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File Safer overview
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Available in Classic and VPC
File Safer is a NAVER Cloud Platform service that helps check if the files and outlinks provided through the web contain malware. Upload/download files, URLs included in bulletin board posts, files attached to mails, and update files deployed to multiple people can be infected with malware at any time by attackers with malicious purposes. File Safer provides functions to detect and monitor malware in order to minimize the damage that may occur due to this situation.
File Safer consists of Hash Filter and File Filter, and File Safer function can be used through the NAVER Cloud Platform console and REST API call.
- Hash Filter: it extracts hash values of files suspected of being malware or hash values of URL strings to determine whether they are malicious or not
- File Filter: it checks whether the file object that has not been confirmed by Hash Filter is malicious
Various features provided by File Safer
The following describes the various features provided by File Safer.
- Provision of various inspection methods: File Safer provides methods to scan and analyze all files suspected of being infected with new or variant malware that is difficult to identify only with the hash value. It can be used for preliminary inspection of the development version before service release.
- View detection history and usage status: you can view malware detection status and scan history from the console. It provides the number of requests and detections per unit time as statistics.
- Provision of the REST API: the REST API is provided so that File Safer functions can be implemented in users’ application or web service.
The table below shows the functions provided by the REST API and the functions provided by the console.
Service Classification Features Description Hash Filter Console View malware detection status View Hash Filter scan statistics of the day, and usage by period View detection history Download the detailed history of Hash Filter malware scan View Hash Directly enter the value (MD5, SHA-1) to check if it is malicious Set result notifications Scan result email reception settings, notification condition settings, and advanced settings (threshold settings) REST API Scan Hash Extract the hash value of the file or the hash value of URL string to request a scan and view results through the API call Set result notifications Set and view the Hash Filter scan result email reception/notification condition/notification condition threshold File Filter Console View malware detection status View File Filter scan statistics of the day and usage by period View analysis history Download the detailed history of File Filter malware scan Analyze File Directly upload one file to check if it is malicious Set result notifications Scan result email reception settings, notification condition settings, and advanced settings (threshold settings) REST API Request file scan Request malware scan and view results by sending the file object through the API call View file scan results View the results of previously performed file scans through the API call Set result notifications Set and view the File Filter scan result email reception/notification condition/notification condition threshold
File Safer user guide
File Safer provides services in the Korea, US, Singapore, Japan, and Germany region. The services provided by each region are the same. and check the following table of contents and their details for efficient use of File Safer.
- File Safer overview: introduction to File Safer, a helpful guide to using File Safer, related resources, and FAQ
- Prerequisites for using File Safer: information on environment specifications supported by File Safer, service support specifications, and usage fees
- File Safer concept: information on the process of blocking malware with File Safer
- File Safer scenarios: information on the entire process of using File Safer
- Getting started with File Safer: information on how to subscribe and unsubscribe File Safer
- Using File Safer: information on how to use File Safer in the NAVER Cloud Platform console
- Subscribe and unsubscribe: it describes how to use the File Safer > Subscription menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console screen.
- Hash Filter: it describes how to use the Hash Filter functions on the NAVER Cloud Platform console screen.
- File Filter: it describes how to use the File Filter functions on the NAVER Cloud Platform console screen.
- Notification Setting: it describes how to explain the malware scan result to targets on the NAVER Cloud Platform console screen.
- Developing File Safer: information on how to create a malware scan program by calling the File Safer REST API
- Developing Hash Filter: it describes how to write Hash Filter codes using the Hash Filter REST API.
- Developing File Filter: it describes how to write File Filter codes using the File Filter REST API.
- Setting result notifications: it describes how to write codes that set scan result notification using the Hash Filter/File Filter REST API.
- Managing File Safer permissions: information on how to manage File Safer permissions using a Sub Account
- File Safer glossary: introduction to key terms and explanations you must know when using File Safer
- File Safer release notes: File Safer user guide update history
Resources related to File Safer
The NAVER Cloud Platform provides various related resources as well as a guide to help customers better understand File Safer. If you are considering adopting File Safer or if you are a developer or marketer in need of detailed information while establishing data-related policies, make good use of the following resources:
- Better understanding of File Safer and an advanced method of using File Safer
- File Safer API guide: File Safer REST API specifications
- Ncloud use environment guide: a guide on VPC and Classic environment and supported features
- Introduction to pricing, characteristics, and summary of detailed features: summary of the pricing system, characteristics, and detailed features of File Safer
- Latest service news: latest news related to File Safer
- Frequently Asked Questions: the questions that File Safer users frequently ask
- Contact us: send direct inquiries to us if your questions are not answered by the user guide
- Interface service user guide necessary for using File Safer
- API Gateway user guide: information on the procedure for having the API Key issued to use the File Safer REST API
- Sub Account user guide: information on how to use Sub Account that helps manage the File Safer operation permissions
Check FAQs first.
You can get answers to your questions quickly by referring to the FAQ before reading the guide. If answers to your questions are not found in the following frequently asked questions, search for them in the user guide.
Q. What is the difference between Hash Filter and File Filter?
A. Hash Filter uses the hash value extracted from a file or URL to determine whether it is malicious, and File Filter determines whether it is malicious by uploading and scanning the file object itself.
- As Hash Filter uses a fixed-length hash value, the transaction is short and concise, and the burden of parsing the result value is low. Therefore, there is no burden on the operating system interface and no burden on the user interface.
- As File Filter uploads files that have not been verified with Hash Filter to check whether they are malicious, the transaction is slower than Hash Filter, but it can check for new/variant malware. As Malware detected by File Filter is also added to the Hash Filter DB, it is automatically applied to Hash Filer after a new discovery.
Q. What are the benefits of using File Safer and how can I use it?
A. While operating the service, files are frequently uploaded or downloaded through bulletin boards, etc. and in this process, malware exploiting vulnerabilities may be uploaded or files infected with malware may be deployed. File Safer offers a number of malware scan tools that can be used to provide a reliable service in these cases. Using the REST API provided by File Safer, you can check whether the uploaded/downloaded file is malicious, and if necessary, allow/block the file to increase the reliability of service.
Q. What hash algorithms are supported?
A. The hash algorithms supported by File Safer are MD5 and SHA-1, and SHA-1 is recommended. SHA-3 will also be supported in the future.