IoT Edge Terminology
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    IoT Edge Terminology

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC.

    There are a few terms you must know to use IoT Edge. The terms and their descriptions are as follows.

    Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

    A lightweight message transmission protocol based on push technology developed in optimization of communications environment with limited bandwidth such as M2M (Machine to Machine) and IoT (Internet of Things)(Source: Telecommunications Technology Association)

    Virtual Device

    A term used with the same concept as virtual device and IoT device

    Virtual Device Mirror

    Term for a JSON document representing mutable information on a virtual device.


    A term used to describe the execution of an update of the software deployed on the Revision IoT Edge.


    An term for the address you provide to connect your IoT device to your endpoint IoT Edge core device.


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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