Using OpenTSDB
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    Using OpenTSDB

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    OpenTSDB (Time Series Database), which operates on the basis of HBase, is a distributable and scalable time series database.
    OpenTSDB is created for processing tasks such as saving, indexing, and delivering metric information collected from servers, networks, and applications.

    OpenTSDB architecture

    • TSD (Time Series Daemon): saves entered metric information to the HBase storage.
    • Input source: metric information delivered from servers, networks, and applications.
    • Storage: uses HBase as the default storage to save the time series data.



    For more information on OpenTSDB, see OpenTSDB website

    This guide explains how to build OpenTSDB using Cloud Hadoop.

    For the information on the OpenTSDB open source used in this guide, see OpenTSDB.


    Create a server where you want to install OpenTSDB. This example describes the method to use for a Linux server.

    Use OpenTSDB

    First, check the requirements for installing OpenTSDB open source on the server. <Installation requirements> are as follows:

    Installation requirements

    • Java SE (JDK)
    • Gnuplot
    • OpenTSDB (open source)

    1. Install OpenTSDB

    The following describes how to install OpenTSDB on a server.

    1. Download JDK from the Oracle website using the following command, and install it on the server.

      rpm -ivh jdk-8u192-linux-x64.rpm
      • i: Install package
      • v: Print details
      • h: Print the installation progress status
    2. Use the yum package manager to install the gnuplot package required to create OpenTSDB graphs.

      yum -y install gnuplot
    3. Create a user account.

      useradd -m  -d /home/opentsdb -u 10001 opentsdb
    4. Create a log directory.

      mkdir /var/log/opentsdb && chown opentsdb:opentsdb /var/log/opentsdb
    5. Install the OpenTSDB open source.

      # root user
      su - opentsdb
      # opentsdb user
      git clone
      cd opentsdb
    6. Build the OpenTSDB source.

      # opentsdb user

    2. Install HBase client

    The following describes how to install the HBase client.

    1. Use the following command to download HBase Binary.

      # opentsdb user
      tar xvfz hbase-1.1.2-bin.tar.gz
      ln -s hbase-1.1.2 hbase
    2. Click [ACTIONS] > Download Client Configs in the Ambari UI, and then download the HBase client settings information.

      • For more information about accessing and using Ambari UI, see Ambari UI guide.
    3. Decompress the HBase client settings information.

      # opentsdb user
      tar xvfz HBASE_CLIENT-configs.tar.gz -C ~/opentsdb/hbase/conf
      sed -i -e 's|\(^export JAVA_HOME=.*\)|#\1|' ~/opentsdb/hbase/conf/
    4. Edit the opentsdb user's .bash_profile.

      # opentsdb user
      echo 'export HBASE_HOME=~/hbase'                   >> ~/.bash_profile
      echo 'export PATH=$PATH:${HBASE_HOME}/bin'         >> ~/.bash_profile
      echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_192-amd64' >> ~/.bash_profile
    5. Check the host name and private IP information of the Cloud Hadoop cluster in the Ambari UI > Hosts menus.

    6. Add the /etc/hosts information by using the following command.

      • Add the host name and Private IP information of the Cloud Hadoop cluster checked in the previous step.
      # root user
      # echo 'IP            host name'     >> /etc/hosts
      echo  '1**.**.*.*  e-001-*****-**'  >> /etc/hosts
      echo  '1**.**.*.*  m-001-*****-**'  >> /etc/hosts
      echo  '1**.**.*.*  m-002-*****-**'  >> /etc/hosts
      echo  '1**.**.*.*  d-001-*****-**' >> /etc/hosts
      echo  '1**.**.*.*  d-002-*****-**' >> /etc/hosts
    7. Test the access to hbase shell by using the following command.

      su - opentsdb
      # opentsdb user
      hbase shell
      HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
      Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
      Version 1.1.2, rcc2b70cf03e3378800661ec5cab11eb43fafe0fc, Wed Aug 26 20:11:27 PDT 2015

    If the connection to HBase Shell fails, add the OpenTSDB server to ACG of Cloud Hadoop. For more information on ACG settings, see Set firewall (ACG) guide.

    3. Create OpenTSDB table

    The following describes how to create an OpenTSDB table.

    1. Use the following command to create a TSDB table.

      # opentsdb user
      export TSDB_TTL=2147483647
      sh ~/opentsdb/src/
    2. View the table list with the following command.

      # opentsdb user
      hbase shell
      hbase(main):001:0> list
      4 row(s) in 0.1620 seconds
      => ["tsdb", "tsdb-meta", "tsdb-tree", "tsdb-uid"]

    4. Start OpenTSDB

    Use the following command to start TSD with Port 8888.

    # opentsdb user
     cd opentsdb
     ./build/tsdb tsd --port=8888 --staticroot=build/staticroot --
     cachedir=`pwd`/build/tmp --zkquorum=m-001-*****-**,m-002-*****-**,d-001-*****-**:
     2181 --zkbasedir=/hbase-unsecure &

    5. Store time series data in OpenTSDB

    The following describes how to save time series data to OpenTSDB.

    1. Use the following command to create the cpu.util metric.

      # opentsdb user
      .build/tsdb mkmetric cpu.util --zkquorum=m-001-*****-**,m-002-*****-**,d-001-*****-**:
      2181 --zkbasedir=/hbase-unsecure metrics cpu.util: [0, 0, 1]
    2. Use the following command to create a cpu.util metric collection script. (

      • Script source: see Effective Monitoring and Alerting
      # Ignore sar's header.  
      LC_ALL=en sar -u 1 | sed -u -e '1,3d' | 
      while read time cpu usr nice sys io steal idle; 
          NOW=$(date +%s)
          echo put cpu.util $NOW $usr time=user
          echo put cpu.util $NOW $sys time=system
          echo put cpu.util $NOW $io time=io
          echo put cpu.util $NOW $idle time=idle
          # Report values to standard error.
          echo timestamp:$NOW user:$usr sys:$sys io:$io idle:$idle >&2 
      done | nc -w 30 localhost 8888
    3. Use the following command to send the metric data to OpenTSDB.


    6. Check OpenTSDB graph

    The following describes how to check a OpenTSDB graph.

    1. Check the public IP of the OpenTSDB server from the server console.
    2. Connect to Port 8888 of the OpenTSDB server to view the collected graph.

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