Using SourcePipeline
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    Using SourcePipeline

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    If you've checked the specifications provided by the SourcePipeline service and duly noted usage scenarios and glossary, you're ready to start using SourcePipeline. The first thing to do now is to create SourcePipeline and compose a pipeline project. The creation, execution, and management of SourcePipeline are conducted from NAVER Cloud Platform console.

    User permissions

    Check the SourcePipeline permissions for your login account and set the sub account permissions in Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account from the console as needed.

    • Customer account: can use all SourcePipeline features without limitation
    • Sub account created by customer: one of the following permissions is required to use SourcePipeline
      • NCP_INFRA_MANAGER: can use all services in NAVER Cloud Platform including SourcePipeline, same as the customer account. However, some management features of My page are excluded.
      • NCP_SOURCE_PIPELINE_MANAGER / NCP_VPC_SOURCE_PIPELINE_MANAGER: can use all features in the SourcePipeline service

    Preparing to create SourcePipeline

    To create and use SourcePipeline, you need to use the SourceCommit, SourceBuild, SourceDeploy, and Object Storage services first.
    For more detailed usage instructions, see each service's user guide.

    SourceCommitA private Git repository service for secure storage and management of source code and filesSourceCommit
    SourceBuildA service that allows you to create an independent build server in real time to simultaneously handle multiple build requestsSourceBuild
    SourceDeployA deployment service that automates deployment for server groupsSourceDeploy
    Object StorageA service that provides a file storage space for users to store and explore the data they want, anytime and anywhereObject Storage

    Create SourcePipeline

    To create a pipeline, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Developer Tools > SourcePipeline in order.
    3. Click the [Create pipeline] button to create a new pipeline.
    4. When the pipeline creation page appears, proceed with the following steps in order.

    1. Basic settings

    Enter basic settings information and click the [Next] button.

    • A pipeline name can only contain English letters, numbers, and special characters (- and _).
    • You may enter 3 to 500 characters in Pipeline description.

    2. Configure pipeline

    You can build a pipeline by setting up tasks to be connected.

    • If you're using a deployment approval stage in the SourceDeploy service, you can use the approval stage as is when you build a pipeline. However, the approval stage can't be used if you run the pipeline with a trigger.
    • When configuring a pipeline, the email and SMS transfer feature related to deployment approval is provided (planned).

    The following is the pipeline configuration page's layout.


    Add taskSet up tasks to connect (see Step 2 in the following procedure)
    ② Pre-settings fieldThe task added by the above step ① is displayed (see Steps 3-4 below)
  • It is not set as a pipeline run target
  • Once set as a task target, it moves to the ③ settings field
  • ③ Settings fieldThe setting area completed with task connection (see Step 5 below)
  • Tasks are displayed in a chain format according to the pipeline run order
  • If removed from the task target, it moves to the ② pre-settings field
  • Set triggerSet trigger events (see Step 6 below)

    To build a pipeline, follow these steps:

    1. Click the [Add task] button on the pipeline configuration page.

    2. Enter the settings information in the task configuration pop-up window, and click the [OK] button.

      • Name: the name of a task must be unique within the current pipeline
      • Type: select SourceBuild or SourceDeploy. The service type you selected will determine the enter information items subsequently displayed.
      • [If you’ve selected SourceBuild]
        • Project: select a SourceBuild project. Connection information will be displayed underneath when you select it.
        • Connection information field
          • Type: when creating a SourceBuild project or changing settings, the type selected in the build target item (SourceCommit, Github, Bitbucket, Github Enterprise Server)
          • Repository: displays information for the repository connected
          • Branch: displays branch information for the repository connected. You can change it to a branch needed for configuring the pipeline.
      • [If you’ve selected SourceDeploy]
        • Project: select a SourceDeploy project
        • Stage: select a stage for the selected SourceDeploy project
        • Scenario: select a scenario for the selected SourceDeploy project. Scenarios that can be executed are exposed in the list. Connection information will be displayed underneath when you select it.
        • Connection information field
          • Type: displays the type selected from the Deployment file location field when creating a deployment scenario or changing settings (SourceBuild, Object Storage)
          • Information: displays the build project name or Object Storage path information set according to the selected type from the Deployment file location field of the deployment scenario
    3. Click i-SourcePipeline-add of the task you want to set among the tasks in the Pre-settings field on the pipeline configuration page.

      • To view the task's settings status in detail or edit it, click i-SourcePipeline-set of the task to view or edit its settings. (See Step 2 of the procedure above.)
      • To delete a task, click i-SourcePipeline-delete-02, and then click the [Delete] button from the pop-up window.
    4. Select a preceding task in the preceding task selection pop-up window, and then click the [OK] button.

      • The tasks set up will move to the Settings field on the right.
      • If No preceding task is selected, then the task is set as the first task.
      • If a preceding task is selected, the task is set to be placed after the preceding task.
    5. Check if the task order is configured correctly in the pipeline in the Settings field.

      • To view the task's settings status in detail or edit it, click i-SourcePipeline-set of the task to view or edit its settings. (See Step 2 of the procedure above.)
      • To change the order of a task, click i-SourcePipeline-add of the task, select the preceding task to move, and then click the [OK] button.
      • To set the task as the first task in the pipeline, click the selected preceding task to deselect it, select No preceding task, and then click the [OK] button.
      • If there are 2 or more first tasks (tasks marked as No preceding task) in the Settings field, the pipeline can't be configured. Select a preceding task to get the tasks ordered, or delete a task if unnecessary.
      • To delete a task, click i-SourcePipeline-delete-02of the task, and then click the [Delete] button from the pop-up window. A task deleted from the Settings field won't be removed completely from the project but moved to the Pre-settings field.
    6. Click and select a checkbox of the Type field to configure a trigger event.

      • Push trigger
        • If a push event occurs in the repository/branch (SourceCommit), the pipeline runs automatically. It will also run when a commit event such as web editing occurs on the console of the SourceCommit service.
        • To add a push trigger event, select a repository and branch registered to SourceCommit in the Repository and Branch fields, and then click the [Add] button.
        • To delete a trigger event you’ve set, click i-SourcePipeline-delete-01 to delete it from the trigger list.
      • Pipeline trigger
        • Once the execution of a triggered pipeline is completed, the pipeline runs automatically.
        • To add a pipeline trigger, select a project registered in SourcePipeline from the pipeline field and click the [Add] button.
        • When configured recursively, the pipeline may run consecutively.
      • Scheduled trigger
        • The pipeline runs automatically at the scheduled time.
        • To schedule, follow these steps:
          1. Click the [Create] button on the schedule settings page.
            1. Enter the settings information in the scheduling pop-up window and then click the [OK] button.
            • Repeat: select the day of the week to repeat. When you click Every day, it will select all days of the week.
            • Time: enter the time for the pipeline to run automatically. It can be entered in the [HH:mm] format, and the pipeline will run according to the selected TimeZone.
            • Whether to execute: the pipeline will run if there are additional commits in the SourceBuild project at the time when the SourcePipeline is set and in the SourceCommit repository set in the SourceDeploy scenario, or if there is no success run after the settings of the SourcePipeline are changed.
    7. Once the pipeline configuration is completed, click the [Next] button.

    3. Final confirmation

    After checking the set details, click the [Create pipeline] button.

    SourcePipeline page

    To check the basic information of a pipeline, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Developer Tools > SourcePipeline in order.
    3. View the pipeline's basic information from the pipeline list.

    The following are the descriptions for each item of the pipeline list page.


    ① Menu nameName of the menu currently being viewed and the number of SourcePipelines in operation
    Create pipelineCreate a new pipeline
    Go to pipelineGo to the Run pipeline page
    Change settingsChange pipeline settings
    DeleteDelete pipeline
    ⑥ Search fieldDisplays the number of items to be shown in the search window and list
    ⑦ Pipeline listView the basic information for the pipelines created
    ⑧ View triggerView trigger events set in the pipeline

    View trigger events

    To view trigger events, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Developer Tools > SourcePipeline in order.
    3. From the pipeline list, click the [View] button of the trigger row of the pipeline name to be viewed.
    4. Check the trigger events set in the trigger information pop-up window.

    Run SourcePipeline

    To run a pipeline, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.

    2. Click Services > Developer Tools > SourcePipeline in order.

    3. Click the pipeline name to be run from the pipeline list.

      • Alternatively, select the checkbox on the left of the pipeline name, and then click the [Go to pipeline] button.
    4. From the Pipeline tab page, check the information and settings for the pipeline.

      • You can change the repository's branch and deployment scenario before running a pipeline. However, the new settings only apply for the current run of the pipeline.
    5. Check the SourceBand issue connection information.

    6. To connect this pipeline run to a SourceBand issue, select Connection.

      • To select a SourceBand issue to connect, click the [Select Issue] button.
      • In the SourceBand issue connection pop-up window, search for and add the issue to connect.
      • To connect a SourceBand issue, you must apply for the SourceBand product.
      • The SourceBand issue connection information is not saved and only applies to this pipeline run.
    7. From the Pipeline tab page, click the [Run pipeline] button.

      • When the pipeline runs, you are transferred to the Task result tab and the task status will change from Ready to Running in the task result list.
    8. Check the progress in the Task result tab screen.

      • To cancel a task while a pipeline is running, click the [Cancel] button on the task. Upon cancellation, the task status will be displayed as Canceled.
      • If the task status is Failed, Canceled, or Error, the [Rerun] button will be displayed. The [Rerun] button is only shown on the last task executed.
      • For more information about task results, see View SourcePipeline task result.

    View SourcePipeline task result

    To check a pipeline task result, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Developer Tools > SourcePipeline in order.
    3. Click the pipeline name you want to see the task result of from the pipeline list.
      • Alternatively, select the checkbox of the pipeline name, and then click the [Go to pipeline] button.
    4. From the pipeline details page, click the Task result tab.
    5. Click the task you want to see from the pipeline task result list and check the task result.
      • Click i-SourcePipeline-log to view the result in detail for each task. You'll be directed to the task result page of the SourceBuild or SourceDeploy service. If you do not have the permission to use SourceBuild or SourceDeploy, checking logs may be restricted.
      • If the task status is Failed, Canceled, or Error, you can Rerun SourcePipeline.
      • For how to use SourceBuild and SourceDeploy, see each service user guide.

    Rerun SourcePipeline

    You can rerun the most recent pipeline task where a cancellation, failure, or error has occurred.
    You can rerun it even if the pipeline's task configuration hasn't changed.

    To rerun a pipeline, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Developer Tools > SourcePipeline in order.
    3. Click the pipeline name to be rerun from the pipeline list.
      • Alternatively, select the checkbox of the pipeline name, and then click the [Go to pipeline] button.
    4. From the pipeline details page, click the Task result tab.
    5. Click the [Rerun] button in the pipeline task result list.
      • If the task status is Failed, click i-SourcePipeline-log of the task to understand the cause of the failure from the task result page of the SourceBuild or SourceDeploy service. Configure the task again, and then click the [Rerun] button.
    6. If the task fails again, repeat Step 5 above and eliminate the causes for failure.

    Change SourcePipeline settings

    To change pipeline settings, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Developer Tools > SourcePipeline in order.
    3. From the pipeline list, select the checkbox of the pipeline name you want to change settings for and then click the [Change settings] button.
      • Be careful with the selection, because clicking the name of a created pipeline will direct you to the Run pipeline page.
    4. Edit the pipeline description in the Basic information field.
      • If you edit Source phase, Build phase and Deploy phase are reset.
    5. In the Pipeline configuration and Trigger settings fields, change the settings for the connected tasks in the pipeline and trigger events.
    6. Click the [Apply] button after changing the settings.

    To change pipeline settings, you must log in with the customer account or a sub account with the NCP_INFRA_MANAGER permission, or the pipeline user account (sub account) must have the changeProject permission, one of the detailed permissions for pipeline, for the selected pipeline.

    Delete SourcePipeline

    To delete a pipeline, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Developer Tools > SourcePipeline in order.
    3. Select the pipeline you want to delete from the pipeline list, and then click the [Delete] button.
      • Be careful with the selection, because clicking the name of a created pipeline will direct you to the Run pipeline page.
    4. Check the details in the pipeline project deletion confirmation pop-up window, and then click the [Delete] button.

    To delete a pipeline, you must log in with the customer account or a sub account with the NCP_INFRA_MANAGER permission, or the pipeline user account (sub account) must have the deleteProject permission, one of the detailed permissions for pipeline, for the selected pipeline.

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