IoT Device Hub glossary
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    IoT Device Hub glossary

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    Available in Classic and VPC

    There are a few terms you need to know to use IoT Device Hub. The terms and their descriptions are as follows.


    This is a term used with the same meaning as device and IoT device.


    This is a term used with the same meaning as product.

    Subscription type

    The term refers to a variety of combinations of the number of maximum devices that can be registered to a project when creating it, and the number of maximum messages that can be sent to a device registered on the project. The usage fee is calculated based on the selected subscription type.


    A subject who uses NAVER Cloud Platform's IoT Device Hub to provide IoT service configured on the cloud environment to (end) users.

    NAVER Cloud Platform console

    A web page where subscription request to IoT Device Hub and project creation take place.


    The term refers to the action of adding "device" information under Device registration on the device management console.


    A term used with the same meaning as device and IoT device, the actual physical product. It's a device an (end) user purchases and controls through the CLOVA app. Its registration and management is carried out under Device registration of the device management console.

    Device management console

    A web page where you actually register, manage, and monitor products and devices after completing IoT Device Hub subscription request and project creation.


    This refers to an order the user gives through the CLOVA app to control the device. The types of message (order) available for the user are the types of usable action set up by the admin when creating the product.

    Usable action

    It's a feature available (to send order or message through the CLOVA app) for users on a device, and is set up when the product, the archetype of the device, is created.


    An end user who purchases an IoT device with a System on Module (SoM) chip and experiences IoT service with the CLOVA app.


    The term refers to the action of adding "product" information under Product manager on the device management console.


    This is a term used with the same meaning as usable actions.

    End user

    This is a term used with the same meaning as user.


    This is a term used with the same meaning as enabling.

    Pricing plan

    It's a contract period where the usage fee billed by project based on the selected subscription type. There are monthly and annual pricing plans.


    Monthly pricing plans are provided as of February 2022. Annual pricing plan support will be provided in the future.


    It is an abstracted archetype of IoT device. After creating a product on the device management console, information about the device to be managed is registered based on the created product information.


    If a product is an abstract concept, then an IoT device is the actual physical product that users purchase. Let's take an easy example to help you understand the relationship between a product and a device. Let's say a manufacturer A made "light," a product in chandelier-style with the model name LGH. B, who owns a 10-story building, purchased 10 "lights" which can easily be controlled with the CLOVA app and installed on each story of the building. Checking on the CLOVA app, 10 "lights" can be identified and controlled with unique IDs of light01, light02, ..., light10. "Light" is "product," while the light01 to light10 are "devices," the physical instruments. The above example can be summarized as follows.

    product : device = light : light01, light02, light03, ..., light10


    This is a term used with the same meaning as the NAVER Cloud Platform console.


    It's a group of IoT devices and a unit based on which subscription types and pricing plans are applied. In other words, it's a unit for billing.


    The status where billing has started for using IoT Device Hub. In terms of project, it means that a device's status in a project has become readily available for the user. In terms of pricing plan, it means the selected pricing plan has been initiated. In terms of dashboard, it means a registered device has been connected.


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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