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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Crash when attempting to log in with NAVER ID while building in 64-bit environment (Android builds with API 28 or higher)

    1. Add the following code to AndroidManifest.xml file.
      • In case of Unity, edit /Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml.
      // TODO: Put it in the <application> tag.
         <uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false" />

    You can replace it with a library patched for the section. gamepot-channel-naver.aar

    Play Store APK uploads generate encryption pattern security alerts

    From GAMEPOT SDK 3.3.0, nelo2-android-sdk-https-0.12.0.aar and nelo2-android-sdk-common-0.12.0.aar are equipped, resolving the above issue. However, due to the changed NAVER Cloud ELSA library, you must use the minSDK version 19 or higher.

    [For GAMEPOT SDK versions 3.2.0 and earlier]

    1. Problems that occur due to the obsolete logging library.
    2. (If you don't use the log feature in the dashboard) Delete the following GAMEPOT SDK libraries.
      • gamepot-logger.aar
      • nelo2-android-sdk-common-0.10.2.jar
      • nelo2-android-sdk-https-0.10.2.jar

    Error occurs during iOS Building

    The following cases cause an error because the "XXXXXX.framework" has the i386 x86_64 Archive information.

    error: Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'XXXXXX.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator.

    This is code that deletes architecture that isn't allowed. If the problem was NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework, work as below to delete it and then proceed with the build.

    lipo -remove x86_64 ./NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework/NaverThirdPartyLogin -o ./NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework/NaverThirdPartyLogin
    lipo -remove i386 ./NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework/NaverThirdPartyLogin -o ./NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework/NaverThirdPartyLogin

    Line i386 x86_64 IOS Archive Upload Issue

    From the console (terminal), go to the location of the LineSDK.framework file, and then enter the following commands one by one.

    This is code that deletes architecture that isn't allowed.

    lipo -remove x86_64 ./LineSDK.framework/LineSDK -o ./LineSDK.framework/LineSDK
    lipo -remove i386 ./LineSDK.framework/LineSDK -o ./LineSDK.framework/LineSDK
    lipo -remove x86_64 ./LineSDKObjC.framework/LineSDKObjC -o ./LineSDKObjC.framework/LineSDKObjC
    lipo -remove i386 ./LineSDKObjC.framework/LineSDKObjC -o ./LineSDKObjC.framework/LineSDKObjC

    Twitter i386 x86_64 iOS Build Issue

    From the console (terminal), go to the location of the TwitterCore.framework file, and then enter the following commands one by one.

    This is code that deletes architecture that isn't allowed.

    lipo -remove x86_64 ./TwitterCore.framework/TwitterCore -o ./TwitterCore.framework/TwitterCore
    lipo -remove i386 ./TwitterCore.framework/TwitterCore -o ./TwitterCore.framework/TwitterCore
    lipo -remove x86_64 ./TwitterKit.framework/TwitterKit -o ./TwitterKit.framework/TwitterKit
    lipo -remove i386 ./TwitterKit.framework/TwitterKit -o ./TwitterKit.framework/TwitterKit

    AdbrixRM i386 x86_64 iOS Build Issue

    From the console (terminal), go to the location of the AdBrixRM.framework file, and then enter the following commands one by one.

    This is code that deletes architecture that isn't allowed.

    lipo -remove x86_64 ./AdBrixRM.framework/AdBrixRM -o ./AdBrixRM.framework/AdBrixRM
    lipo -remove i386 ./AdBrixRM.framework/AdBrixRM -o ./AdBrixRM.framework/AdBrixRM

    This is code that deletes architecture that isn't allowed.

    lipo -remove x86_64 ./NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework/NaverThirdPartyLogin -o ./NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework/NaverThirdPartyLogin
    lipo -remove i386 ./NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework/NaverThirdPartyLogin -o ./NaverThirdPartyLogin.framework/NaverThirdPartyLogin

    Android build issues in Unity 2018.4.4 or higher, Unity 2019.2.0 or higher

    1. Edit the mainTemplate.gradle file as below.

      • Refer to the TODO field.
      // TODO: Remove all places where GradleVersion is used.
      buildscript {
          repositories {
              // if (GradleVersion.current() >= GradleVersion.version("4.2")) {
              // } else {
              //     jcenter()
              // }
          dependencies {
              // if (GradleVersion.current() < GradleVersion.version("4.0")) {
              //     classpath ''
              // } else if (GradleVersion.current() < GradleVersion.version("4.2")) {
              //     classpath ''
              // } else {
                        // TODO: Change the Android gradle plugin version to 3.4.0.
                  classpath ''
              // }
              classpath ''
      allprojects {
         repositories {
              flatDir {
                  dirs 'libs'
              // if (GradleVersion.current() >= GradleVersion.version("4.2")) {
              // } else {
              //     jcenter()
              // }
      dependencies {
          // if (GradleVersion.current() >= GradleVersion.version("4.2")) {
              implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
              implementation project(":GamePotResources")
              implementation project(':Firebase')
          // } else {
          //     compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
          //     compile project(":GamePotResources")
          //     compile project(':Firebase')
          // }
      fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.aar'])
              .each { File file ->
          // println
          // if (GradleVersion.current() >= GradleVersion.version("4.2")) {
              dependencies.add("implementation", [name:'.').with { it != -1 ?[0..<it] : }, ext: 'aar'])
          // } else {
          //     dependencies.add("compile", [name:'.').with { it != -1 ?[0..<it] : }, ext: 'aar'])
          // }
    2. Edit files related to Firebase.

      1. Download the patch file via the Link.
      2. Copy the file as follows.
         Copy the file in the above path to the path below.
        -> {unity project}/Assets/Firebase/Editor
        {unity project}/Assets/PlayServicesResolver/Editor
         Copy the file to the path below after deleting all files in the above path.
        -> /Firebase_patch/Assets/PlayServicesResolver/Editor
      3. Run Unity again if the /Assets/Plugins/Android/Firebase/res hasn't been created.

    (Unity) Application of NAVER Lounge SDK (described based on NaverSDK Ver 1.1.1)

    This page describes how to apply the NAVER Lounge SDK in the Unity environment. For a class duplication error, see the NAVER Game FAQ.

    • When applying the Unity plug-in package, exclude the navergame-sdk-1.1.1.aar file or delete it.

    • Equipped with Android native NAVER Lounge SDK library

    • Edit mainTemplate.gradle file (add libraries used for NAVER Lounge SDK)

      dependencies {
          implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1'
          implementation "androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.2.0"
          implementation "androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0"
          implementation "com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.6.4"
    • Delete duplicate libraries in ../Assets/Plugins/Android/libs folder (deletion list)

    • From NaverSDK version 1.2.X, the NAVER login feature is not available due to a library conflict with the GAMEPOT SDK NAVER login.

    • When reflecting the NaverSDK version 1.3.2

    1. Delete duplicated libraries in ../Assets/Plugins/Android/libs folder (deletion list): Depending on the environment, you may need to delete duplicate libraries in your build for the item.

    2. Change location of NAVER Lounge SDK library

      Change location 
    3. After creating the NaverGameDependencies.xml file in the following path (see the following content for the file content), in Unity, select the Jetifier item from the Assets > Play Services Resolver > Android Resolver > Settings menu.
      Enable Resolution On Build / Enable Auto-Resolution / Patch gradle items must be deselected before running Resolver.

          <androidPackage spec="com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0">
          <androidPackage spec="androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0">
    4. Place the com.naver.nid.naveridlogin-android-sdk-4.2.6.aar file in the following path to ensure it is included in the build.
      Download: com.naver.nid.naveridlogin-android-sdk-4.2.6.aar

    5. Edit /Assets/NGSDK/Plugins/iOS/ file

      (NSString *)getAuthSettingDescription {
          return NNGSDKManager.shared.authSettingDescription;
      - (NSString *)getAuthSettingDescription {
          return NNGSDKManager.shared.authSettingDescription;
    6. Add the following section in launcherTemplate.gradle

        packagingOptions {
    	// 20230322Add cause More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/kotlin-stdlib-common.kotlin_module'.
    	exclude("META-INF/*.kotlin_module") //-> Add

    (Unity) GoogleMobileAds SDK application (based on GoogleMobileAds-v6.1.2)

    In case of AdMob SDK (Unity), you must import the Unity package and use the Unity Play Services Resolver feature.

    select the Use Jetifier item from the Assets > Play Services Resolver > Android Resolver > Settings menu in Unity.
    Enable Resolution On Build / Enable Auto-Resolution / Patch gradle items must be deselected before running Resolver.

    In Unity, from the Assets > Play Services Resolver > IOS Resolver > Settings menu,
    clear the Add use_frameworks! to podfile/Always add the main target to Podfile field before proceeding with the iOS build.

    In case of an overlapping library error, delete one of the libraries.

    The list of overlapping libraries:


    (Unity) Appsflyer/Singular SDK application (based on appsflyer-v6.3.2, singular-v4.3.2)

    As with other SDKs, UnityAppController class must inherit from only one file in the project you build. If you mount GAMEPOT's Unity plugin package, then it inherits from GamePotAppDelegate.h by default. For ad tools like AppsFlyer or Singular, their libraries also inherit from UnityAppController, which may prevent GAMEPOT SDK from working.
    You must edit so it would inherit from only one file. The two ways to edit it are as follows.

    How to edit it manually

    Download the following file and edit it as shown below.

    [Patch based on appsflyer-v6.3.2]( [Patch based on singular-v4.3.2]( * Edit it like the GamePotAppDelegate.h edit file located in Assets > Plugins > iOS > Source. * For AppsFlyer: (a) Duplicate to create the AppsFlyerAppController.h file (b) Edit it like the AppsFlyerAppController.h and edit files * For Singular: (a) Duplicate to create the SingularAppDelegate.h file (b) Edit it like the SingularAppDelegate.h and edit files

    How to download files and import them to project

    Download following files and import them to the project.

    [appsflyer-v6.3.2]( [Singular-v4.3.2 ](

    (Unity) When applying Firebase SDK separately (based on Firebase Unity 8.7.0)

    When the Unity Editor’s version is lower than 2019.X, patch it before going forward.

    Patch Download: Patch Download

        [Replace folders and files]
        - Folder name modification due to Firebase library replacement 
        Existing: ../Assets/Plugins/Android/Firebase
        Edited: ../Assets/Plugins/Android/FirebaseApp.androidlib
        - Edit mainTemplate.gradle (edited based on the change of the folder name).
        dependencies {
        	implementation project('Firebase')
        dependencies {
        	implementation project('FirebaseApp.androidlib')
    • There are some Firebase SDKs in the GAMEPOT Unity plugin package, so when you install a separate Firebase SDK, an error occurs due to library duplication.
      You need to import the Firebase Unity SDK (FirebaseAnalytics.unitypackage/FirebaseMessaging.unitypackage + Firebase SDK you want to add) and use the Unity Play Services Resolver feature.
      select the Use Jetifier item from the Assets > Play Services Resolver > Android Resolver > Settings menu in Unity.
      Enable Resolution On Build / Enable Auto-Resolution / Patch gradle items must be deselected before running Resolver.
      In Unity, in the Assets > Play Services Resolver > IOS Resolver > Settings menu, clear the Add use_frameworks! to podfile/Always add the main target to Podfile field and proceed with the iOS build.
    1. Must delete overlapping library files:
    1. Check if code related to FCM is applied in ../Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml.
    <!-- FCM [start]-->
                    <action android:name=""/>
                    <action android:name=""/>
    <!-- FCM [End]-->
    <meta-data android:name="android.max_aspect" android:value="2.1" />
    1. Additional changes to iOS builds when applying Firebase Unity 9.4.0 or higher

    In the Unity Editor, find the Podfile file in the output after the iOS build, and edit it in the following format (if you have other libraries, add :modular_headers -> true).
    Firebase, FirebaseCore, and GoogleUtilities must be added as shown in the example.

    target 'UnityFramework' do
      pod 'Firebase/Analytics', '9.4.0'
      pod 'Firebase/Core', '9.4.0'
      pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '9.4.0'
    target 'UnityFramework' do
      pod 'Firebase/Analytics', '9.4.0' , :modular_headers => true
      pod 'Firebase/Core', '9.4.0' , :modular_headers => true
      pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '9.4.0' , :modular_headers => true
      pod 'Firebase', :modular_headers => true
      pod 'FirebaseCore', :modular_headers => true
      pod 'GoogleUtilities', :modular_headers => true

    Open the terminal, go the path where the Podfile file is located, run the pos install command, and when the Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace is created, proceed to build the project.

    $ pod install

    App installation failure with the following error when updating android, targetsdkversion to 31 or later

    Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/XXXXXXXX.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #445): io.gamepot.common.GamePotFCMIDService: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that an explicit value for android:exported be defined when intent filters are present]

    You need to define android:exported in AndroidManifest.xml.
    Add the following text. If you have anything else that uses activty, service, or receiver, you'll need to define it for that purpose as well.


                    <action android:name=""/>
                    <action android:name=""/>
            <!-- If you're not using the ELSA service, delete the following text. Proceed so that gamepot-logger.aar is not included in the build. [start]-->
                    <action android:name=""/>
            <!-- If you're not using the ELSA service, delete the following text. Proceed so that gamepot-logger.aar is not included in the build. [end]-->
            <!-- If you're not using NAVER login, delete the following text. [start]-->
            <activity android:exported="true" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:name="" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
                    <data android:host="authorize" android:path="/" android:scheme="naver3rdpartylogin"/>
            <!-- If you're not using NAVER login, delete the following text. [end]-->

    For Unreal

    In the GenerateManifest() function inside Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Platform/Android/UEDeployAndroid.cs, add the following code after determining the context in which you are creating the manifest.

            // Add GAMEPOT-related tags [start]
            Text.AppendLine("\t\t<service android:exported=\"false\" android:name=\"io.gamepot.common.GamePotFCMIDService\">");
            Text.AppendLine("\t\t    <intent-filter>");
            Text.AppendLine("\t\t        <action android:name=\"\"/>");
            Text.AppendLine("\t\t    </intent-filter>");
            Text.AppendLine("\t\t<service android:exported=\"false\" android:name=\"io.gamepot.common.GamePotFCMService\">");
            Text.AppendLine("\t\t    <intent-filter>");
            Text.AppendLine("\t\t        <action android:name=\"\"/>");
            Text.AppendLine("\t\t    </intent-filter>");
            // Add GAMEPOT-related tags [end]
            // Required for OBB download support

    If you use Facebook login and get Pending Intent error

    This is reflected in version 3.5.3 of the GAMEPOT SDK. If you are using an earlier version, then please check this separately.

    [For GAMEPOT SDK V3.4.2]

    After upgrading the SDK to version V3.4.2, replace and delete the duplicate library files below. This may vary depending on the version you are using. See the following for differences in the environment variables you need to set within gradle.

    This must be entered additionally.
    resValue "string", "facebook_client_token", "" // Facebook console > App > Settings > Advanced settings > Client token optional (facebook)

    [Unity patch]
    Related fix patch: Download

    Delete: patches as of GAMEPOT SDK 3.4.2 (Depending on when you apply GAMEPOT, you may need to delete additional duplicate libraries separately. )
      Add and replace:

    [Unreal patch]
    Related fix patch: Download

    1. Replace the fix patch file (gamepot-channel-facebook.aar)
    2. Fix Facebook-related versions in GamePot_Android_UPL.xml file
        <insertValue value=",facebook-android-sdk,13.2.0"/>
        implementation ''
        resValue "string", "facebook_client_token", "" // Facebook console > App > Settings > Advanced settings > Client token optional (facebook)

    [Android native patch]

    Related fix patch: Download

    1. Replace the fix patch file (gamepot-channel-facebook.aar)
    2. Fix Facebook-related versions and add environment variables in build.gradle
    dependencies {
        implementation ''
    defaultConfig {
        resValue "string", "facebook_client_token", "" // Facebook console > App > Settings > Advanced settings > Client token optional (facebook)

    When Unity firebase Message Intent error occurs

    Related fix patch: Download


    If you're not receiving push settings on Android OS 13 devices

    Starting with Android OS 13, the android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission is required to display push notifications. If your app is built with Targetsdk 31, the OS will display a pop-up about obtaining the permission internally once when the app receives a push in the foreground.
    The feature to obtain the android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission is not supported by the GAMEPOT SDK.
    You will need to develop your app separately to obtain the android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission at a specific point in time (e.g., upon completion of Terms and Conditions agreement or upon app launch). If the user declines, then you need to provide guidance on how push notifications won't show up unless they manually re-enable the notification permission in the app settings.

    Types of personal information collected by GAMEPOT SDK

    By Google Store App content field

    App communication is encrypted using HTTPS communication. If there is an unsubscribe feature, it deletes the member information upon unsubscribe completion. Select the App features field. Note that it is only used as a functional element of the app and doesn't use the account management feature.

    • Personal Information

      • Email address
      • User ID
    • Device or other ID

      • Device or other ID
    • Pictures or Videos

      • Photo
      • Video

    By the personal information collected by Apple Store App

    • Identifier
      • User ID (account information)
      • Device ID (IDFA, auto generated)
      • Purchased item
    • User contents
      • Photos or video
      • Support

    For user content, this applies to customers who use GAMEPOT PRO or higher, when they use the GAMEPOT customer inquiry UI. If you use the Object Storage function, you can upload an image file for CS.

    Was this article helpful?

    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.