IoT Edge Scenario
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    IoT Edge Scenario

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC.

    You can check how to use NAVER Cloud Platform's IoT Edge in detail in the IoT Edge usage category, but it is recommended to first look at the entire scenario using IoT Edge. After learning the usage scenarios, you can use IoT Edge more smoothly by seeing how to use it. The complete sequence of using IoT Edge and the description of each sequence are as follows:

    1. Prepare the equipment for the core device

    Please prepare an embedded device or small computing device to install the Edge Core software. This equipment will be referred to as a core device from now on and can be found in the list of core devices in IoT Edge when installation is completed in a later process. Since the core device utilizes the NAVER Cloud Open API, it must be connected to the Internet.

    2. Application for service use

    Complete the subscription request for Cloud IoT Core and Cloud Functions on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.

    3. Core Device Settings

    Install the Edge Core software on your core device. A guide for installation can be found in the console. Follow the guide to name your Core device and download and install the Edge Core software. The installation provisions the necessary Cloud IoT Core resources. When the installation is complete, you can check the set core device in the core device list.

    4. Client device setup and connection

    Set up a client device to send MQTT messages by connecting IoT equipment to the installed core software. Client devices can be set up as virtual devices in Cloud IoT Core. After the setup, you can download and execute the certificate associated with the Discovery example code on your IoT device to send and receive MQTT messages.

    5. Distribution of various services

    Edge core software can configure various local IoT services through additional services such as bridges and local functions. To use additional services, you must add settings for each service through deployment and proceed with deployment.

    IoT Edge Utilization Scenarios

    Describes a scenario for building a local IoT environment using IoT Edge.

    Build IoT Gateway for Home

    Scenarios for building a home IoT gateway include:


    1. Install the Edge Core software on your device's equipment.
    2. IoT devices connected to Wi-Fi forward MQTT messages to the core device.
    3. When the wall pad sends a message with a topic forwarded to ac/on or ac/off, the air conditioner can subscribe to that topic and turn the air conditioner on or off according to the topic.
    4. The message transmitted from the topic alarm sensor is designated as fire/alert, and then the message is transmitted to Cloud IoT Core using the bridge service, and according to the defined trigger and action (SMS text sending) by calling Cloud Functions linked from Cloud IoT Core Send a notification message to the user.

    Save after filtering IoT data

    Scenarios for filtering and storing IoT data are as follows:


    1. Install the Edge Core software on your device's equipment.
    2. Write code to log when the temperature exceeds a certain temperature in the Cloud Functions service.
    3. You can download the Functions created above to the core device through deployment on the core device.
    4. IoT devices connected to Wi-Fi forward MQTT messages to the core device.
    5. If the MQTT topic of the forwarded message is a specific topic, the downloaded Functions are executed and, like the content of the code, the temperature value of the MQTT message payload is filtered and saved as a log.

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