Cloud Functions prerequisites
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    Cloud Functions prerequisites

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    The following describes the supported environments, pricing plans, and service limits for the smooth usage of Cloud Functions.

    Cloud environment specifications

    Cloud Functions support the following cloud environment specifications.

    Region (zone)Korea (KR-1, KR-2), Singapore (SGN-4, SGN-5), Japan (JPN-4, JPN-5)
    PlatformVPC, Classic
    LanguagesKorean, English, and Japanese
  • If you're configuring VPC resource access from a VPC environment in the Korea Region, you can only connect a subnet created within the KR-2 Zone. Support for subnets within the KR-1 Zone is being prepared.
  • You can access KR-1 subnets and resources from actions connected to KR-2 Zone subnets.
  • Runtime specifications

    The languages supported by Cloud Functions and the recommended versions for use are as follows.


    The specifications supported by Cloud Functions may change depending on the individual language policy.

    Supported languages

    Supported languagesLatest version
    .Net Core2.2

    For more information on action runtime, see Cloud Functions runtime information.

    Trigger types specifications by Region

    The following trigger types are supported by Cloud Functions for each Region.

    RegionCron typeGitHub eventAPI Gateway typeCloud Insight typeObject Storage typeSourceCommit typeSecret Manager type

    Resource limits specifications

    The following describes the limitations for Cloud Functions resources (actions, triggers, packages).

    • Timeout: maximum time limit for which the action can be run. Forcibly finished if the timeout is exceeded
      • Unit: ms
      • Default value: 60,000 (60 seconds)
      • Range: 500 – 300,000
      • Settings for creating an action
    • Memory: maximum memory assignable to an action container
      • Unit: MB
      • Default: 256
      • Range: 128 – 1024
      • Settings for creating an action
    • Logs: maximum stdoutsize that can be created by an action. The printed logs that exceed the maximum size are omitted and warning is added to the final line
      • Unit: MB
      • Default: 1
      • Maximum size that can be stored in Cloud Log Analytics service logs and checked from the dashboard/monitoring: 50 KB
    • Concurrent: number of actions (action containers) that can be simultaneously run at a certain time for each namespace
    • codeSize: maximum code size
      • Unit: MB
      • Fixed value: 38
      • Cannot be arbitrarily changed
    • parameters: maximum size of parameters delivered to an action or trigger
      • Unit: MB
      • Fixed value: 1
      • Cannot be arbitrarily changed
    • Result: maximum size of outcome returned as an action result
      • Unit: MB
      • Fixed value: 1
      • Cannot be arbitrarily changed
      • Maximum size that can be stored in Cloud Log Analytics service logs and checked from the dashboard/monitoring: 150 KB
    • Max open files ulimit value of action container: maximum number of files that can be opened by an action container
      • Fixed value: 1024:1024
      • Cannot be arbitrarily changed
      • Delivered to --ulimit nofile=1024:1024 when the docker run command is executed. For more information, see the official Docker document
    • Max process ulimit value of action container: maximum number of processes that can be created by an action container
      • Fixed value: 1024
      • Cannot be arbitrarily changed
      • Delivered to --pids-limit 1024 when the docker run command is executed. For more information, see the official Docker document

    To prevent performance degradation due to unnecessary usage of resources, the number of concurrent actions is limited for each namespace.

    Parameter application priority

    Cloud Functions offers various parameters for running actions or triggers. These parameters are applied based on the priority rule. Therefore, if two parameters have the same keys, the parameter with a higher priority is applied. The following describes the priority rule for parameter application.

    1. Runtime parameter: parameter delivered at the time of run, including HTTP request body and query parameters called through API gateway (only applicable to web actions)
    2. Trigger default parameter: parameters applied to triggers in general
    3. Action default parameter: parameters applied to actions in general
    4. Package default parameter: parameters applied in general to actions belonging to packages

    A field with an encrypted action default parameter is applied with the highest priority.

    Source code security

    Cloud Functions uses the following methods to protect the security of your code.

    • Isolated storage: your uploaded code is securely stored in an isolated DB
    • Independent container: once raised, your request is executed in an isolated space before the result is returned. The space itself is deleted after a certain amount of time

    For security, the space where your code was run is never shared with another user nor reused.

    Usage fees

    Cloud Functions is serviced on a pay-as-you-go pricing plan. For more information on the usage fees for Cloud Functions, see Portal > Services > Compute > Cloud Functions or Portal > Pricing plan.

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