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Network Interface
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Available in Classic
Network Interface describes the screen configuration of the Network Interface menu and network interface information, and explains how to create and manage the network interface.
Network Interface is a service for creating network interfaces that can be assigned to servers. Servers with the network interface applied are able to conduct independent network communications through subnets.
You need to create a private subnet beforehand to use Network Interface. For more information on how to create a private subnet, see Private Subnet.
See the following usage tips related to network interfaces.
- You can utilize network interfaces to distinguish multiple servers intuitively based on their purpose of use.
<example> Distinguish as the development server and as the operational server - Create multiple network interfaces in the following cases:
- When you need different subnets based on the characteristics of applications to be used on servers
- When you designed subnets separated by purpose but need to integrate them into one server for use
Check network interface information
You can check network interface information on the Network Interface page.
Network Interface page
From the NAVER Cloud Platform portal, click the Console > Services > Compute> Server > Network Interface menus, in that order, to view the Network Interface page.
The Network Interface page is laid out as follows:
Field | Description |
① Menu name | Name of the menu currently being checked and the number of created network interfaces |
② Basic features | Features provided when you initially enter the Network Interface menu
③ Post-creation features | Features provided after creating the network interface
④ Network interface list | List of created network interfaces
Create network interface
The following describes how to create a network interface.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and Platform menu of NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click the Services > Compute > Server menus, in that order.
- Click the Network Interface menu.
- Click the [Create network interface] button.
- Specify the settings on the Create network interface pop-up window.
- Network Interface name: it must start with an English letter. Enter between 3-30 characters using lowercase English letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)
- Zone: select the zone to deploy the network interface
- Private Subnet: Private Subnet IP range to deploy the network interface
- Private IP address: enter so it is included in the IP range of the private subnet that was created in advance
- The network address of a Private Subnet and the initial 10 IP addresses are reserved for management.
- Select applied server: select the server to assign the network interface
- Click the [OK] button.
- The created network interface is displayed in the list.
Assign network interface
You can assign unassigned network interfaces to servers.
The following describes how to assign a network interface to a server.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and Platform menu of NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click the Services > Compute > Server menus, in that order.
- Click the Network Interface menu.
- In the network interface list, click to select the network interface to assign to the server, and then click the [Assign to server] button.
- Select the server for application on the Assign network interface to server pop-up window, and then click the OK button.
- The network interface is assigned to the selected server.
Activate network interface
See the guide for the server OS you are using to activate the added network interface on the server.
Access the server and run the following commands:
For bare metal servers, enter bond1
instead of eth1
as the value of the device.
$> vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
IPADDR=Enter Interface IP
$> ifup eth1
Run the command in accordance with the version of the server you're using.
Ubuntu 16.04
Access the server and run the following commands:
For bare metal servers, enter eth3
instead of eth1
$> vi /etc/network/interfaces
# The secondary Network Interface
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
Enter address INTERFACE IP
$> ifup eth1
Ubuntu 18.04
Access the server, create a yaml configuration file for the eth1
interface, and then run the following commands:
For bare metal servers, enter eth3
instead of eth1
$> vi /etc/netplan/02-netcfg.yaml
dhcp4: false
dhcp6: false
addresses: []
version: 2
$> netplan --debug apply
#The debug option will print the debugging process while running
Access the server and run the following tasks:
- Click > > Network & Internet > Change adapter options, in that order.
- Right-click the icon for the added network interface, then click Properties.
- Click the [Networking] tab, click to select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click the [Properties] button.
- Click to select Use the following IP address, enter the IP address of the network interface in IP address, and then enter "" for Subnet mask.
- Click the [OK] button.
Remove assignment of network interface
The following describes how to remove an assigned network interface from a server.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and Platform menu of NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click the Services > Compute > Server menus, in that order.
- Click the Network Interface menu.
- From the network interface list, click to select the network interface to remove from the server, and then click the [Remove from server] button.
- Check the Remove from network interface server pop-up message, and then click the [OK] button.
- The network interface is removed from the assigned server.
Terminate network interface
The following describes how to terminate an unused network interface.
- Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and Platform menu of NAVER Cloud Platform console.
- Click the Services > Compute > Server menus, in that order.
- Click the Network Interface menu.
- In the network interface list, click to select the network interface to terminate, and then click the [Terminate] button.
- Check the Network Interface termination pop-up message, and then click the [OK] button.
- The network interface is terminated and disappears from the list.