Cron type trigger
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    Cron type trigger

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic

    You can add Cron type trigger on NAVER Cloud Platform console's Cloud Functions > Action > Action details. Cron-type triggers provide the feature to execute a specific action at regular cycles. With this feature, Cron-type triggers are useful for executing scheduled tasks, such as monitoring tasks, and can replace simple Batch jobs for a CI tool like Jenkins.

    Add trigger

    Cron-type triggers ensure cycles at specific times based on your requirements.

    Execution option settings

    You can configure execution options for Cron-type triggers under Cron settings in the console.


    You can schedule execute cycles according to your settings in Cron settings. The cycle runs periodically until the execution options are changed or deleted after registration. You can set the execution cycle using the selection box on the right or through manual input.

    Execution option information

    Execution options follow the syntax of UNIX crontab by default, with 5 fields separated by spaces. Each option is described as follows:

    Month1-12(1:jan - 12:dec)
    Day of the week0-7(0,7:sun, 1:mon...)

    Execution option examples

    The basic examples for the execution options are as follows:

    */5 * * * *: run every 5 minutes
    0 10 * * *: run every day at 10:00 AM
    0 10 5 * *: run on the 5th of every month at 10:00 AM
    0 10 5 9 *: run on September 5 every year at 10:00 AM
    0 10 * * 1: run every Monday at 10:00 AM

    Service limits

    Cron-type triggers have the following service limits:

    • Service limits for basic actions apply to actions connected to Cron-type triggers. Because the maximum execution time is limited to 5 minutes (300 sec), tasks that exceed 5 minutes are not supported.

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