Creating/updating IAM authentication kubeconfig
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    Creating/updating IAM authentication kubeconfig

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Ncloud Kubernetes Service uses the ncp-iam-authenticator for IAM cluster authentication. You can update an existing file or create a new file by importing kubeconfig with IAM authentication through the ncp-iam-authenticator.

    • For SubAccount, View/getClusterDetail and View/getClusterList permissions are required to create/update kubeconfig through ncp-iam-authenticator.
    • If authentication using ncp-iam-authenticator is difficult as 3rd-party services like Jenkins and GitHub Action are used, you can use authentication through service account tokens by referring to cluster permission control.

    Set the ncp-iam-authenticator API authentication key value

    API authentication key value must first be set up to use ncp-iam-authenticator.


    You can check the API authentication key in the My Page>Manage account>Manage authentication key menu after logging into the NAVER Cloud platform portal.

    Set the API key in the OS environment variable or configure file. (OS environment variables take precedence over configure files.)

    • Set the OS environment variable.

      $ export NCLOUD_API_GW=
    • The configure file in the user environment home directory's .ncloud folder

      $ cat ~/.ncloud/configure
      ncloud_access_key_id = ACCESSKEYACCESSKEYAC
      ncloud_api_url =
      ncloud_access_key_id = ACCESSKEYACCESSKEYAC
      ncloud_api_url =
    • If the Authentication key value cannot be checked, API key input is required during execution of the ncp-iam-authenticator command.

      Ncloud Access Key Id []: ACCESSKEYACCESSKEYAC
      Ncloud API URL []:
    • In addition, you can set the Ncloud authentication key and whether to debug for each command using the following options:

      NameDescriptionRequirement statusDefault value
      credentialConfigNcloud configure file pathX~/.ncloud/configure
      profileProfile in the Ncloud configure fileXDEFAULT
      debugdebug log output Y/NXfalse

    Use the ncp-iam-authenticator update-kubeconfig command


    If it is not the latest version of ncp-iam-authenticator, some commands are limited. So, it is recommended to reinstall the latest version.

    1. Check if ncp-iam-authenticator has been installed. To install ncp-iam-authenticator, see Install ncp-iam-authenticator.

    2. Check the options to be used for the command.


      If kubeconfig does not exist in the kubeconfig file path, create a new file in that path. If clusterName or userName is set, contextName will be set to userName@clusterName, but otherwise, it will be set to nks_<regionCode>_<clusterName>_<clusterUuid>.

      NameDescriptionRequirement statusDefault value
      clusterUuidUuid of the cluster to be created in kubeconfigO
      regionregionCode of the cluster to be created in kubeconfig
      - KR, SGN, JPN
      clusterNameName of the cluster to be set in kubeconfigXnks_<regionCode><clusterName><clusterUuid>
      userNameName of the cluster to be set in kubeconfigXnks_<regionCode><clusterName><clusterUuid>
      currentContextWhether to edit current-context to the newly applied contextXtrue
      overwriteWhether to overwrite them if the cluster name, user name, and context name to be applied to kubeconfig overlap with the existing fileXfalse
      kubeconfigFile path of kubeconfig to be updatedXFirst path set in the KUBECONFIG environment variable
      If the KUBECONFIG environment variable is not set, ~/.kube/config.
      formatFile format of kubeconfig to be created
      - yaml, json
    3. Referring to the table above, use the ncp-iam-authenticator update-kubeconfig command to add the cluster's config to the existing kubeconfig file.

      ncp-iam-authenticator update-kubeconfig --region <region-code> --clusterUuid <cluster-uuid>
    4. Test the kubectl command with the kubeconfig file created.

      $ kubectl get namespaces --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml
      NAME                    STATUS   AGE
      default                 Active   1h
      kube-node-lease         Active   1h
      kube-public             Active   1h
      kube-system             Active   1h
      kubernetes-dashboard    Active   1h

    Use the ncp-iam-authenticator create-kubeconfig command


    If it is not the latest version of ncp-iam-authenticator, some commands are limited. So, it is recommended to reinstall the latest version.

    1. Check if ncp-iam-authenticator has been installed. To install ncp-iam-authenticator, refer to ncp-iam-authenticatorInstalling.

    2. Check the options to be used for the command.


      If clusterName or userName is set, contextName will be set to userName@clusterName, but otherwise, it will be set to nks_<regionCode>_<clusterName>_<clusterUuid>.

      NameDescriptionRequirement statusDefault value
      clusterUuidUuid of the cluster to be created in kubeconfigO
      regionregionCode of the cluster to be created in kubeconfig
      - KR, SGN, JPN
      clusterNameName of the cluster to be set in kubeconfigXnks_<regionCode><clusterName><clusterUuid>
      userNameName of the cluster to be set in kubeconfigXnks_<regionCode><clusterName><clusterUuid>
      outputFile path where kubeconfig will be saved (including filename)Xkubeconfig-<clusterUuid>.<format>
      formatFile format of kubeconfig to be created
      - yaml, json
    3. Referring to the above table, use the ncp-iam-authenticator create-kubeconfig command to create kubeconfig for the cluster.

      ncp-iam-authenticator create-kubeconfig --region <region-code> --clusterUuid <cluster-uuid> --output kubeconfig.yaml
    4. Test the kubectl command with the kubeconfig file created.

      $ kubectl get namespaces --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml
      NAME                    STATUS   AGE
      default                 Active   1h
      kube-node-lease         Active   1h
      kube-public             Active   1h
      kube-system             Active   1h
      kubernetes-dashboard    Active   1h

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