Installing ncp-iam-authenticator
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    Installing ncp-iam-authenticator

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Ncloud Kubernetes Service provides IAM authentication through ncp-iam-authenticator. To use the kubectl command through IAM authentication, you should install ncp-iam-authenticator and edit the kubectl configuration file to use it for authentication..


    If API access control is in use, the main account does not support IAM authentication. Only sub accounts support IAM authentication.

    Install on macOS

    The following describes how to install ncp-iam-authenticator on macOS.

    Install as Homebrew

    The following describes how to install Homebrew.

    brew tap NaverCloudPlatform/tap
    brew install ncp-iam-authenticator

    Download and Install Directly

    1. Download ncp-iam-authenticator binary. (To download the Arm version, change amd64 to arm64 before executing the command.)
      curl -o ncp-iam-authenticator -L
    2. (Optional) You can use SHA-256 SUM to check the downloaded binary file.
      1. Check the sum of SHA-256 of the ncp-iam-authenticator binary file.
        openssl sha1 -sha256 ncp-iam-authenticator
      2. Download SHA-256 SUM.
      3. Checks if the two values match.
    3. Add the execution permission to the binary.
      chmod +x ./ncp-iam-authenticator
    4. Create $HOME/bin/ncp-iam-authenticator, and add to $PATH.
      mkdir -p $HOME/bin && cp ./ncp-iam-authenticator $HOME/bin/ncp-iam-authenticator && export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
    5. Add PATH to the shell profile.
      • bash
        echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
      • zsh
        echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
    6. Test ncp-iam-authenticator binary to see if it works correctly.
      ncp-iam-authenticator help

    Install on Linux

    The following describes how to install ncp-iam-authenticator on Linux.

    1. Download ncp-Iam-authenticator binary. (To download the Arm version, change amd64 to arm64 before executing the command.)
      curl -o ncp-iam-authenticator -L
    2. (Optional) You can use SHA-256 SUM to check the downloaded binary file.
      1. Check the sum of SHA-256 of the ncp-iam-authenticator binary file.
        openssl sha1 -sha256 ncp-iam-authenticator
      2. Download SHA-256 SUM.
        curl -o ncp-iam-authenticator.sha256 -L
      3. Checks if the two values match.
    3. Add the execution permission to the binary.
      chmod +x ./ncp-iam-authenticator
    4. Create $HOME/bin/ncp-iam-authenticator, and add to $PATH.
      mkdir -p $HOME/bin && cp ./ncp-iam-authenticator $HOME/bin/ncp-iam-authenticator && export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
    5. Add PATH to the shell profile.
      • bash
        echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
    6. Test ncp-iam-authenticator binary to see if it works correctly.
      ncp-iam-authenticator help

    Install on Windows

    The following describes how to install ncp-iam-authenticator on Windows.

    1. Download ncp-iam-authenticator binary from the PowerShell terminal.
      curl -o ncp-iam-authenticator.exe -L
    2. (Optional) You can use SHA-256 SUM to check the downloaded binary file.
      1. Check the sum of SHA-256 of the ncp-iam-authenticator binary file.
        Get-FileHash ncp-iam-authenticator.exe
      2. Download SHA-256 SUM.
        curl -o ncp-iam-authenticator.sha256 -L
      3. Checks if the two values match.
    3. Create a new folder, such as C:\bin.
    4. Copy the ncp-iam-authenticator.exe file to the new folder.
    5. Edit the user or system PATH environment variable to add the new folder to PATH.
    6. Close the PowerShell terminal, and open a new terminal to import the new PATH variable.
    7. Test ncp-iam-authenticator binary to see if it works correctly.
      ncp-iam-authenticator help

    When the installation of ncp-iam-authenticator is complete, you need to add kubeconfig. Please see Creating IAM Authentication kubeconfig.

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