Global CDN glossary
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    Global CDN glossary

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    There are several terms that you need to know to use Global CDN. The terms in the glossary and their definitions are as follows.

    Global CDN

    A NAVER Cloud Platform service that can deliver content quickly and stably anywhere around the world

    Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

    Initially developed to convert email file attachments into text and send them through the email system, they are currently used as a file conversion method when sending files in various formats through the web

    Security Token

    A feature, whose design is based on QueryString, that delivers content only when access is authorized

    Referrer Domain

    Method that provides content on specified domains only to prevent them from being referenced in other sites. Supports '' or '' formats, and only numbers, English letters, "###", "-", and "." can be used.

    Cache expiry

    Specifies the cycle for checking whether the content cached on CDN have been changed on the source server


    Behavior of storing on a cache server to provide user requested content quickly

    Ignore query string

    Behavior of removing GET parameters included in the URL, such as ?id=1234, and then making the request when the CDN service requests to the source server


    Feature that deletes content saved on the CDN cache server


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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