Media Connect Center terms
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    Media Connect Center terms

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    Available in Classic and VPC

    There are a few terms you need to know to use Media Connect Center. These terms and their descriptions are as follows.

    CMS admin

    The top level admin in Media Connect Center owns all editing permissions in the service preferences feature. There may be multiple CMS admins designated, but only one of them can be the main admin. The CMS admin rights can't be added, edited, or deleted

    Security admin

    It's a type of admin permission, and is an owner of editing permission for security related features in the service preferences. The security admin rights can't be added, edited, or deleted

    SSO (Single Sign On) connection

    It is an integrated login connection which gives you access to both Media Connect Center and client company with one ID

    VOD Station

    A NAVER Cloud Platform service that provides encoding and transmission utilizing video files stored in Object Storage of NAVER Cloud Platform


    Subject who sets up and operates the members' service environments by owning Media Connect Center content management, VOD Station linkage editing, and service preference editing features. There are many types of Admins, depending on the permission they own

    Admin permission

    Permission that can be owned by an admin. CMS admin and security admin are the default permissions provided by Media Connect Center. Users can also add a new type of permission

    Admin log

    History of tasks performed by admins


    It refers to all who participates in the Media Connect Center service


    There are two types of rights which are called permissions in Media Connect Center

    • Admin permission: CMS admin, security admin
    • Folder access permission: master permission, editing permission, viewing permission


    Organization unit created by an admin for collaboration using Media Connect Center, set apart from a department in a company's organization chart

    Link customer

    Someone who is given access to a folder or file by receiving a sharing link created in Media Connect Center. A link customer can only see the download screen of the folder (file) via the sharing link, because they are not a Media Connect Center user

    Master permission

    It's a type of access permission the member who created the folder (file) gets to own. The permission can't be changed or transferred, and the holder can perform all editing tasks on created folders (files) and manage members

    Main admin

    There may be only one main admin designated among system admins. The initial main admin is an admin designated when requesting subscription to the service in the console. The main admin permission can be transferred to another top level admin from the current main admin

    Main task

    It refers to a task directly ordered by a user targeting folders or files in Media Connect Center


    Structuralized data that provide explanations on other data. Data is provided to content according to a certain set of rules, for efficient search and use of desired information from a large volume of data.


    It may flexibly refer to member, group, or department depending on circumstances

    Unfinished task

    Main task in the Pending status, main task in the Running status, or main task in the Complete status but which contains failed sub-tasks


    Data storage space. The top directory grouping related objects.

    Viewing permission

    It's a type of access permission. It enables copying and downloading of the content within a shared folder that one is allowed to access


    An existing organization within a company that uses Media Connect Center


    All members who can use Media Connect Center. It's a concept opposed to the admin, so is sometimes mentioned as "regular user" in guides. However, an admin is also a user in a broader sense

    User log

    History of tasks performed by regular users

    User defined admin

    It owns editing permissions set by an admin among the service preferences features. It can be added with various names and combinations of editing permissions, depending on the culture, characteristics, and system environment of the company that uses Media Connect Center


    If the main task's target is a folder containing files, then the term refers to main tasks for individual files in the folder

    Editing permission

    It's a type of access permission. It enables editing, deleting, copying and downloading of the content within a folder one is allowed to access

    End user

    This is a term used in the same sense as user


    Actions performed by user order, such as moving folders (files), copying, changing names, etc. There are main tasks and sub-tasks

    Access permission

    Access permission for folders (files). Types of access permissions include master permission, editing permission, and viewing permission

    Access log

    Media Connect Center access record of admins and users


    An existing department within a company that uses Media Connect Center

    Organization connection

    It means syncing the client company's organization and employee information with the organization information in Media Connect Center


    This is a common term for folders or files shared and managed in Media Connect Center

    Collaborating colleague

    Media Connect Center member with whom Media Connect Center folders (files) are shared


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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