CLOVA Studio JP glossary
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    CLOVA Studio JP glossary

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    You must become familiar with a few terms to use CLOVA Studio JP. The terms and their definitions are as follows.

    AI Services

    NAVER Cloud Platform's Service category that supports easy and convenient establishment competitive AI services by using the latest artificial intelligence services, such as CLOVA and Papago, that have been learning from the abundant data in NAVER

    CLOVA Studio

    NAVER's service that allows users to easily create AI with simple descriptions and examples using HyperCLOVA's super-large-scale AI, which has learnt a massive amount of data and documents


    A language model used when generating the result value, providing Japanese engines (LJ-B, LJ-C, LJ-D)

    Interface Test

    Function to verify the performance and accuracy of the trained model after tuning training is completed

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Service that realize a part or all of human intellectual abilities in an artificial way

    Test app

    An app that provides temporary APIs that can be tested before being applied to real services


    A word piece made by dividing a word for processing natural language


    A method of creating a model optimized for the user by training the user dataset


    Setting values that affect the result value to be generated


    What you need to enter to perform tasks in CLOVA Studio JP

    Probability-based language model

    It is a language model that can predict the next word based on probability. The HyperCLOVA language model is used in CLOVA Studio JP.


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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