Access quick links
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    Access quick links

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Once you create a Data Forest app, quick links will be provided for every app. This guide explains types of quick links and how to access them.

    1. AppMaster UI

    Apps run in YARN application formats, so all apps have a quick link to AppMaster. Clicking on the AppMaster link brings up the "AppMaster" page. Enter your Data Forest account and password to log in.

    Once you logged in to AppMaster, you can see all the apps owned by the user account.


    AboutCluster and RM information
    NodesNode information
    Node LabelsCluster's node label information
    ApplicationsThe apps can be viewed by status (app status: NEW, NEW_SAVING, SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED, KILLED)
    SchedulerApplication queue's details


    ConfigurationCluster settings information
    Local logsView each container's log. Only accounts with the admin permission can access
    Server stacksStack information
    Server metricsCluster's entire metric

    The local log page is only accessible from an account with the admin permission. Regular users can't access it. If they try to access the menu, the HTTP 403 error will appear.

    2. Web Shell UI

    It is a web shell where you can directly access the YARN container. Enter your Data Forest account and password to log in. Users can't be changed in a web shell.


    3. Supervisor UI

    The supervisor monitors whether ES processes running in different containers are live, and manages them. You can restart or stop an ES process, or view its logs. A supervisor UI exists for each node role.

    • supervisor-es-ingest-0: it manages ingest node processes.
    • supervisor-es-coord-0: it manages coordinating node processes.
    • supervisor-es-data-0: it manages data node processes.
    • supervisor-es-master-0: it manages master node processes.

    Log in by entering the Data Forest account and password to see the screen as below.

    4. HTTP REST API address

    Apps such as Elasticsearch and Spark History Server provide REST APIs. Use the HTTP REST API address for the configuration required for integration.

    5. JDBC connection string

    The JDBC connection string provided by the Apache Hive app is a connection string used when connecting with JDBC from Beeline, Apache Zeppelin, Apache Hue, or a user-defined program.

    To access the quick links of the app created in Data Forest, create a notebook first. After completing the notebook creation, you can connect to the notebook server through SSH tunneling and then access Data Forest quick links.

    1. Create notebook

    The following describes how to create a notebook.

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click VPC from the Platform menu to switch to the VPC environment.
    3. Click the Products & Services > Networking > VPC menus sequentially.
    4. Create 1 or more VPCs.
      • Can use multiple machines in the same VPC
    5. Click the Products & Services > Networking > VPC > Subnet Management menus sequentially.
    6. Create a public subnet.
    7. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Big Data & Analytics > Data Forest menus sequentially.
    8. Click the Notebooks > Create Notebook buttons on the left.
    9. Create a notebook by entering detailed information about the notebook you want to create, authentication key information, and other details on the notebook setting screen.
    • For more information on how to create a VPC, see VPC guide.
    • For more information on how to create a notebook, see Create notebook.

    2. Set ACG rules

    The following describes how to change the ACG rules of a notebook.

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Big Data & Analytics > Data Forest > Notebooks menus sequentially.
    2. Select the notebook to access, and then click the ACG shortcut on the View details page.
    3. Select the ACG to change the settings, and then click the Set [ACG] button.
    4. Enter the four information items below and add an ACG rule.
    • Protocol: TCP
    • Access source: IP of the local equipment used for SSH communication
    • Allowed port: 22
    • Note (optional)

    3. SSH tunneling setup and connection

    1. To create an SSH tunnel between your PC and laptop, enter the following command in the terminal of your PC.

      • Use the -D {port number} option to specify an arbitrary port from the user's PC.
      • Your SSH access account is forest and isn't changeable.
       $ ssh -i <PEM-FILE-PATH> -C2qTnNf -D 9494 forest@<Notebook_domain>
    2. Access the notebook node using the authentication key issued when creating the notebook.

    4. Set proxy

    Set proxy in the Firefox browser

    The following describes how to set up proxy in the Firefox browser.

    1. Open a Firefox browser window.
    2. Click the df-quick-start_i-firefox > Settings> Network settings > [Settings] button at the upper right of the browser window.
    3. Click Internet proxy access settings > Manual proxy settings.
    4. Enter the SOCKS host information.
      • Select SOCKS v5
      • SOCKS host: enter
      • Port: 9494
    5. Select the "do not ask upon authentication if the password is saved" and the "proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5" checkboxes.
    6. Once the proxy setting is completed, click the [OK] button.

    When not accessing the Data Forest server, you must change the proxy setting to "No Proxy" to use the Internet normally.

    Set proxy in the Chrome browser on macOS

    The following describes how to set up proxy in the Crome browser on macOS.

    Run the following command in cmd.

    $ /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --proxy-server="socks5://"

    Set proxy in the Chrome browser on Windows

    The following describes how to set up proxy in the Chrome browser on Windows.

    1. Right-click the Chrome icon, and then click Properties.
    2. When the Chrome properties window appears, add --proxy-server="socks5://" at the end of the input text in the [Shortcut] tab > Target (T).

    The following describes how to check the connection after completing the quick links access settings.

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Big Data & Analytics > Data Forest menus sequentially.
    2. Click the Data Forest > Apps menus on the left.
    3. Click the app to check the quick links, and open the details area.
    4. From the app details area, click the link under Quick links > AppMaster.
    5. Check if the AppMaster login page opens.

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    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.