Terms for Global Traffic Manager
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    Terms for Global Traffic Manager

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    There are a few terms you must know to use Global Traffic Manager. The glossary and its description are as follows.

    Load Balancing

    Behavior of ensuring that loads are balanced in between devices that operate in parallel

    Backup Resource

    Replacement resource responded when resource fails in health check

    Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR)

    An IP display method that ignores the basic class of IPv4. As paths can be grouped together to reduce the amount of routing information sent by the core router, multiple IP networks exist as a bigger entity when observed from networks outside the group. When recording, the IP address and corresponding subnet mask should be separated by a period, and they should be displayed using 4 octets with slashes at the end and 2-digit numbers showing subnet masks.

    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

    Protocol used with an IP to send data in message formats between computers on the Internet. TCP performs the feature of tracking and managing data packets while the IP does the transmission.


    Processing at the web client's request asking to show specific information on the web server

    Time to Live (TTL)

    Method of displaying expiration dates of data on computers or networks


    Unit of transfer of data cut down for them to be transferred easily through networks

    Health Check

    The act of identifying abnormal resource by checking the resource status periodically


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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