Live Station scenarios
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    Live Station scenarios

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    You can use the live broadcast streaming service through Live Station of NAVER Cloud Platform. You can learn more about how to use Live Station at Getting started with Live Station and Using Live Station, but we recommend that you first look at the full scenario of using Live Station. Reading the guide after learning the usage scenario will allow you to use Live Station more smoothly. The overall sequence of using Live Station and description of each sequence are as follows:

    1. Set usage permissions
    2. Add custom image quality and image quality settings
    3. Create channel
    4. Set notifications
    5. Test streaming
    6. Broadcast streaming
    7. Broadcast monitoring and streaming status check
    8. Terminate channel

    1. Set usage permissions

    You can set usage permissions for Live Station. Live Station usage permissions are defined by mapping roles to sub accounts issued by NAVER Cloud Platform's Sub Account. Thus, you need to first create sub accounts other than your main account through Sub Account.


    Sub Account is a service provided free of charge upon subscription request. For detailed description of Sub Account and its pricing plans, see the Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account menu in the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

    You can use sub accounts provided by Sub Account to configure admin permissions and user permissions of Live Station. You can refer to the following guide:

    2. Add custom image quality and image quality settings

    If necessary, add custom image quality and image quality settings to the channel. First, you can create a custom image quality and then configure the custom image quality settings to add it. You can refer to the following guide:

    3. Create channel

    Create a channel for broadcast streaming. If you create a restream channel, you can stream broadcasts to multiple platforms at the same time. You can refer to the following guide:

    4. Set notifications

    Set up notifications to receive notifications of events that occur on the channel. You can refer to the following guide:

    5. Test streaming

    Before streaming broadcasts, check whether the broadcast is streamed smoothly through test streaming. You can refer to the following guide:

    6. Broadcast streaming

    Stream live broadcasts through the Live Station channel using an encoder. When streaming live broadcasts, you can use the features provided through the Live Station API (Live Short Clip, Live Curtain, VOD2LIVE). You can refer to the following guide:

    7. Broadcast monitoring and streaming status check

    In the NAVER Cloud Platform console's Live Station, monitor the live broadcast being streamed and check its streaming status. You can refer to the following guide:

    8. Terminate channel

    Terminate channels that are no longer in use. You can refer to the following guide:

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