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    Available in Classic and VPC

    In the Dashboard, you can check information such as IoT device connection time for this month, number of currently connected clients, number of message uses, number of rule uses, and so on.


    ① IoT device connection time for this monthTotal time of accessing Cloud IoT Core from the first day of this month up until now. If you click the [Details] button, you can check detailed information such as the number of devices accessing each hour, connection time, and sum total (the number of equipment * use hours).
    ② Number of currently connected clientsThe number of clients (IoT devices) accessing Cloud IoT Core. If two devices are being used to access Cloud IoT Core, the number is displayed as "2." If you click the [Details] button, you can check the information such as the IP of the client currently accessed, port, common name of the used certificates, and the starting time for connection.
    ③ View optionsSelect viewing interval and set viewing period
    ④ Number of message usesNumber of message uses within the set viewing period
    ⑤ Number of rule usesNumber of rule uses within the set viewing period
    ⑥ Number of calls for mirror and number of mirror uses
  • [Number of mirror API/MQTT calls] tab: Number of calls of get, update, and delete for virtual device mirror
  • [Number of mirror uses (KB unit conversion)] tab: Number of calls for get and update, which is the basis for imposing fees for virtual device mirror
  • Note
    • When you send a mirror message through MQTT, the fee for using MQTT messages and the fee for using a virtual device mirror will be incurred together. The fee for using a virtual device mirror is incurred only when calling get and update.
    • The number of mirror uses is calculated to be one case per KB based on the "state" data size of accepted messages. Even if the size is under 1 KB, it is regarded as one case. For instance, if a mirror of 2.1 KB is called, the number of mirror uses is 3.

    When a virtual device mirror is called via Open API, it works the same as the MQTT mirror publish method.

    • "Modification of the virtual device mirror" and "Deleting virtual device mirrors" are important changes in the Open API, so $ncp/device/{virtual device name}/update/accepted and $ncp/device/{virtual device name}/mirror/delete/accepted are published on Cloud IoT Core when the Open API is called. It works the same as the MQTT mirror functions.
    • MQTT publishes the $ncp/device/{virtual device name}/mirror/get/accepted topic on Cloud IoT Core, but does not publish accepted when calling the virtual device mirror reading API. accepted Messages can be checked in HTTP Response. (Some operations are different from the MQTT mirror feature.)
    • A fee for a single MQTT message is imposed separately from the fee for using mirror with Open API.

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