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Getting started with Load Balancer
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Available in VPC
The Getting started with Load Balancer guide describes what you need to do to properly use Load Balancer after checking the Load Balancer use environment and supported specifications and fully understanding the overall Usage scenario and Glossary. The items described in Getting started with Load Balancer are as follows.
- Preparations
- Create target group
- Create Load Balancer
If you completed the above, then you've completed the basic procedure for using Load Balancer. Afterward, you have the option of proceeding with the following tasks for more efficient Load Balancer management and operation.
- Management of administration permissions using NAVER Cloud Platform's Sub Account
- Management of certificates using NAVER Cloud Platform's Certificate Manager
- Management of Load Balancer logs using NAVER Cloud Platform's Cloud Log Analytics
- Permanent storage of Load Balancer logs using NAVER Cloud Platform's Object Storage
- Domain registration using NAVER Cloud Platform's Global DNS
- Content delivery using NAVER Cloud Platform's Global CDN and CDN+
These tasks can be done after requesting subscription for Sub Account, Cloud Log Analytics, Object Storage, Global DNS, Global CDN, and CDN+, rather than in Load Balancer, and they aren't explained in detail in this guide. For detailed instructions, refer to the Sub Account Guide, Certificate Manager Guide, Cloud Log Analytics Guide, Object Storage Guide, Global DNS Guide, Global CDN Guide, and CDN+ Guide.
Create VPC, network ACL, and subnet and set network ACL rule
Create VPCs, network ACLs, and subnets at the NAVER Cloud Platform console's Networking > VPC and set network ACL rules. For more details, refer to VPC Guide.Create ACG and server, and set ACG
Create ACG and server, and set ACG in the Compute > Server of NAVER Cloud Platform console. For more details, refer to Server Guide.Register external certificate
Register an external certificate only to create a Load Balancer with HTTPS or SSL protocol.
Register an external certificate from Security > Certificate Manager of NAVER Cloud Platform console. For more details, refer to Certificate Manager Guide.
Create target group
To use NAVER Cloud Platform's Load Balancer service, a target group must be created first.
The following describes how to create a target group.
In this section, we will briefly introduce how to create a target group. For more details about creating a target group, refer to the Target Group Creation Guide.
- Please connect to the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click VPC from the Platform menu to switch to the VPC environment.
- Click Services > Networking > Load Balancer menus, in that order.
- Click the Target Group menu.
- Click the [Create target group] button.
- Enter the target group information.
- Select the VPC created during preparation.
- Set the health check.
- Add a target.
- Click the final target group information, and then click the [Create target group] button.
Create Load Balancer
The following describes how to create a Load Balancer.
In this section, we will briefly introduce how to create a Load Balancer. For more details about how to create a Load Balancer, refer to Application Load Balancer Creation Guide, Network Load Balancer Creation Guide, and Network Proxy Load Balancer Creation Guide, depending on the Load Balancer type.
- From the NAVER Cloud Platform console's VPC environment, click the Services > Networking > Load Balancer menus, in that order.
- Click the [Create load balancer] button.
- Click the Create button, depending on the Load Balancer type to create.
- Enter the Load Balancer information.
- Select the subnet created during preparation.
- Set and add the listener.
- Select a target group.
- Check the final Load Balancer information, and then click the [Create load balancer] button.
If HTTPS or TLS protocol is added in Step 5, select the external certificate registered when preparing, and then set the certificate before proceeding with the step 6.