Using NVIDIA Clara Parabricks
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    Using NVIDIA Clara Parabricks

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Before use

    Q. What is the NVIDIA Clara Parabricks product?

    • Clara Parabricks is an installation-type service product that lets you start the installation process for Linux + Clara Parabricks with one click.
    • The Clara Parabricks product is automatically configured on NAVER Cloud Platform's Compute infrastructure service. It can be instantly put into service through a configuration process that only takes a few steps.

    Q. What are the advantages of using the Clara Parabricks product?

    • You can select a server image and specifications to automatically install the Clara Parabricks server and use the Clara Parabricks service.

    Q. How is a Clara Parabricks server created?

    • You can create it by selecting a Clara Parabricks server image in the console's Compute > Server menu. (Only GPU Server)
    • Select the server specifications you want, and then add storage as needed.
    • You can easily create a server through the following steps after connecting to the console.

    Create Clara Parabricks server

    The process to create a Clara Parabricks server and access the service is identical to NAVER Cloud Platform's application installation-type products.
    Refer to the server creation process for installation-type products to create a Clara Parabricks server and access the service.

    Step 1. Create server

    Select a Gradle image of the Application type when creating a server.

    Step 2. Set access environment

    To use the Clara Parabricks product, you must use a public IP address to access the server. You will be charged separately for using the public IP address.

    Step 3. Create and set ACG

    Add an SSH (TCP/22) rule for terminal connection and a Clara Parabricks service (TCP/UDP settings) rule to ACG.
    If the rules have already been added at the time of server creation, then you don't need to set up an ACG in this step.

    Step 4. Access server

    Access the server using a terminal program (such as PuTTY.)

    Use Clara Parabricks

    Set Clara Parabricks

    The Clara Parabricks package is installed upon creating a Clara Parabricks server image for easy use.
    You can use the service by accessing from outside after configuring the public IP as shown below.

    For more information about the software used in NAVER Cloud Platform's Gradle product, refer to the following webpage.

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