CLOVA Chatbot glossary
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    CLOVA Chatbot glossary

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    Available in Classic and VPC

    To use CLOVA Chatbot, you need to be familiar with a few terms. The terms and their explanations are listed below.

    API Gateway

    It's a service provided by NAVER Cloud Platform which helps you conveniently manage all tasks related to calling APIs.

    Common message

    It's a general message that can be set in the chatbot other than the conversation datasets. The following are common messages: Welcome message, failure message, no-response message, fixed menu, feedback, similar answer, and push message.

    Conversation writer

    A conversation writer can use the Conversation management, Conversation option management, and Test pages. They can access the chatbot domain through the invitation URL sent by a domain admin.

    Conversation canvas

    It's a feature that helps to create conversation flows easily and quickly. It's more useful for designing AiCall conversation flowcharts than regular FAQ conversations. If you had difficulty grasping the conversation flow from just the list of conversations, then you can use the conversation canvas to understand the conversation flow at a glance.


    It's a base unit of chatbot. One domain needs to be created per chatbot. From creating conversations to linkage of channels and statistical information, they are operated and managed based on a single domain.

    Domain admin

    A domain admin can create or delete domains and change settings. They can invite conversation writers and manage their permissions. They can also directly access the NAVER Cloud Platform console.

    Domain group

    It's a feature by which the user groups two chatbot domains or more to find the most appropriate answer in the domain to the user's question and respond to it. For instance, let's say there's a company that offers three different services. Rather than providing all three services in a single domain, it is recommended to configure each service as a separate domain, and then combine them into a domain group.


    User in this guide refers to the users of chatbots.

    User variable

    It's a value to be saved and used repeatedly while a conversation session is maintained. If information such as the user's name, phone number, and location is set to be user variables, the chatbot won't ask for the information again while the conversation goes on. This allows you to create more natural chatbot services.


    It's a term to be used with tasks, and means a blank field that the user has to fill. The user must fill in all the slots (blank fields) asked by the chatbot to complete the preparation for performing the task. Slots are mapped with entities.

    Failure message

    It's a message to be sent to the user when the chatbot can't understand the user's question or is unable to find an appropriate answer.

    Action method

    It's used when calling data from an external system. It can call an external URL, and provide the returned response value in the answer. The format used is ${action-method}.


    It's a dictionary where domain-specific words such as names of individuals, names of organizations, locations, dates, and product names are registered. Words that are similar or share the same meaning can be defined in an entity to be analyzed from the user's utterance for the chatbot to understand the user's intentions. It's also used for adding slots in a task.

    Welcome message

    It's the first message from the chatbot to the user after the chatbot is executed.

    Natural language

    It refers to the language people use in their everyday life. This concept differs from constructed language, which is the language understood by computers.


    Relearning is a process of understanding what conversations the user had with the chatbot, based on the user's conversation records, and reflecting the user's questions that the chatbot couldn't answer.

    Regular expression variable

    When creating regular expression questions or patterned entities, you can define and use frequently used patterns as regular expression variables. There are two types of regular expression variables: System variables that can be used in all Korean domains, and domain variables that are registered directly by the operator and can only be used in specific domains.


    In this guide, a producer refers to an admin who designs and creates chatbots.

    Chatbot builder

    Chatbot builder is a tool that provides various features required for developing chatbots, so anyone can easily build a chatbot service. Enter conversation datasets into the chatbot builder, and make it learn them. By doing so, you'll create a chatbot that understands the user's intentions based on the learned model and provides appropriate answers. It provides advanced features such as context, form, and action method in order to adapt to different formats of businesses, as well as features such as testing, relearning, and indicators for you to operate your chatbot service smoothly.


    Context is a link that connects between conversations, and is used for understanding the context of connected conversations.


    It's a feature to be used in conversations that need to happen in sequence. The chatbot uses a task to receive information to fill slots from the user and gives out the final answer when all the required slots are filled. It's used when the final action needs to be performed by collecting various information.


    It's a feature for providing multiple choice and open-ended questions, depending on the user's question, and continuing the conversation with feedback for the answer. The format used is #{form-name}. You can link it with an action method for the chatbot to take a certain action when the user selects answers from the form.


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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