DB Server
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    DB Server

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    In DB Server, you can create or delete Cloud PostgreSQL servers, as well as check the list of Cloud PostgreSQL servers in operation. In addition, you can change the specifications for the PostgreSQL servers in operation, or manage admin (user) accounts.

    DB server page

    The basics of using DB server are as follows:


    ① Menu nameName of the menu currently being viewed, number of the PostgreSQL servers in operation
    ② Basic featuresCreate a PostgreSQL server, check details for Cloud DB for PostgreSQL, refresh the DB server page
    ③ Post-creation featuresRestart, delete, monitor, and manage the PostgreSQL servers in operation
    ④ PostgreSQL Server listCheck the list of the PostgreSQL servers in operation and their information
    ⑤ SearchSearch the desired server by the service name from the PostgreSQL server list

    Check PostgreSQL server list

    You can check the information of each server from the list of the PostgreSQL servers that have been created and are in operation. The following describes how to view the information.


    You can see the list only when there are one or more servers in operation. If you do not have any servers created and operating, no list appears on the DB server page.

    1. Click the Services > Database > Cloud DB for PostgreSQL menus from NAVER Cloud Platform console, in that order.

    2. Click DB server.

    3. If the list of the created PostgreSQL servers appears, then check the summary information or click the PostgreSQL server to check the details.

      • DB service name: service name of PostgreSQL, a group that classifies PostgreSQL servers by role. Generally refers to a server group that consists of one primary server, one secondary server, and multiple read replica servers. PostgreSQL servers with the same data are referred to as one service.
        • clouddbforpg_ico-02_vpc_ko: click to change the service name
      • DB Role: Roles of the PostgreSQL server
      • DB Server name: name of the PostgreSQL server
      • DB Server type: type of the PostgreSQL server and its available memory
      • Monitoring: directs to the monitoring page
      • DB status: directs to the View DB Server details page.
      • DB access Port: port number being used by the PostgreSQL server
      • Multi zone: displays whether to use multi-zone with Y or N.
      • Private domain: information of the private domain
      • Data storage: size of the data storage in use (available capacity)
      • Data storage type: type of the data storage in use
      • Data storage capacity: available capacity and used capacity of the data storage in use
      • Apply data storage encryption: whether encryption is enabled for saving to the data storage (Y or N)
      • Status: status of the PostgreSQL server
        • creating: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being created with the information entered by the user
        • settingup: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured after being created with the information entered by the user
        • running: status in which the creation and configuration of the PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application server is available
        • deleting: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being deleted with the information entered by the user
        • shuttingdown: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being stopped with the information entered by the user
        • restarting: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being restarted with the information entered by the user
        • startingup: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being started with the information entered by the user
        • upgrading: status in which the PostgreSQL server specs are being upgraded with the specs selected by the user
        • downgrading: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being downgraded with the specs selected by the user
      • Creation date: date when the PostgreSQL server was created, the initial point when the server entered Creating status
      • Running date: date when the PostgreSQL server started running, the initial point when the server entered Running status
      • ACG: ACG name and ID used in the PostgreSQL server
        • clouddbforpg_ico: click to move to Server > ACG
        • [View rules] button: click to display the detailed rules applied
      • Database Config: Config applied to the PostgreSQL server
        • clouddbforpg_ico-02: click to go to the Database config page
      • DB engine version: information of the PostgreSQL version installed on the server
      • DB License: License information of the PostgreSQL installed on the server
      • VPC: VPC name being used in the PostgreSQL server
      • Subnet: Name of the subnet being used by the PostgreSQL server
      • High availability: whether high availability is enabled (Y or N)
      • Backup storage period (backup time): the configured backup file storage period and backup cycle, if the backup function is enabled
        • clouddbforpg_ico-02_vpc_ko: click to enable or disable backup or set the file retention period and backup cycle

    If you disable backup, all existing backup files are deleted.

    Create PostgreSQL server

    The following describes how to create a PostgreSQL server from NAVER Cloud Platform console.

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, Click the Services > Database > Cloud DB for PostgreSQL menus in that order.

    2. Click DB server.

    3. Click the [Create DB server] button.

    4. When the service request page appears, proceed with the following steps in order.


    Click the [Request subscription] button from NAVER Cloud Platform portal’s Services > Database > Cloud DB for PostgreSQL to go directly to the page in Step 3.

    1. Set server

    The following describes how to create a server to install PostgreSQL by entering the settings.

    1. When the Set server page appears, check the type of DBMS you want to install to the server from DBMS type.

    2. Check the version and license information of the PostgreSQL to be installed.

      • DB engine version: PostgreSQL version information that can be created in NAVER Cloud Platform
      • DB license: open source license information of PostgreSQL that can be created in NAVER Cloud Platform
    3. Set additional options for the availability of the server to be created.

      • Support high availability: click to select whether to use the failover feature for automatic recovery in case of failure
        • When selected, the duplexing is configured with two units of PostgreSQL servers: primary server and secondary server
        • When selected, set backup file storage period and backup time (default: one day, automatic)
        • When selected, disabling the storage of backup files is not possible
        • When selected, additional fees will be incurred
        • The secondary server is not accessible by the user
      • Multi-zone: To secure advanced high availability, click to select whether to create a primary server and secondary server separately in two different zones (one in each zone)
    4. Set items related to VPC and PostgreSQL server, which are needed for the creation of the PostgreSQL server.

      • VPC: Select a VPC to be used for creating a server and PostgreSQL
        • [Refresh] button: click if you want to see the latest version of the created VPC list
        • [Create VPC] button: click if you don't have any VPCs that have been created and need to create one
      • Subnet: Select a private subnet to be used when accessing VPC.
        • [Refresh] button: click if you want to see the latest version of the created subnet list
        • [Create subnet] button: click if you don't have any subnets that have been created, but you need to create one
      • DB Server type: select the PostgreSQL type to be created and available memory according to the server type
      • Apply data storage encryption: click to select the use status of encryption when saving DB data to storage
        • The settings can't be changed after the creation of the PostgreSQL server
      • Data storage type: click to select the storage type for saving DB data, between SSD and HDD
        • The settings can't be changed after the creation of the PostgreSQL server
      • Data storage capacity: check the storage capacity for saving DB data
        • 10 GB is assigned upon initial creation of the PostgreSQL server
        • The capacity is automatically added in 10 GB units and charged as data increases
        • Up to 6000 GB is supported
    5. Check the applicable pricing plan information when using Cloud DB for PostgreSQL.

      • Pricing plan: an hourly pricing plan, which is billed based on the hours used, is applied by default, and it is changed according to the server specifications and storage capacity
      • Click Pricing information for more information
    6. Set the rest of the items required for the creation of the PostgreSQL server.

      • DB Server name: enter the name of the PostgreSQL server to be created
        • Enter between 3 and 20 characters using lowercase English letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)
        • It must start with an English letter and end with an English letter or a number
        • To identify servers, random text and a three-digit number are assigned automatically after the name that was entered by the user <example> mypostgresql-001-xxxx
        • A duplicated name can't be used
      • DB service name: enter the group name that classifies PostgreSQL servers to be created by its role <example> mypostgresql-service
        • The name must be 3-30 characters long and can only include Korean letters, English letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-)
        • A duplicated name can't be used
      • Set ACG: access control group (ACG) is created automatically
        • The detailed settings for the ACG are available from Server > ACG in the console
    7. Click the [Next] button.

    2. Set DB

    The following describes how to set the information for the PostgreSQL to be installed.

    1. When the Set DB page appears, set items needed for the creation of the PostgreSQL server.
      • USER_ID: Enter the account ID of the PostgreSQL server admin.
        • Enter between 4 and 16 characters using lowercase English letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)
        • It must start with an English letter
        • Predefined reserved words can't be used
      • Access control: enter the client’s CIDR that allows you to access the PostgreSQL server
        • When access is allowed for all <example>
        • When allowing access of only a specific IP <example>
        • When allowing access of only a specific IP range <example>
      • USER password: enter the account password of the PostgreSQL server admin
        • Enter between 8 and 20 characters using at least one character each from lowercase English letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)
        • The special characters ` & + \ " ' >/ or spaces can't be used
      • DB access port: enter 5432 or between 10000 to 20000 as a TCP port number to allow access to the PostgreSQL server that will be created
        • Default: 5432
        • The port number can't be changed after it is specified
      • Default DB name: enter the name of the DB to be created by default
        • Enter between 1 and 30 characters using lowercase English letters, numbers, and underscore (_)
        • It must start with an English letter
      • DB config settings: check the optimized basic settings provided by NAVER
        • You can check and change the content from View details> DB config
      • Collect DB log: check the provision of log collection and viewer features for error logs and slow query logs
        • Cloud Log Analytics integration
    2. Set whether to use the backup for the server to be created.
      • Backup settings: set whether to use the backup, backup file retention period, and backup time
        • Use the backup settings for the PostgreSQL server.: click and select to use for backup
        • Backup file retention period: click and select the period to store the backup file in a separate backup storage
          • For point-in-time recovery, the backup file is stored for the maximum set retention period + 24 hours
        • Backup time: select the backup execution time between automatic and user-defined
        • If you select this, additional fees will be incurred according to the storage capacity used
          • Automatic: backup is automatically started every day
          • User-defined: backup is started every day within 15 minutes from the time selected by the user
    3. Click the [Next] button.
    4. When the Request subscription to Cloud Log Analytics appears, check the content, and then click the [OK] button.
      • If you need to request a subscription to Cloud Log Analytics, click the [Request subscription to Cloud Log Analytics]
      • For more information on Cloud Log Analytics, see Cloud Log Analytics user guide

    3. Final confirmation

    1. When the final confirmation page appears, check the configured server information, DB information, and backup information.
      • Click the [Previous] button to edit the settings
    2. Click the [Create] button.
    3. Check the status of the PostgreSQL that was created from the PostgreSQL server list on the DB server page.
      • Creating: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being created with the information entered by the user
      • Configuring: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured after being created with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the creation and configuration of the PostgreSQL server have been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application servers is available

    To see the latest status from Step 3, click the [Refresh] button.


    It may take several to dozens of minutes for the status to turn from Creating to Configuring and then Operating to be available for use.

    Restarting PostgreSQL server

    You can easily and conveniently restart PostgreSQL servers. You can't access servers while they're being restarted. The following describes how to restart.

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, Click the Services > Database > Cloud DB for PostgreSQL menus in that order.
    2. Click DB server.
    3. Click the PostgreSQL server you want to restart, and then click the [Restart DB Server] button.
    4. When the Restart DB server pop-up window appears, check the name of the DB server to restart, and then click the [OK] button.
    5. Check the status of the PostgreSQL server that was created from the PostgreSQL server list on the DB server page.
      • Stopping: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being stopped
      • Restarting: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being restarted

    It may take a certain amount of time (minutes) until it enters the Running status, when it is available for actual use, after going through the Stopping and Restarting statuses.

    Delete PostgreSQL server

    You can delete the PostgreSQL server that has been created and is in operation. If you're using high availability, then both the primary server and secondary server will be deleted. If you're using the backup feature, then the backup files are also deleted. The following is how to delete them.

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, Click the Services > Database > Cloud DB for PostgreSQL menus in that order.
    2. Click DB server.
    3. Click the PostgreSQL server you want to delete, and then click the [Delete DB server] button.
    4. When the Delete DB server pop-up window appears, enter the name of the DB server to delete, and then click the [OK] button.
    5. Check the status of the PostgreSQL server that was created from the PostgreSQL server list on the DB server page.
      • Deleting: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being deleted

    You can't delete a PostgreSQL server if you are using the high availability option and there's an existing read replica. You must remove the read replica first if you want to delete the server.
    The actual deletion from the list after going through the Deleting status may take a certain amount of time (minutes).

    PostgreSQL Server Monitoring

    NAVER Cloud Platform's Cloud DB for PostgreSQL provides a monitoring service through the dashboards on each server. This allows users to intuitively check servers in operation and data status and efficiently manage them.


    For detailed usage methods for monitoring, see Monitoring.

    The following describes how to go to the monitoring page of the PostgreSQL server that has been created and is in operation.

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, Click the Services > Database > Cloud DB for PostgreSQL menus in that order.
    2. Click DB server.
    3. Click the PostgreSQL server you want to monitor, and then click the [Monitoring] button.
    4. Click and select the dashboard you want to monitor.

    Manage PostgreSQL server

    While operating the created PostgreSQL server, situations where you need to change the options related to the server or DB configured upon creation may occur. Cloud DB for PostgreSQL supports change or upgrade of a certain number of specifications simply through a few clicks, even for PostgreSQL servers that have already been created.


    By default, managing a PostgreSQL server is available when the server status is Running.

    The following describes how to manage the PostgreSQL server that has been created and is in operation.

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's Platform menu, click and select VPC.
    2. From the console, click the Services > Database > Cloud DB for PostgreSQL menus in that order.
    3. Click DB server.
    4. Click the PostgreSQL server you want to manage, and then click the [Manage] button.
    5. Click and select the item you want to manage.

    View DB service details

    You can view or edit details related to database, config, user, and backup for the selected PostgreSQL service. The details are as follows:

    Detail itemDescription
    Manage database
    • Add databases to the selected PostgreSQL server, or delete databases that have been created
    • Adding or deleting will be applied to all services
    • Up to 10 databases may be added or viewed at a time
    Manage DB config
    • Manage the settings of the selected PostgreSQL server
    • Adding, editing or deleting will be applied to all services
    • Default value is applied when deleted
    • Changes made to some configs may cause the server to automatically restart before application
    Manage DB user
    • Manage admin accounts that manage the selected PostgreSQL server
    • Adding, editing or deleting will be applied to all services
    • Up to 1000 accounts can be added or viewed
    Manage backup settings
    • Set backup-related options for the selected PostgreSQL service
    Manage extensions
    • Add, set, and delete extensions to the selected PostgreSQL service

    If you delete a database, then all the data in the selected DB will be deleted.


    The Manage DB user menu is only enabled if the selected server is primary or standalone.

    The following describes how to view or edit the details.

    1. When the View DB service details page appears, select the Manage database tab menu.
    2. View the database information, and add, edit, or delete databases.
      • Add: Enter the database name to be added to Database name, select the user to manage the database from Owner, and then click the [Add database] button
      • Delete: click the [Delete] button in the Settings field of the database to be deleted
    3. Click the [Save] button.
    4. Click the Manage DB config tab menu.
    5. View the DB config information, and add, edit, or delete configs.
    6. Click the [Save] button.
    7. Click the Manage DB user tab menu.
    8. View the DB user information, and add, edit, or delete users.
      • For more details on how to add, edit, or delete: refer to Manage DB user
    9. Click the [Save] button.
    10. Click the Manage backup settings tab menu.
    11. View the backup settings information and adjust settings for required items.
      • Backup file retention period: maximum retention period for the backup files when using the backup feature
      • Backup time: backup execution time when using the backup feature
    12. Click the [Save] button.
    13. Click the Manage extensions tab menu.
    14. View the extension information, and add, set, or delete extensions.
    15. Click the [Save] button.

    View DB server details

    You can check the details related to the server to see if the selected PostgreSQL server is running properly. The details are as follows:

    Detail itemDescriptionColumn
    pg_stat_activityStatistics information for the session process currently in use in the selected PostgreSQL server
    • pid: process ID
    • datname: connected database name
    • usename: logged in user name
    • application_name: connected application name
    • client_addr: IP address of the connected client
    • backend_start: start time of the process
    • query_start: time when the running query started, or last time a query started if stat is not active
    • wait_event: event that occurs depending on backend process actions
    • stat: session process status
    • terminate: click to forcibly stop the session
    • cancel: click to stop SQL running
    • sql: click to display the extracted SQL
    pg_settingsRuntime parameter information of the selected PostgreSQL server
    • category: parameter category
    • name: parameter name
    • setting: current settings value of the parameter
    • vartype: parameter type
    • unit: unit of the settings value of the parameter
    • context: information required when setting the parameter value
    pg_stat*Statistical information related to the selected PostgreSQL server
    DB Server LogsView log file information for the selected PostgreSQL server
    • Log Name: server log file name
    • File Size(Byte): server log file size (byte)
    • Last Modified: date when the server log file was last edited

    The following describes how to view the information.

    1. When the View DB server details page appears, click the pg_stat_activity tab menu.
    2. View the statistics information for the session process currently in use in the selected PostgreSQL server, and run necessary commands.
      • Forcibly stop the session: click terminate
      • SQL Stop from running: Click cancel
      • SQL Display extracted: click sql
    3. Click the pg_settings tab menu.
    4. Check the runtime parameter information for the selected PostgreSQL server.
    5. Click the pg_stat* tab menu.
    6. View the statistics information related to the selected PostgreSQL server.
    7. Click the DB server logs tab menu.
    8. View the selected PostgreSQL server’s log file information and run necessary commands.
      • Save log file to storage: click the [Send to Object Storage] button to select a bucket to save and then click the [Send to Object Storage] button
        • If a subscription request to Object Storage hasn't been made: click the [Go to the Object Storage product] button to request a subscription and create one or more buckets
      • Delete log file: click the [Delete log] button
    • When sending to Object Storage, unlocking bucket, appropriate access control, and ACL settings are required.
    • In case of the Japanese region, you need to disable access control settings for the Object Storage bucket.
    • Sending to Object Storage may take a certain amount of time (minutes) to be completed.

    Additional fees apply when you request a subscription to Object Storage. For the introduction to Object Storage and details about its pricing plans, see the Services > Storage > Object Storage menu in NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

    Add read replica

    You can create read-only replica servers for the selected PostgreSQL server (primary). Up to 5 read replica DBs in each zone per server can be created. You can also set up load balancing for database read load by using read replica DB servers through Load Balancer of NAVER Cloud Platform. For more information about how to set it up, see Set read load balancing.


    You can add read replicas when the selected server is primary.

    The settings of the Read Replica PostgreSQL Server are applied identically to Primary PostgreSQL Server.

    • DB server type
    • Data storage type
    • Data storage capacity
    • DB config settings

    The same fees apply for Read Replica PostgreSQL Server as Primary PostgreSQL Server, and the fees are charged based on the hours used. The following describes how to add a read replica PostgreSQL server.

    1. When the Read replica pop-up window appears, check the information for the primary DB server and the read replica DB server.
    2. Click the [Yes] button.
    3. Check the status of the read replica PostgreSQL server created from the PostgreSQL list in the DB server page.
      • Creating: status in which the read replica PostgreSQL server is being created with the information entered by the user
      • Configuring: status in which the read replica PostgreSQL server is being configured after being created with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the creation and configuration of the read replica PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to read replica PostgreSQL from the application servers is available

    Set read load balancing

    You can set up load balancing for database read load by using read replica DB servers as read-only replica through Load Balancer of NAVER Cloud Platform. First, create a load balancer, and then add settings to the PostgreSQL server's ACG to allow proper access of the created load balancer. The following describes how to configure settings.


    Additional fees apply when you request a subscription to Load Balancer. For an explanation on Load Balancer and details about its pricing plans, refer to the Services > Networking > Load Balancer menus in NAVER Cloud Platform portal.


    In this section, we will briefly introduce how to set Load Balancer. For more information about setting up Load Balancer, see the Load Balancer user guide.

    1. Click the Services > Networking > Load Balancer menu on NAVER Cloud Platform console one by one in the order.
    2. Click the [Create load balancer] button.
    3. Enter the information required for the creation of the Load Balancer and listener.
    4. Click the [Create Load Balancer] button.
    5. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, Click the Services > Storage > Cloud DB for PostgreSQL menus in that order.
    6. Click DB server.
    7. From the details page of the server to be configured, click the clouddbforpg_ico button of the ACG.
    8. Click the [Set ACG] button.
    9. Add settings to allow the access for the Load Balancer.
      • Protocol: TCP
      • Access source: IP address range of the Load Balancer subnet
      • Allowed port: DB server port
    10. Click the [Apply] button.
    11. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Networking > Load Balancer menus in that order.
      • Access information: used when checking the IP for Load Balancer access and accessing for read balancing
      • Applied server: check if the connection status of the applied server is displayed as Succeeded

    Change high availability settings

    You can change the selected PostgreSQL server to have standalone or high availability configuration. The following describes how to change.

    1. When the Change high availability settings pop-up window appears, check the basic server information.
    2. If the existing high availability setting is Y, it may be set to standalone. Or if the existing high availability setting is N, it may be set to high availability.
      • If changing to a high availability configuration, click and select whether to use a multi-zone.
        When selected, a primary DB and a secondary DB are created in different zones to provide higher availability.
    3. Click the [OK] button.
    4. Check the status of the PostgreSQL server from the PostgreSQL server list on the DB server page.
      • Configuring: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured after being created with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the creation and configuration of the PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application server is available

    Change DB server specifications

    You can change the server specifications for the PostgreSQL server you created. Additional fees are incurred for upgrading specifications.

    • The servers will restart when you upgrade server specifications. Since access is unavailable during the restart, we recommend checking the data after the restart is completed.
    • When you change the specifications, the primary, secondary, and read replica PostgreSQL servers are all changed.

    The following describes how to change the specifications.

    1. When the Change specifications pop-up window appears, check the current server specifications.
    2. Click and select the server specifications you want to change.
    3. Click the [Yes] button.
    4. Check the status of the PostgreSQL for which you changed specifications from the PostgreSQL list in the DB server page.
      • Configuring: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the configuration of the PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application servers is available

    Manage DB config

    You can change various settings for the created PostgreSQL server. Changes made will apply to all services, and changes made to some configs cause the server to automatically restart before application. The following describes how to change.

    1. When the Database config pop-up window appears, check or enter the required information for editing.

      • Config name: name of the settings variable
      • Config value: variable value

      For detailed descriptions on config variables, refer to the PostgreSQL official document.

    2. Click the [Add] button.

      • When editing the added settings variable: click the [Edit] button
      • When deleting the added settings variable (setting it to default): click the [Delete] button
    3. Click the [Save] button.

    4. Check the status of the PostgreSQL for which you changed config from the PostgreSQL list in the DB server page.

      • Configuring: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the configuration of the PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application servers is available

    If the set config values are not appropriate, then the PostgreSQL server may not operate properly. Make sure to fully understand the action of the config variable before applying the settings. If a problem occurs in the server operation due to incorrect settings, then please contact Support.

    Manage public domain

    You can request a public domain to allow access to the PostgreSQL server from outside of NAVER Cloud or remove the configured public domain. Upon configuring a public domain, the data communicated from the outside is charged based on network usage. The following describes how to request and cancel it.

    1. When the Request public domain pop-up window appears, check the name of the DB server to request the public domain.
    2. Click the [Yes] button.

    Manage DB user

    When creating a PostgreSQL server, the ID and password for the account that will use the server are created by default. However, while operating the server, you may need to add users or reset the passwords of existing user accounts. You may also need to delete user accounts. Cloud DB for PostgreSQL provides an user management feature that enables you to conveniently add, edit, and delete user accounts that use the server. The results of the user account change through the user management feature are applied to the entire service. Up to 1000 user accounts can be added.


    The user account set as the owner of a database can't be deleted. If it needs to be deleted, delete the database first.

    The following describes how to add or delete user accounts or change the password of the existing admin account.

    1. When the Manage DB user pop-up window appears, perform the required tasks for the user account.
      • Add user account: enter the information for USER_ID, Access control, and Password, click and select a Replication role, and then click the [Add DB user] button.
      • Delete user account: click the [Delete] button in the same row as the user account to be deleted.
      • Edit user account password: click the [Edit] button in the same row as the user account to be modified, and then click the [Save] button after editing.
    2. Click the [OK] button.
    3. Check the status of the PostgreSQL for which you've set users from the PostgreSQL list in the DB server page.
      • Configuring: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the configuration of the PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application servers is available

    When deleting the user account, it is deleted across all the services of Cloud DB for PostgreSQL. Please note that applications using the account being deleted can't be accessed after the deletion. Caution is advised when deleting them.

    Change DB server log settings

    You can change the log storage settings for the PostgreSQL server you created. The changes made will be applied to all services. The following describes how to change.

    1. When the Change DB server log settings pop-up window appears, proceed with the tasks necessary for modifying the settings.
      • Log: check server log name
      • Lot rotation age: click and select the log storage cycle (time) (default: 24 hours)
      • Lot rotation size: click and select the log storage cycle (capacity) (default: 10 MB)
      • Lot archive count: click and select the log storage cycle (number of logs) (default: 100 logs)
    2. Click the [Save] button.
    3. Check the status of the PostgreSQL for which you've set server logs from the PostgreSQL server list on the DB server page.
      • Configuring: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the configuration of the PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application servers is available

    DB Failover

    If the primary PostgreSQL server fails, then the user can directly use the failover feature to switch between the primary and secondary servers. The switch takes a certain amount of time (minutes) and the server access is unavailable during the switch. The method for switching is as follows:

    1. When the DB failover pop-up window appears, check the displayed information.

    2. Click the [Yes] button.

    3. Check the status of the PostgreSQL for which you've set DB failover from the PostgreSQL list in the DB server page.

      • Configuring: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the configuration of the PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application servers is available
      • Config name: name of the settings variable
      • Config value: variable value

      For detailed descriptions on config variables, refer to the PostgreSQL official document.

    4. Click the [Add] button.

      • When editing the added settings variable: click the [Edit] button
      • When deleting the added settings variable (setting it to default): click the [Delete] button
    5. Click the [Save] button.

    6. Check the status of the PostgreSQL for which you changed config from the PostgreSQL list in the DB server page.

      • Configuring: status in which the PostgreSQL server is being configured with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the configuration of the PostgreSQL server has been completed with the information entered by user, and access to PostgreSQL from the application servers is available

    Version Upgrade

    You can upgrade the minor version of the PostgreSQL engine. The version upgrade is applied to the entire DB service, and the upgrade is performed one server at a time in the following order: Read Replicas -> Secondary -> DB Failover -> Prior Primary. The server access is unavailable during the upgrade.


    1. Click DB management > Version Upgrade
    2. Select the version to upgrade and click the [Confirm] button.

    Manage schema

    When PostgreSQL creates a database, a default schema named "public" is provided, and access permission is granted to all users (public).
    However, it is recommended to create a separate schema that serves a particular purpose because using a public schema can be a security vulnerability. Also, upon the request of many users and certificate evaluation authorities, access permission was deleted in the newly created database as follows:

    revoke all on schema public from public;

    Therefore, we advise you to create a separate schema as follows, after accessing with the owner's account of the database:

    create schema [schema name];

    The existing database's public schema will remain the same. For the exact time of change, see Cloud DB for PostgreSQL release notes.

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