IoT Device Hub scenario
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    IoT Device Hub scenario

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    You can request subscription to IoT Device Hub and create projects in the NAVER Cloud Platform console. You can also set up a pricing plan for your projects and subscription type, and cancel service subscription to IoT Device Hub on the console.
    After completing the subscription request and project creation (setting), you have to access the device management console and log in to register and manage actual devices. You can access the device management console through the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    Create "product," which is an archetype of an IoT device with a System on Module (SoM) chip mounted, and define the type of the product and its actions on the device management console. You can register and manage devices to be used by actual (end) users by project based on this product information. The device status registered on the device management console and message status sent to the device through the CLOVA app are monitored through the dashboard, where you will also manage the entire usage and billing statuses.
    The detailed descriptions on procedures for each step are as follows.

    1. Request subscription to IoT Device Hub
    2. Create project
    3. Create product
    4. Deploy product
    5. Register device
    6. Enable project
    7. Monitoring

    1. Request subscription to IoT Device Hub

    Before all else, you have to request subscription to IoT Device Hub from the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    You can refer to the following guides:

    2. Create project

    When the subscription request is completed, you have to create a IoT Device Hub project. A project is a group of devices. You can't register or manage devices without creating a project. Pricing plan and subscription type can be set up by project, so a project is a unit for billing as well.
    You can refer to the following guides:

    3. Create product

    After creating a project, click the [Device management console] button on the NAVER Cloud Platform console to access the device management console. The first thing to do once you're on the device management console is to create a "product," an archetype for devices. Set up the firmware version with which the product's concept will be defined and applied upon creation, guide for (end) users, and usable actions. Since the information about the firmware, guide, and usable action may continuously be updated, you can keep adding products by version according to the updated information.
    You can refer to the following guides:

    4. Deploy product

    Deploy the product created. Deployment is done by version. You can use the deployed product information to register devices.
    You can refer to the following guides:

    5. Register device

    If the concept of "product" is the abstracted archetype in IoT Device Hub, then the concept of "device" is the actual physical product. You use a product, abstract archetype, to register a device, the physical product in IoT Device Hub. Device is actual instrument users will purchase and use, so there may be a number of them to register. IoT Device Hub supports a bulk registration feature so that you can register a large number of devices more easily.
    You can refer to the following guides:

    6. Enable project

    Enable the registered devices. Enabling means to connecting the device to the cloud, giving action orders to the device and Cloud IoT Core which collects and processes data in real time, and initiating the linkage with the CLOVA app which controls them. In other words, it refers to converting the device to the status where the (end) user can use the device straightaway. Fees start to be charged from the moment you enable it.
    You can refer to the following guides:

    7. Monitoring

    Monitor the registered device statuses through the dashboard provided by the device management console. You can also check the number of messages sent to the device through the CLOVA app, which lets you review the current billing status and run the service by estimating any additional charges expected.
    You can refer to the following guides:


    The (end) user gets to purchase an IoT device when all the steps up to Step 6 have been completed. The IoT device purchased has a firmware of the (product) version deployed by the admin installed, guide connected, and usable actions applied. The user gets to give action orders to the IoT device through the CLOVA app to control it easily and conveniently.

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