CLOVA CareCall glossary
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    CLOVA CareCall glossary

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    To use CareCall, you need to be familiar with a few terms. The terms and their explanations are listed below.

    CLOVA CareCall builder

    A separately provided web service to access the detailed features of CLOVA CareCall, which can be used after registering for a separate membership.

    Phone Call (Call)

    An AI phone call made to check the health and well-being of campaign recipients during the execution of a campaign.


    By setting the frequency and time, you can have the AI call the recipient periodically at a set time to check their health and well-being. If the call is unsuccessful, it will be retried based on the specified number of retries.

    Campaign administrator

    The person who manages the campaign.

    Campaign recipient group (Recipient group)

    A group of people in need of care who will receive calls from the AI based on the settings of the campaign you created.

    Campaign recipient (Recipient)

    A person in need of care who will receive outbound calls from the AI based on the execution of the campaign.

    Contact Center

    A basic unit for using CLOVA CareCall, created and managed in the NAVER Cloud Platform Console.

    CLOVA CareCall

    A service that allows you to check and manage the health and well-being of care recipients through natural phone calls powered by AI.


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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