Server access
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    Server access

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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    Server access describes the preparation for connecting to the created server and how to connect to the server by operating system.

    • Set up redundancy between server zones in order to ensure continuity of service without interruption in the event of unexpected server malfunctions or scheduled change operations. See Load Balancer overview to set up redundancy.
    • NAVER Cloud Platform provides a high availability (HA) structure to prepare for failures in the physical server, such as memory, CPU, and power supply. HA is a policy for preventing hardware failures from expanding into the virtual machine (VM) server. It supports live migration, which automatically migrates the VM on the host server to another secure host server when a failure occurs in the aforementioned host server. However, the VM server is rebooted when an error occurs where live migration can't be initiated. If a service is running on a single VM server, it may cause a failure due to a restart of the VM server. To reduce the frequency of failures, use multiple VM servers as described above.

    Accessing server

    To access a server, you need to first set a public IP and ACG rules. Once you complete the settings, you can use the terminal program to access Linux servers, and the remote desktop connection for Windows Servers. You can check the admin name and password required for access in the console.

    Prepare for server access

    Before accessing a server, prepare the following:

    ItemDescriptionUser guide
    Set public IPSet public IP for accessing the serverUsing public IP
    Set ACGFirewall settings to control access to the networkFirewall settings (ACG)
    Get admin passwordCheck admin name and password required to access serversGet admin password

    If public IP and port forwarding is used simultaneously, then Ports 22 (Linux) and 3389 (Windows) will be primarily assigned to port forwarding, and these ports can't be used by public IPs. In order to use Port 22 or 3389 in public IP, delete the port forwarding settings from the server.

    Access Linux server

    Once you complete the preparations for accessing the server, you can use the terminal program to access the Linux server. The descriptions in this user guide are based on PuTTY. The following describes how to connect to the Linux server.

    1. Run PuTTY.

    2. Enter the IP address and port number of the server you want to access, select the connection type, and then click the [Open] button.

      • For the VPC environment server using public IP, enter the server's public IP into the Host Name (or IP address), enter ACG in Port, and enter the port number allowed when setting Network ACL rules. (Default for Linux: 22, Default for Windows: 3389)

      When port number default is not used, the Server Status Check alarm may occur in the console.

    3. When the PuTTY window appears and login as is displayed, enter root, and then press the [Enter] key.

    4. Enter the password confirmed from Get admin password, and then press the [Enter] key.

      • Copy and paste password: select the text, press [Ctrl] + [C], and right-click the mouse in the PuTTY window
    • Change the admin password to something you can remember while considering the following precautions:
      • If the password is too easy, it is vulnerable to hacking. Set the password to be 8 characters or longer, with a combination of alphabetic character letters, numbers, and special characters.
      • Avoid using recently used passwords or passwords using 3 or more identical or successive alphabetic character letters or numbers (<example> aaa, 111, bbb, qwe, asd, 123).
    • If an error occurs while setting the admin password, the Server Status Check alarm might be activated. Follow the instructions in the alarm to take action.

    Access Windows server

    Once you complete the preparations for accessing the server, you can use the remote desktop to access the Windows Server. The following describes how to connect to the Windows server.

    1. Run Remote Desktop Connection.
    2. Enter the public IP of the server to access into the Computer field, and then click the [Connect] button.
    3. Enter the administrator's name and password you checked in Get admin password, and then click the [OK] button.
    • Change the admin password to something you can remember while considering the following precautions:
      • If the password is too easy, it is vulnerable to hacking. Set the password to be 8 characters or longer, with a combination of alphabetic character letters, numbers, and special characters.
      • Avoid using recently used passwords or passwords using 3 or more identical or successive alphabetic character letters or numbers (<example> aaa, 111, bbb, qwe, asd, 123).
    • If an error occurs while setting the admin password, the Server Status Check alarm might be activated. Follow the instructions in the alarm to take action.

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