Troubleshooting Cloud IoT Core
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    Troubleshooting Cloud IoT Core

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    This document details problematic situations users may face while using Cloud IoT Core, as well as their causes and resolutions. However, some problems may be difficult for users to handle themselves, even with the following information at hand. To efficiently address these user difficulties, NAVER Cloud Platform also provides various channels to resolve them.


    Refer to Portal and Console > Troubleshooting if you'd like to know more about various channels for troubleshooting.


    The following describes causes and resolutions for problems related to rules.

    I can't create rules anymore.

    • Cause: The maximum number of rules that can be created is 100.
    • Resolution: Check if the number of created rules has exceeded 100 or not.

    When I click Validate query, it causes an error.

    • Cause: There may be functional restrictions that are not like SQL used on the database and the allowed characters.
    • Resolution: Check the content in the Writing rule query and check if there is any unsuitable format or special character being used.

    The Unexpected Keyword error occurs when validating a query.

    • Cause: It is an error occurring when the JSON Field Key is the same as the Keyword.
    • Resolution: If the JSON Field Key is the same as the Keyword, then you must specify that it is the JSON Field Key value by enclosing it with __"(Double Quotes)__.


    The following describes causes and resolutions for problems related to actions.

    I can't enter # (or +) for a republished topic.

    • Cause: In case of # (hashtag) and + (plus) characters, they are wildcards used by MQTT and aren't suitable as an MQTT message publish topic. If a topic is republished where it can be received again as the topic of a FROM clause, then input is restricted because there is a possibility of a continuous circulation structure. <Example> FROM "topic/+", if the topic is topic/home in the message republish action, a circular structure occurs.
    • Resolution: Do not use # or + for a republish action.

    Virtual device mirror

    The following describes causes and resolutions for problems related to the virtual device mirror.

    An error occurs when I create or modify the virtual device mirror.

    • Cause: It is an error occurring when an incorrect command is input or there is an internal server error.
    • Resolution: Refer to the following:
    CodeError messageContent
    400Number of mirrors on the device is over maximum limitThe maximum number of mirrors creatable on a virtual device has been exceeded (Max 10)
    400Invalid json payloadThe mirror message is not in the JSON format.
    400Missing state messageThere is no state message in the mirror message.
    400State message is not json objectThe state message of mirror message must be JSON Object.
    400State message contains an invalid keyThere is an invalid key under the state in the mirror message (only reported and desired are allowed)
    400Reported message is not json objectThe reported message must be JSON Object.
    400Desired message is not json objectThe desired message must be JSON Object.
    400Reported, desired contains too many levels of nesting json. Maximum allowed is 6The JSON (Nested JSON) beneath desired and reported has up to 6 levels.
    400Mirror name not allow special character.No special characters besides "_" and "-" can be included in the virtual device name.
    400Invalid versionThe version value is invalid. Must be an integer greater than 0.
    400Invalid client tokenThe clientToken value is invalid. Must be 1-64 byte string.
    404No mirror existNo virtual device mirror exists.
    404No device existNo virtual device exists.
    413Payload too bigThe virtual device mirror message payload is too great (allowed range: Max of 5 Kbyte for UTF-8 encoding)
    413Topic length too long or empty. Maximum allowed is 1 to 64The message topic length of virtual device mirror is invalid (allowed range: 1-64 characters)
    409Version conflictThe transmitted version does not match the version of the saved virtual device mirror.
    500Internal server errorInternal server error

    Cloud Functions integration

    The following describes causes and resolutions for problems related to the integration of Cloud Functions.

    When integrating with Cloud Functions, nothing is viewed on the "Transmit data to Cloud Functions" popup window.

    • Cause: Cloud Functions are a service for executing a code developed by a user, and can be integrated only when there is a Cloud Functions trigger registered on Cloud Functions and a Cloud Functions action.
    • Resolution: Check if there is a Cloud Functions trigger created by the user on Cloud Functions.

    "Too many concurrent requests in flight..." Error message is returned.

    • Cause: Cloud Functions limits the number of functions that one user can run concurrently.
    • Resolution: If you need to increase the number of functions to be run concurrently, please contact our Cloud Functions service. For more information, see Cloud Functions system restrictions.

    The trigger is executed faster or more often than the batch time I set up.

    • Cause: The parameter of a Cloud Functions action cannot exceed 1 MB.
    • Resolution: If the IoT batch message exceeds the size limit, the Cloud Functions action is immediately executed regardless of the preset batch time.

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