 2020,
        "type": "JSON",
        "action": "EQ",
        "valueType": "NUMBER"
          "name": "date.month",
        "value": 6,
        "type": "JSON",
        "action": "EQ",
        "valueType": "NUMBER"
    dataArray[Object]NAction method information.
    data.variableNameStringYChanges the value that matches name.variableName from the action methods included in the answer to the value in data.value
    $2{name(arg1, arg2).variableName}
    data.valueStringYDetermines to which value the variable pertaining to variableName will be changed
    userVariableArray[Object]NCan be used to change user variables
    userVariable.nameStringYUser variable name. The JSON values need to be changed one by one.
    Specifies JSON fields with . as separators.
    userVariable.valueString or LongYValue to use after the change. May be text or number.
    userVariable.typeStringYSpecifies the user variable type to be changed to.
    Enter TEXT for text, NUMBER for number, JSON for Json
    userVariable.actionStringYSpecify the action. It may be EQ, ADD, or SUB in case of a number, but only EQ is available otherwise.
    - EQ: Put the value instead of the existing user variable value.
    - ADD: Save after calculating the existing user variable value + value.
    - SUB: Save after calculating the existing user variable value - value.
    userVariable.valueTypeStringYSpecify the type of userVariable.value (may be TEXT or NUMBER)

    LINE Pay and NAVER Pay

    Use the action method of LINE Pay and NAVER Pay to configure scenarios where payments are made easily with LINE Pay or NAVER Pay. The descriptions on this guide is based on LINE Pay.
    There are two types of payment methods for LINE Pay and NAVER Pay.

    • Price input type: Proceed with LINE Pay or NAVER Pay payments with the input price. It is recommended that you use this method for payments of products without price changes.
    • API linkage type: Proceed with LINE Pay/NAVER Pay payments with the price confirmed by calling the input external URL. It is recommended that you use this method when the price is not fixed or when the price changes depending on the slot information selected by the user.

    Link with LINE Pay or NAVER Pay services before use.

    Price input type payment

    The following describes how to create an action method where a price input type payment is made.

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > CLOVA Chatbot > Domain menus, in that order.
    2. Click the [Run builder] button of the domain you want to run the chatbot builder.
    3. From the chatbot builder, click Action method > the [Create action method] button.
    4. Select the type as LINE Pay.
    5. Check the name.
      • For the price input type, the action method name is automatically completed when you enter the price information and product name instead of entering the action method name directly.
    6. Enter the price of the payment in the price information field.
      • LINE Pay's base currency is Japanese Yen (¥)
      • NAVER Pay's base currency is Korean Won (₩)
    7. Enter the name of the product for payment in the product name field.

    API linkage type payment

    The following describes how to create an action method where an API linkage type payment is made.

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > CLOVA Chatbot > Domain menus, in that order.
    2. Click the [Run builder] button of the domain you want to run the chatbot builder.
    3. From the chatbot builder, click Action method > the [Create action method] button.
    4. Select the type as LINE Pay.
    5. Enter the action method name.
    6. Enter the external URL where the price information can be checked, and click the [Save] button.

    For example, if the user ordered 2 small combination pizzas, the slot information below is sent to an external URL. If the value returned as a response is "49900," the chatbot proceeds with the payment of 49,900 KRW using LINE Pay.

    @Pizza: Combination pizza
    @Pizza size: Small
    @Pizza quantity: 2 pizzas

    You must send the form below to the API to be linked when using the API linkage type.

      "productName": "Product name",
      "amount": 0,
      "currency": "JPY"


    Send CEK request

    It's an action method that forwards CEK requests to a specific URL. The action method for forwarding CEK requests only supports the JSON (POST) method.

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > CLOVA Chatbot > Domain menus, in that order.
    2. Click the [Run builder] button of the domain you want to run the chatbot builder.
    3. From the chatbot builder, click Action method > the [Create action method] button.
    4. Select the type as CEK request.
    5. Enter the name.
    6. Enter the URL to forward the CEK requests to.
      • The request body received from CEK is forwarded.
      • Works only if the messenger is CLOVA, it won't work in the manual and automatic tests of the chatbot builder.

    Built-in action method

    Built-in action method is provided by CLOVA Chatbot which can utilize the chatbot's previous utterances and contexts.

    • The action method is only available if "Temporary storage of chat logs" is enabled from Chatbot settings > [Domain information] tab. If Temporary storage of chat logs is enabled, then it will automatically be shown in the list of action methods.
    • The action method can be used in answers only if the messenger is set to CLOVA or the chatbot domain is AiCall.

    The following image shows the page where the built-in action method is enabled. Click the [Edit] button of each action method to set the message to be sent in case the action method is unavailable. (Default value: I am not sure I understand. Easy explanation will help me provide a better answer.)



    • Responses can be made by retrieving the chatbot's latest answer among the answers with a display of the marker.
    • The context of the previous conversation is not followed, but the context settings of the current conversation is followed.


    • The context settings of the previous conversation with a display of the marker are followed.
    • The context of the current conversation is not followed.


    • Chatbot answers and context of the previous conversation with a display of the marker can be retrieved.
    • The context of the current conversation is not followed.

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