Cloud DB for Redis terminology
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    Cloud DB for Redis terminology

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    There are a few terms you need to know to use Cloud DB for Redis. These terms and their descriptions are as follows.


    A feature in Cloud DB for Redis that enables identification of backup information configured per server for safe storage of users' cache data in use, and execution of recovery from backup files.

    Config Group

    A feature in Cloud DB for Redis that enables efficient management of created Redis servers by grouping them and specifying the same settings for the servers in the group.


    A feature in Cloud DB for Redis that enables identification of event history by collecting events that occurred in Cloud DB for Redis servers.


    The main server when using the high availability feature.


    Refers to the type of Redis servers, and consists of Redis Cluster and Redis Simple.


    A feature in Cloud DB for Redis that enables identification of monitoring information regarding server performance and operating system related to Redis servers in operation.

    Redis Cluster

    Redis that uses the master and slave method, and able to distribute traffic with data sharding.

    Redis Service

    Group name which classifies Redis servers by role.

    Redis Simple

    Basic Redis that uses the master and slave method.


    Refers to the role of Redis servers, and consists of three types: Stand Alone, Master, and Standby-Master.

    Stand Alone

    A standalone server that does not use the high availability feature.


    The backup server when using the high availability feature.


    Refers to Redis server in Cloud DB for Redis provided in the cloud environment.

    Data sharding

    A technology that distributes data to multiple DBMS to process mass data. Rather than distributing data inside DBMS, it distributes data from the outside of DBMS.

    Master node

    The main server in the cluster.


    The unit of distributed data in Redis Cluster.

    Slave node

    The backup server in the cluster.


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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