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Managing server
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Available in VPC
The following describes how to view and manage the server created from NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Set up redundancy between server zones to ensure continuity of service without interruption in the event of unexpected server malfunctions or scheduled change operations. See Load Balancer overview to set up redundancy.
- NAVER Cloud Platform provides a high availability (HA) structure to prepare for failures in the physical server, such as memory, CPU, and power supply. HA is a policy for preventing hardware failures from expanding into the virtual machine (VM) server. It supports live migration, which automatically migrates the VM on the host server to another secure host server when a failure occurs in the aforementioned host server. However, the VM server is rebooted when an error occurs where live migration can't be initiated. If the service is being operated with a single VM server, set up multiplexing for VM servers as described above to reduce the frequency of failures that may occur as a result of rebooting the VM server.
Server status
To view the status of the created server on the list, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- When the server list appears, view the summary information or click the server to view the details.
- Server name (Instance ID): server name you entered yourself or automatically entered when you created the server and automatically assigned unique ID
- Status: current status of the server
- Creating: status in which the server is being created with the information you entered
- Configuring: status in which the settings you entered are being applied to the created server
- Booting: status in which the server is booting
- Running: status in which the server is available for normal use
- Replicating: status in which the current server is being replicated by running the Create server image function
- Stopping: status in which the operating server is being stopped
- Stopped: status in which the server is stopped
- Terminating: status in which the stopped server is being terminated
- Physical placement group: if a batch group is assigned, the joined placement group
- Creation date and time: date and time when the server was created
- Start date and time: date and time when the server was operated last
- Private IP: private IP assigned to the server. Displays the network interface address automatically assigned or directly entered when you created it.
- If you apply multiple network interfaces, the additional IP is displayed.
- Private secondary IP: secondary private IP assigned to the server. Applicable for HA solutions or hosting multiple websites.
- Private secondary IPs are assigned only within the subnet range identical to the main private IP. If multiple network interfaces are applied, you can add additional secondary IPs individually.
- Manager: account of the person in charge of the server. The main account is displayed as the default, and you can click the [EDIT] button to select the Manager among sub accounts.
- Monitoring: monitoring type. The basic monitoring service is automatically provided, and you can click
to subscribe to or cancel the detailed monitoring.
- Once you subscribe to detailed monitoring, the default monitoring cycle of 5-minute intervals is changed to 1-minute intervals.
- Network monitoring: whether to monitor the network being used on the server. Click
to move to the Network Traffic Monitoring page and subscribe to or cancel the monitoring.
- Authentication key: name of the authentication key file set when creating the server
- When you get the admin password, the file must be uploaded.
- Storage: name, type, size, and mount point of the block storage being used in the server. Click
to go to the Storage menu.
- Script: initial creation script set when creating the server. Click
to go to the Init Script menu.
- Server image name: server image selected when creating the server
- VPC: VPC where the server is deployed
- Hypervisor: type of hypervisor being used on the server
- Server generation: number of generations of the server
- Server spec: code representing the specifications of the server. For more information, see Server specification code.
- Subnet: subnet and zone where the server is deployed
- OS information: operating system of the server
- Network Interface (NIC): device name of the network interface allocated at server creation. Click the [Edit ACG] button to view available ACGs and their rules and change the ACG to be applied.
- Public IP (Instance ID): public IP address assigned to the server and the unique instance number of the address
- Termination protection: status of termination protection settings of the server. A server with termination protection enabled is not terminated.
- Default storage encryption applied: whether storage encryption was applied at server creation
Server monitoring
You can monitor servers by viewing server performance indicators such as CPU usage rate and memory usage. To view monitoring indicators, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click to select the server to be monitored from the server list, and then click the [Monitoring] button.
- Select the period, and then view the performance indicator.
- You can select a fixed unit or enter a specific date yourself to designate the period.
- To update indicators to the current time, click the [Refresh] button.
- To view specific indicators in more detailed graphics, click
Set server
Select a server from the server list and click the [Manage servers and change settings] button to use the following functions:
- Manage server
- Change server settings
- Advanced management
Check admin password
To check the admin password for server access, follow these steps:
- To check the admin password, you need the authentication key that was configured at the time of server creation. Prepare the authentication key file in advance.
- If you have lost the authentication key configured at the time of server creation, see Change server authentication key to change it.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- From the server list, select the server whose admin password you want to check.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Check admin password, in order.
- Drag the authentication key file to the Drag the file using your mouse or click here area of the popup window, or click Drag the file using your mouse or click here and then select the authentication key file.
- Click the [Check password] button.
- Check the admin name and password from the confirmation popup window.
Create My server image
You can create an image of the current status for a server you're using. For detailed information on how to create My server image, see Create My server image.
Bare metal servers do not support the My server image creation function.
Create replica server
You can create a server with the same server image, server type, pricing plan, ACG, and authentication key as the server you are using. It is convenient when creating multiple servers with the same specifications. To create a replica server, follow these steps:
- Bare metal servers and micro type servers do not support the Create replica server function.
- The data of the source server is not replicated.
- You can create replica servers even when the source server is running.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server menu.
- Select the server you want to use as the source from the list of servers.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Create replica server, in order.
- Specify the creation settings from the settings popup window, and then click the [Next] button.
- View the information in the confirmation popup window, and then click the [Create server] button.
- Check the details in the popup window, and then click the [OK] button.
- A replica server is created.
It may take several minutes or longer for the server to be created. Once the server creation is completed and the server starts running, Running is displayed on the status column of the server list.
Create storage
In addition to the default storage, you can create additional storage to the server in use. Create storage menu that appears when clicking [Manage server and change settings] button is a feature available for g1 and g2 servers.
G3 servers can also create and use additional storage in addition to the default storage. However, this is only possible by creating additional storage in the Storage menu and then mounting it to the server. For how to create and use additional storage in the Storage menu, see the following:
- Creating storage: Create storage
- Connecting storage to server: Set storage
- Mounting storage: Use storage
The types of storage that can be additionally created for g1 and g2 servers are HDD and SSD. To create additional storage, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server menu.
- Select the server you want to add a storage to.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Create storage, in order.
- Specify the settings and click the [Add] button.
- To create a storage using a snapshot you have, select the snapshot you want to use from Select snapshot. (See Create storage with snapshot.)
- Check the popup window and click the [OK] button.
- The storage is created and added to the selected server.
- It may take several minutes or longer for the storage to be created.
- You can check the created storage from the Storage menu. For more information about using storage, see Storage.
- Bare metal servers do not support the storage creation function.
Change termination protection settings
You can set termination protection to prevent accidental termination of servers, or disable termination protection settings for the termination of servers. To change the termination protection settings, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server you want to change the termination protection settings for.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change termination protection settings, in order.
- Check the details in the confirmation popup window and click the [Yes] button.
- If the current termination protection status is Disabled, then it is changed to Set. If it is already Set, then it is changed to Disabled.
Change public IP settings
You can assign public IPs to servers or remove assigned public IPs. To change the public IP settings, follow these steps:
You can assign public IPs from Change public IP settings only when you have assignable public IPs. If you don't have an assignable public IP, see Public IP to request a public IP.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server you want to change the Public IP settings for.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change public IP settings, in order.
- Select a public IP to assign to the server, or check the content of the popup window, and then click the [Yes] button.
Change secondary IP settings
You can add secondary IPs to network interfaces assigned to servers. Up to 5 secondary IPs can be manually specified or randomly assigned within the IP range of the subnet that the network interface belongs to. To change the secondary IP settings, follow these steps:
For more information on using secondary IP, see Set secondary IP.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server you want to change the secondary IP settings for.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change secondary IP settings, in order.
- Change the settings, then click the [Set] button.
- If you want to directly specify desired IP, enter the IP and click the [Add] button.
- If you want to automatically assign the IP, leave the Secondary IP input field empty and click the [Add] button.
- Click the [x] button to delete the assigned secondary IP address.
Change network monitoring settings
Network Traffic Monitoring provides information by collecting and analyzing traffic that occurs on the customer's server. If you subscribe to network monitoring, you can check server traffic information in real time.
For more information on how to use Network traffic monitoring, see the Network Traffic Monitoring guide.
To subscribe to or unsubscribe from Network monitoring, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server for which you want to change the network monitoring settings.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change network monitor settings, in order.
- Check the details in the confirmation popup window, and then click the [Yes] button.
- If you're not currently using network monitoring, the network monitoring subscription is requested. If you're using network monitoring, it is canceled.
Change detailed monitoring settings
The basic monitoring provides monitoring data in 5-minute intervals. Once you subscribe to detailed monitoring, you can check the monitoring data in 1-minute intervals. How to request or cancel detailed monitoring, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server you want to change the detailed monitoring settings for.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change detailed monitoring settings, in order.
- Check the details in the confirmation popup window, and then click the [Yes] button.
- If you're not currently using detailed monitoring, the detailed monitoring subscription is requested. If you're using detailed monitoring, it is canceled.
Change server specifications
To change the server specifications, follow these steps:
- Bare metal servers do not support the specifications change function.
- In a VPC environment, you can change server specifications between server types.
If the specifications change function between server types is not supported, create a server of another type using Server Image.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server menu.
- Select the server for which you want to change specifications, and then click the [Stop] button to stop the server.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change server specifications, in order.
- From the settings popup window, select the server specifications you want to change, and then click the [Yes] button.
- Check the popup window and click the [OK] button.
- The server specifications are changed.
Change physical placement group
Micro servers do not support the physical placement group change function.
To change the settings related to physical placement groups, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server menu.
- Select the server to change its physical placement group settings.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change physical placement group, in order.
- Specify the settings and then click the [Apply] button.
- To create a new placement group to add the server to, select Add to new placement group, enter the placement group name, and select the placement method.
- To add the server to a placement group already created, select Change joined group, and select the placement group to add the server to.
- To exclude a server from its joined group, select Exclude server from joined group.
- Check the popup window and click the [OK] button.
- The physical placement group settings are changed.
Assign network interface
To assign a network interface to a server, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server you want to assign a network interface to.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Assign network interface, in order.
- Specify the settings and then click the [Apply] button.
- The selected network interface is assigned to the server.
Remove network interface
To remove an assigned network interface from a server, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server you want to remove an assigned network interface from.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Release network interface, in order.
- Check the details in the confirmation popup window, and then click the [Remove] button.
- The network interface assignment is removed from the server.
Reset admin password
To reset the admin password for the server, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server to reset the admin password, and then click the [Stop] button to stop the server.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Reset admin password, in order.
- Enter NAVER Cloud Platform account password, and then click the [Yes] button.
- Drag the authentication key file to the Drag file using your mouse or click here area of the popup window, or click Drag the file using your mouse or click here and then select the authentication key file.
- Click the [Check password] button.
- Starting the server resets the admin password. To start the server immediately, click the [Start now] button.
You can check the changed admin password from [Manage servers and change settings] > Get admin password after starting the server.
Change server authentication key
To change the server authentication key, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Select the server to which you want to change the authentication key, and then click the [Stop] button to stop the server.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change server authentication key, in order.
- Enter NAVER Cloud Platform account password, and then click the [Yes] button.
- Click the [Send verification email] button, and then click the [OK] button in the confirmation popup window.
- Check the authentication message transferred by email, enter it in the Authentication message field, and then click the [OK] button.
- The authentication message needs to be entered within 10 minutes of sending the verification email.
- Select an authentication key you have or create a new authentication key, and then click the [Change] button.
- To create a new authentication key, select Create new authentication key, enter the authentication key name, and then click the [Create and save authentication key] button.
- The authentication key is changed. To start the server immediately, click the [Start now] button.
Changing the server authentication key also changes the admin password for the server. You can check the changed admin password from [Manage servers and change settings] > Get admin password after starting the server.
Change server name
To change the server name, follow these steps:
Bare metal servers do not support the server name change function.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server menu.
- Select the server to change the name.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Change server name, in order.
- Enter the new server name and click the [Change] button.
- The server name is changed.
Manage authentication key
To check the information of authentication keys you have or delete unassigned authentication keys, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server or Bare Metal Server menu.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Manage the authentication key, in order.
- The authentication key list is displayed. You can find the assignment information of the authentication keys in the authentication key list.
- To delete an unassigned authentication key, click the [x] button to the right of the authentication key item, and then click the [Apply] button.
Server console screenshot
To check the server console's screenshots, follow these steps:
Bare metal servers do not support the server console screenshot function.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server menu.
- Select the server whose screenshot you want to check.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Server console screenshot, in order.
- The server's screenshot is displayed on the popup window.
Manage physical placement group
To delete a physical placement group with no server placed, follow these steps:
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server menu.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Manage physical placement group, in order.
- Click the [x] button of the physical placement group item you want to delete.
- Click the [Apply] button.
- The edited information is saved.
Manage metadata API
The following describes how to set the metadata version when calling server metadata through APIs.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
- Click the Server menu.
- Click [Manage servers and change settings] > Manage metadata API, in order.
- Select the metadata version and click the [OK] button.
- When set to V2, you must include a session token in the request statement. Applications and agents using V1 are no longer supported.