Cloud DB for MongoDB overview
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    Cloud DB for MongoDB overview

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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    You can easily build and automatically manage MongoDB databases with Cloud DB for MongoDB. It is a fully managed cloud database service that operates stably through NAVER's optimization settings, and it automatically recovers in case of failure occurrence.

    Cloud DB for MongoDB features

    Cloud DB for MongoDB provides the following features:

    • Provision of various server types: with the provision of various server types, you can select appropriate servers for your service size, and change the server type during service
    • Provision of various service configurations: sharded cluster, replica set, and standalone configurations are provided
    • Automatic Failover support (replica set): the Failover feature is provided using its own primary term method in the MongoDB replica set
    • Data storage that automatically increases up to 2 TB: a default data storage of 10 GB is provided, and it is automatically increased in the units of 10 GB, up to 2 TB
    • Provision of Compass: through Compass, a GUI for MongoDB, you can search, visualize, and perform CRUD tasks for the data stored in MongoDB. You also perform analysis tasks such as indexing and document validity testing
    • Provision of BI Connector (Enterprise Edition): you can use the MongoDB BI Connector to use MongoDB as the data source for the BI and analysis platform. You can also combine data stored in MongoDB and data stored in other databases to conduct an integrated analysis

    About Cloud DB for MongoDB user guide

    The Cloud DB for MongoDB user guide is composed of the following topics to help you use Cloud DB for MongoDB effectively. The content that users can view in each topic is as follows:

    NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources as well as the user guide to help customers better understand Cloud DB for MongoDB. If you are a developer or marketer in need of detailed information while you are considering adopting Cloud DB for MongoDB for your company or establishing data related policies, then make good use of the resources below.

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