Cloud IoT Core scenario
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    Cloud IoT Core scenario

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    You can easily and conveniently use the IoT integration function on NAVER Cloud Platform's Cloud IoT Core. You can view the detailed usage methods in Using Cloud IoT Core, but we recommend taking a look at the overall usage scenario of Cloud IoT Core first. Reading the guide after learning the usage scenario will allow you to use Cloud IoT Core more smoothly. The overall sequence of using Cloud IoT Core and description of each sequence are as follows:

    1. Ready devices

    Prepare an IoT device to collect data. The IoT device must support the MQTT protocol. In addition, the IoT device must be able to use SSL-related library such as an open SSL, and must support languages such as Java, Python, and Node JS (JavaScript).

    2. Request subscription

    Complete the subscription request for Cloud IoT Core and Cloud Functions on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.


    3. Design message structure

    Define the structure and topic of the data to be sent from your IoT devices regarding format. The messages use the Json structure.

    An example of preparing the topic and message structures are as follows:

    • Topic factory/room1/temperature

    • Message structure

        "deviceId": "device_1",
        "deviceType": "temperature",
        "value": 35,
        "battery": 9,
        "date": "2016-12-15",
        "time": "15:12:00"
    • In a message topic, . (period) acts as the MQTT level separator and / (slash), and * (asterisk) acts as a + (wildcard) for MQTT. Avoid including . (periods) and * (asterisks) in a topic.
    • Message payload includes spaces and is available for up to 128 Kbyte.
    • The maximum length of a message topic is 255 bytes (UTF-8 encoding), and a topic can be used up to Step 7.

    4. Issue certificates

    Communications between your IoT device and Cloud IoT Core are encrypted, based on certificates. Issue a certificate on Cloud IoT Core to conduct bidirectional authentication between the Cloud IoT Core server and user.


    For more information on how to issue the certificate, see Issuing and managing certificate.

    5. Create virtual device

    Create a virtual device for managing the user's IoT device. If you connect the certificate to the virtual device, you can set whether to activate the certificate of the IoT device where the certificate is installed, and you can control the transmission/reception of messages.


    For more information on how to create a virtual device, see Creating and managing virtual devices.

    6. Create rules

    You must create rules for defining how to process data received from the IoT device.


    For more information on how to create rules, see Creating and managing rules. For more information on how to prepare a rule query, see Writing rule query.

    7. Connect IoT device

    After you connect the IoT device to Cloud IoT Core, you can check the process of publishing a message and subscribing a message.


    For more information on how to connect IoT devices, see Connecting IoT devices.

    Cloud IoT Core usage scenarios

    Describes the IoT environment construction scenarios using Cloud IoT Core.

    Building ventilation alert system in houses by measuring fine dust

    You can build a system to transmit an alert to a user and notify them when to ventilate the house depending on the fine dust by measuring the air quality in the house.


    1. Gather the Raspberry Pi's sensor data and fine dust data provided by public APIs and send them to Cloud IoT Core.
    2. When the data meet the fine dust level conditions set by Cloud IoT Core, the Cloud Functions action is conducted.
    3. In accordance with the trigger and action (SMS text message transmission) defined by the user in Cloud Functions, the alert message is transmitted to the user.

    Indoor lighting control using a motion sensor (with IFTTT)

    You can build a system to control indoor and outdoor IoT devices by combining them with the external IoT device control solution (IFTTT).


    1. When a specific object’s motion is detected by the motion sensor of the Raspberry Pi, a message that motion is detected is sent to Cloud IoT Core.
    2. When the transmitted data meet the conditions defined in Cloud IoT Core, Cloud Functions sends a message to the On/Off of IFTTT's Hue lamp.
    3. The status of lamp is controlled through IFTTT.

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