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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    In CLOVA OCR > Domain of the NAVER Cloud Platform console, you can create and manage General domains that extract text. This guide describes how to create and use General-type domains. For more information about how to view, delete, and copy a domain list, and how to integrate with an API Gateway, see Domain.

    Create domain

    The following describes how to create a domain whose service type is General.

    1. From the Region menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click and select the region you're using.
    2. From the Platform menu, click to select between VPC and Classic.
    3. Click Services > AI Services > CLOVA OCR in order.
    4. Click the Domain menu.
    5. Click the [Create domain] button, and then click the [General/Template] button.
    6. When the Create domain pop-up window appears, enter the required information.
      • Domain name: enter a name between 1 to 50 characters using Korean letters, English uppercase and lowercase letters, Chinese letters, Japanese letters, numbers, and full/half-width special characters (& 。_ - × 々), and click the [Check] button to check for duplicates.
      • Domain code: enter a code between 1 to 50 characters excluding spaces using English uppercase and lowercase letters and special characters (.?&。_-×々), and then click the [Check] button to check for duplicates.
      • Supported language: click to select the type of language supported by the domain.
      • Service type: click to select General.
    7. Click the [Create domain] button.
    8. To automatically recognize the table area in documents and get it returned in a structured format with text, then click [Table extraction] from the list of created domains.

    For more detailed descriptions of each field in step 6, see View domain list of Domain.

    Using demo

    You can use the General OCR feature by uploading images to the NAVER Cloud Platform console without API Gateway integration. Recognition results can be viewed line by line, and they can be downloaded. When checking General OCR results, the usage fee for one General OCR call is incurred.
    The following describes how to use the General OCR feature in the NAVER Cloud Platform console without API Gateway integration.

    1. From the Region menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click and select the region you're using.
    2. From the Platform menu, click to select between VPC and Classic.
    3. Click Services > AI Services > CLOVA OCR in order.
    4. Click the Domain menu.
    5. Click the [Demo] button of a General domain.
    6. When the General OCR demo page appears, click to select the supported language, and then add the images.
      • Image file upload standard
        • Size: up to 50 MB
        • Format: jpg, png, pdf, tiff
          • PDF: supports up to 10-page files when calling APIs and up to 30-page files for a batch process
        • Resolution: 150 dpi or higher based on A4, a minimum of 10 px up to 1960 px on long axis recommended
    7. Check the recognition result, and then copy or download the result.
      • To copy the recognition result text: click the [Copy] button.
      • To download the recognition result: click to select between xls and json for the download file format, and then click the [Download] button.

    Integrate with API Gateway

    The following describes how to integrate the API Gateway to set Invoke URLs for General OCR.

    1. From the Region menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click and select the region you're using.
    2. From the Platform menu, click to select between VPC and Classic.
    3. Click Services > AI Services > CLOVA OCR in order.
    4. Click the Domain menu.
    5. Click the [API Gateway integration] button of a General domain.
    6. When the API Gateway integration pop-up window appears, set up the required information.

    Call API

    Once you complete the invoke URL settings of Text OCR, you can enter images by calling the API provided by CLOVA OCR, and get the recognized value. For more information about how to call APIs, see the following guide:

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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