CLOVA CareCall overview
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    CLOVA CareCall overview

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    Article summary

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    CLOVA CareCall is NAVER Cloud Platform's first and largest AI-based well-being check service in Korea. With CLOVA CareCall, you can check in with people in need of healthcare including problems with sleeping, eating, etc., and monitor for any abnormalities through natural conversations led by AI.


    Currently, CLOVA CareCall is available as a service under the CLOVA AiCall submenu. To use the service from the console, click Services > AI Services > CLOVA AiCall > CareCall menu, or search for "CareCall" in the search bar that appears after clicking the Services menu in the console and click CLOVA AiCall > CareCall menu.

    Various features provided by CLOVA CareCall

    The multiple features offered by CLOVA CareCall is as follows:

    • Free-flowing conversations: ask and answer contextual questions based on HyperCLOVA for a natural conversation
    • Targeted well-being check conversation: a new technology that combines free-flowing conversations with purpose-driven chat, enabling conversations with a specific purpose while maintaining a natural conversation flow.
      <example> If there is a natural disaster warning at the time of a conversation with AI, it will provide safety instructions to follow in a disaster situation. When the natural disaster situation passes, it will check to see if there is any damage to the care recipient.
    • Remember conversations: a first for AI interactive services, this feature allows you to use your previous conversations in your next call for personalized conversations with your audience
    • Streamline and monitor work: in addition to AI phone calls, we offer a range of tools to help municipalities efficiently manage large-scale care operations

    CLOVA CareCall user guide

    CLOVA CareCall provides services in the Korean region. For efficient use of CLOVA CareCall, check the following table of contents.

    The NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources as well as the user guide in order to help customers better understand CLOVA CareCall. If you are a developer or marketer in need of detailed information while you are considering adopting CLOVA CareCall or establishing data related policies, make good use of the resources below.

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