Creating and managing Inline Load Balancer
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    Creating and managing Inline Load Balancer

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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    Inline Load Balancer is a Load Balancer that operates in the Inline manner in which network packets must be transferred without tampering. It is mainly used to configure the network interfaces of security appliances that operate in the Inline mode in the form of cluster. To ensure the stability of security appliances, use them with an Inline load balancer.


    For the complete SFC configuration scenario, see SFC (Service Function Chain) scenarios.

    Create Inline Load Balancer

    To create an Inline Load Balancer, follow these steps:

    1. Access NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Networking > Load Balancer, in order.
    3. Click the Load Balancer menu.
    4. Click [Create Load Balancer] > [Create Inline Load Balancer] in order.
    5. When the create Load Balancer screen appears, proceed with the following steps in order:

    1. Create Load Balancer

    Enter the information for the Inline Load Balancer you wish to create and click the [Next] button.

    • Network: The fixed network type of Load Balancer is Private IP.
      • Private IP: it processes the load division from the internal server using a Private IP within VPC. It cannot be accessed from outside.
    • Target VPC: select the VPC to create a Load Balancer in.
    • Select subnet: select the Zone and Subnet to use to create the Load Balancer.
    • Make sure you create a private LB subnet before selecting the zone and subnet to create a Load Balancer.
    • The selected Zone and Subnet cannot be changed after creating the Load Balancer.

    2. Select Target Group

    Select the Target Group to apply load balancing and click the [Next] button.

    • To do this, the Target Group need to be created in advance. If a Target Group created does not exist, click the [Create Target Group] button to create a Target Group. (SeeCreate Target Group)
    • Among Target Groups created, only Target Groups that can be connected are displayed.
      • Only Target Groups with the protocol type set to IP are displayed for Inline Load Balancers.

    The bandwidth of Load Balancer Subnet must be added to ACG and NACL of the bound NIC as an access source and allowed port.

    3. View setting information

    Check the setting information for Load Balancer and click the [Create Load Balancer] button.

    Manage Inline Load Balancer

    You can view the monitoring information of the Inline Load Balancer created in a graph.


    You can change the NIC applied to Load Balancer in the Target Group menu. For more information, see Target setting.

    Network Load Balancer monitoring

    You can check the regularly collected information for Concurrent connection, Connection per Second, and Traffic In for the selected period each as a graph.
    To check the monitoring information of the Inline Load Balancer, follow these steps:

    1. Click Services > Networking > Load Balancer in order on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click the Load Balancer menu.
    3. Select a Load Balancer to monitor and click the [Monitoring] button.
      • The basic monitoring popup window for the Load Balancer pops up and shows the monitoring information as graphs.
      • Select the period to check the monitoring information collected for the selected period.
      • Click the [Refresh] button to refresh the graphs.
      • Click the [□] button to view an extended graph and click the [x] button to download the collected monitoring information as an Excel file.

    The collection cycle varies, depending on the selected period. Monitoring information collected by handling load balancing can be set up and checked from at least 1 minute to last year.

    Aggregation cycle (Interval)Search Period
    1-minute cycleUp to 6 hours
    5-minute cycleUp to 1 day
    30-minute cycleUp to 1 week
    2-hour cycleUp to 1 month
    1-day cycle1 month exceeded

    Delete Inline Load Balancer

    To delete a Network Load Balancer, follow these steps:

    1. Click Services > Networking > Load Balancer in order on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click the Load Balancer menu.
    3. Select a Load Balancer to delete and click the [Delete Load Balancer] button.
    4. Check the content in the delete Load Balancer popup window and click the [Delete] button.
      • The selected Load Balancer is deleted.

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