OCR Reader
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    OCR Reader

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    OCR Reader provides the users with their general and template domains created with CLOVA OCR in the form of a web UI, making it easy for even non-developers to understand and use the service. The OCR Reader service requires storage. You can create storage using Object Storage on the NAVER Cloud Platform. For more information on how to create buckets using Object Storage, see Object Storage user guide.


    You can subscribe to the Object Storage service for free. The description and usage fees of the Object Storage service can be found in Service > Storage > Object Storage on the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

    OCR Reader screen

    This page describes how to use OCR Reader.


    ① Menu NameName of the menu currently being viewed
    ② FeaturesSearch text, create/configure/delete a folder
    ③ Folder ListView the folder list and folder information

    View the folder list

    You can view the folder information in the OCR Reader list. To view the information, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Region menu in the NAVER Cloud Platform console, select the region you're using.
    2. In the Platform menu, select one from VPC and Classic.
    3. Click Services > AI Services > CLOVA OCR.
    4. Click OCR Reader.
    5. You can view the folder information from the folder list.
      • Name: folder name
      • Recognition Type: recognition settings
      • Size: size of the document in the folder
      • Date Created: date when the folder is created

    Create a folder

    To create a folder, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Region menu in the NAVER Cloud Platform console, select the region you're using.
    2. In the Platform menu, select one from VPC and Classic.
    3. Click Services > AI Services > CLOVA OCR.
    4. Click OCR Reader.
    5. Click [Create Folder].
    6. Enter the necessary information.
      • Recognition Type: select the document recognition type
        • Text/Table: extract all text/tables in the image
        • Template: extract text or values within the specified area
      • Create Folder: Folder Settings:
        • Text/Table option
          * Folder name: a combination of lowercase letters and numbers and up to 25 characters
          * Folder location: Object Storage bucket to save the recognized image
          * Automatic creation: create a random bucket in Object Storage
          * Manual selection: specify a bucket in Object Storage
          * Supported languages: select one from Korean, Japanese, and Chinese
          * Table extraction: set whether or not to extract tables. Enable the option in the selected domain to extract the tables.
        • Template option
          * Folder name: a combination of lowercase letters and numbers and up to 25 characters
          * Folder location: Object Storage bucket to save the recognized image. The folder location remains even after you delete the folder.
          * Automatic creation: create a random bucket in Object Storage
          * Manual selection: specify a bucket in Object Storage
          * Domain ID: set the domain to run recognition on. (Domain ID/Domain Name/Domain Code)
          * Template auto-classification: select the template to run recognition on from the templates in the domain set with the Domain ID.
    7. Click [Create].

    Upload a target file

    To upload a target file, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Region menu in the NAVER Cloud Platform console, select the region you're using.
    2. In the Platform menu, select one from VPC and Classic.
    3. Click Services > AI Services > CLOVA OCR.
    4. Click OCR Reader.
    5. In the folder list, double click the folder to upload the file.
    6. Click Upload File.
    7. Drag the file to upload with your mouse or select the image from the upload window.
    8. Click [Apply].
    9. Click [Run Recognition].
    10. Check the recognition results.




    User fees may be incurred when you click [Run Recognition] depending on the domain type.

    Edit the folder information

    To edit the folder information, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Region menu in the NAVER Cloud Platform console, select the region you're using.
    2. In the Platform menu, select one from VPC and Classic.
    3. Click Services > AI Services > CLOVA OCR.
    4. Click OCR Reader.
    5. Click the folder to edit and click [Folder Settings].
    6. Edit the information.
    7. Click [Apply].

    Delete a folder

    To delete a folder, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Region menu in the NAVER Cloud Platform console, select the region you're using.
    2. In the Platform menu, select one from VPC and Classic.
    3. Click Services > AI Services > CLOVA OCR.
    4. Click OCR Reader.
    5. Click the folder to delete and click [Delete].
    6. When the Delete pop-up window appears, click [OK].

    Deleting the folder from the menu does not delete the folder you created. You can also delete the images stored in the object storage if necessary.

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