NAT Gateway
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    NAT Gateway

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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    When you create a NAT Gateway, you can select a public NAT Gateway and a private NAT Gateway. You can create up to five per zone, and the features of each NAT Gateway are as follows.

    • Public NAT Gateway
      • It has both private IPs and a public IPs.
      • It uses the public IPs assigned in Public IP for outbound communication to the Internet.
      • It uses the assigned private IPs when communicating through the NAT Gateway in the VPC.
      • The assigned public IPs can be reused when you delete the NAT Gateway.
    • Private NAT Gateway
      • It has only private IPs.
      • It uses the assigned private IPs when communicating through the NAT Gateway in the VPC.
    • We have a service with the same name in the Classic environment. Please note that they have similar features, but are not compatible with each other.
    • All NAT Gateways created before April 20, 2023 will work as public NAT Gateways for Internet communication only, and will not be able to reuse their public IPs.
    • The type of NAT Gateway (public, private) cannot be changed after creation.

    Create NAT gateway

    The following describes how to create an NAT Gateway.

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's VPC environment, click the Services > Networking > VPC menus, in that order.
    2. Click the NAT Gateway menu.
    3. Click the [Create NAT Gateway] button.
    4. When the Create NAT Gateway pop-up window appears, enter the required information of the NAT Gateway to create.
      • NAT Gateway name: Enter the name of the NAT Gateway to create, in 3 to 30 characters using English letters, numbers, and hyphens (-).
      • Type: Select public or private NAT Gateway.
      • VPC: Select VPC to which the NAT Gateway is applied.
      • Select subnet: Select a subnet for the NAT Gateway only.
      • Public IP: Enabled only on public NAT Gateways. Create a public IP or assign a created public IP.
      • Private IP: Enabled only on private NAT Gateways. Assign a private IP automatically or manually.
      • Memo: Add a memo.
    5. Click the [Create] button.
    6. Check the status of the NAT Gateway that was created from the NAT Gateway list in the NAT Gateway page.
      • Creating: status in which he NAT Gateway is being created with the information entered by the user.
      • Running: status in which the creation of the NAT Gateway has been completed with the information entered by the user, and the NAT Gateway is available for use.
    7. Route Table Go to the menu to set the network path to communicate through the NAT Gateway. See Route table settings guide for more information.

    Delete NAT Gateway

    You can delete the NAT Gateway that has been created and is in operation. The following describes how to delete it.

    • If the NAT Gateway is being used by other services, then deleting the NAT Gateway may cause that service to not work properly. (<example> Auto Scaling)
    • If a route table has designated the NAT Gateway as a target, then the route table rule needs to be deleted before deleting the NAT Gateway.
    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's VPC environment, click the Services > Networking > VPC menus, in that order.
    2. Click the NAT Gateway menu.
    3. Click the NAT Gateway to delete, and then click the [Delete NAT Gateway] button.
    4. When the Delete NAT Gateway pop-up window appears, click the [Delete] button.
    5. Check the status of the NAT Gateway from the NAT Gateway list in the NAT Gateway page.
      • Stopping: status in which the NAT gateway is being deleted.

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