Network Interface
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    Network Interface

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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    Network Interface describes the screen configuration of the Network Interface menu and network interface information, and explains how to create and manage the network interface.

    Network Interface is a service for creating network interfaces that can be assigned to servers. Servers with the network interface applied are able to conduct independent network communications through subnets.


    You need to create a private subnet and VPC beforehand to use Network Interface. For how to create, see the following guides:


    See the following usage tips related to network interfaces.

    • You can utilize network interfaces to distinguish multiple servers intuitively based on their purpose of use.
      <example> Distinguish as the development server and as the operational server
    • Create multiple network interfaces in the following cases:
      • When you need different subnets based on the characteristics of applications to be used on servers
      • When you designed subnets separated by purpose but need to integrate them into one server for use

    Check network interface information

    You can check network interface information on the Network Interface page.

    Network Interface page

    From the NAVER Cloud Platform portal, click the Console > Services > Compute> Server > Network Interface menus, in that order, to view the Network Interface page.

    The Network Interface page is laid out as follows:

    ① Menu nameName of the menu currently being checked and the number of created network interfaces
    ② Basic featuresFeatures provided when you initially enter the Network Interface menu
    • [Create network interface] button: click to create a network interface
    • [Learn more about the product] button: click to move to the Server introduction page
    • [Refresh] button: click to refresh the network interface list
    ③ Post-creation functionsFeatures provided after creating network interface
    ④ Search bar and filterYou can search the network interface by IP address and network interface/applied server/ VPC/subnet name, and filter in accordance with the creation types and allocation status
    ⑤ Network interface listList of created network interfaces
    • Network Interface name (ID): name directly entered when creating network interfaces and unique ID automatically granted
    • Usage: classified into General (exclusively for general VM) or BareMetal (exclusively for bare metal servers)
    • Status: current status of network interface
      • Not in use: status where network interface is created and can be assigned to a server
      • In use: status in use by assigning network interface to server
      • Canceling: status of canceling the assignment of network interface from the server
      • Setting: status where the settings required by user are being applied
    • VPC: VPC where the network interface is placed
    • Subnet: name and zone of the subnet where the network interface is placed, the IP band of the subnet and the type of subnet
    • Device: relevant device when the network interface is applied to server
      • In case of eth0, it is used as the default private IP of server
      • In case of eth1 or eth2, it is used an additional private IP of server
    • IP address**/address**: IP of network interface
    • Applied server: name of the relevant server when the network interface is applied to server
    • Creation type: a method of granting IP, divided into automatic assignment and manual input of user
    • Flow log: whether to apply the Flow log function to save the communication logs occurring in the network interface
      • The name of bucket for saving when applied is displayed together
      • You can cancel the collection of logs by clicking the [Delete] button
    • Secondary IP: secondary IP applied to the network interface
    • ACG: ACG list applied to the network interface
      • You can click the [Edit] button to change the applied ACG

    Create network interface

    The following describes how to create a network interface.

    1. Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
    3. Click the Network Interface menu.
    4. Click the [Create network interface] button.
    5. Specify the settings in the Create network interface pop-up window.
      • Network Interface name: it must start with an English letter. Enter between 3-30 characters using lowercase English letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)
      • VPC: select VPC to place the network interface
      • Subnet: select the subnet to place the network interface
      • Primary IP: select Automatic assignment or Enter directly, and enter the IP to be used by the relevant network interface
      • Secondary IP: create a subsidiary IP to be used in the same subnet
        • Enter the IP in the entry field and click the [Add] button
        • Leaving the field blank and clicking the [Add] button automatically assigns it
        • To delete the entered IP, click the [x] button
      • ACG: select ACG to place the network interface
        • You can select up to 3 ACGs, and the applicable ACG differs according to the subnet
      • Usage: usage of the network interface, automatically selected as General (exclusively for general VM) or BareMetal (exclusively for the bare metal servers) in accordance with the selected subnet
      • Select applied server: select the server to assign the network interface
    6. Click the [Create] button.
      • The created network interface is displayed in the list.

    Assign network interface

    Among the network interfaces placed in Private Subnet, you can assign the network interfaces not assigned to a server to a server.
    The following describes how to assign a network interface to a server.

    1. Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
    3. Click the Network Interface menu.
    4. In the network interface list, click to select the network interface to assign to the server, and then click the [Assign to server] button.
    5. Select the server for application in the Assign pop-up window, then click the [OK] button.
      • The network interface is assigned to the selected server.

    Activate network interface

    See the guide for the server OS you are using to activate the added network interface on the server.


    Access the server and run the following commands: The example activates eth1:


    For bare metal servers, enter bond1 instead of eth1 as the value of the device.

    $> vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
    	Enter IPADDR=Interface IP
    $> ifup eth1


    Access the server and run the following commands: The example activates eth1:


    For bare metal servers, enter eth3 instead of eth1 as the value of the device.


    In the versions of Ubuntu 18.04 and above, you can configure networks with legacy or netplan. However, for Ubuntu 16.04, configure networks with the legacy method.

    Legacy configuration

    $> vi /etc/network/interfaces
    	auto eth1
    	iface eth1 inet static
        Enter # eth1 IP
        # Enter subnet mask
    $> ifup eth1
    $> ip addr list eth1

    Netplan configuration

    ​$> vi /etc/netplan/00 Installing-netcfg.yaml
            # Enter eth1 IP / subnet mask
              addresses: []
          version: 2
    $> netplan --debug apply
    $> ip addr list eth1


    Access the server and run the following tasks:

    1. Click i-server_window_start(1) > i-server_setting > Network & Internet > Change adapter options, in that order.
    2. Right-click the icon for the added network interface, then click Properties.
    3. Click the [Networking] tab, click to select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click the [Properties] button.
    4. Click to select Use the following IP address, enter the IP address of the network interface in IP address, and then enter "" for Subnet mask.
    5. Click the [OK] button.

    Remove assignment of network interface

    The following describes how to remove an assigned network interface from a server.

    1. Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
    3. Click the Network Interface menu.
    4. From the network interface list, click to select the network interface to remove from the server, and then click the [Remove from server] button.
    5. Check the details in the assignment removal pop-up window, and then click the [Remove] button.
      • The network interface is removed from the assigned server.

    Return network interface

    The following describes how to terminate an unused network interface.

    1. Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
    3. Click the Network Interface menu.
    4. In the network interface list, click to select the network interface to terminate, and then click the [Terminate] button.
    5. Check the details in the terminate pop-up window and click the [Terminate] button.
      • When assigned to a server, the [Terminate] button is activated only when you agree to the removal of assignment.
      • The network interface is terminated and disappears from the list.

    Set flow log

    Flow log is a function to store the communication logs generated in the network interface in Object Storage. You can set to filter and save only the communication details allowed or rejected by the ACG applied to the network interface.
    The following describes how to change the flow log settings.

    • To use the Set Flow log function, you must subscribe to Object Storage and have a created bucket. (See Getting started with Object Storage)
    • If the bucket selected as the storage position of the log is locked, some of the log may be missed. Pay attention to the bucket lock settings. (See Using object lock)
    1. Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
    3. Click the Network Interface menu.
    4. Click to select the network interface to change the flow log settings in the network interface list, and then click the [Set flow log] button.
    5. Specify the settings in the Set Flow log pop-up window, and then click the [Set] button.

    You cannot create flow logs for network interfaces created in subnets dedicated to SFC.

    • Collection action: select among ALLOW, DENY, or ALL for the collection action

    • Collection unit (minute): enter the collection cycle between 5-15 minutes (default: 15 minutes)

    • Bucket name: select the bucket to save the collected logs

      • The file name will be generated in the format of ${Region number }${FLOWLOG_configured_NETWORK-INTERFACE_number}${FLOWLOG collection interval_reference time}.
    • Bucket folder name: enter the name of the bucket folder to save the collected logs

    • The log description is as follows:
      (For ncloud resources that have both Public IP and Private IP, the Private IP will be displayed.)

      Field nameDescription
      LOG_TIMELog occurrence time (epoch)
      DIRECTIONPacket direction (inbound/outbound)
      REGIONNCP Region number
      VPC_NMVPC name
      VPC_NOVPC unique ID
      SBNET_NOSubnet unique ID
      INSTC_NOVM unique ID
      NIC_IDNetwork interface unique ID
      SRC_ADDRSource address of traffic
      SRC_PORTSource port of traffic
      DST_ADDRDestination address of traffic
      DST_PORTDestination port of traffic
      ACTIONACG setting rules (ALL, ALLOW, DENY)
      PROTOCOLCommunication protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP)
      TP_CDType of network interface

    To delete the applied flow log settings, click the [Delete] button from the Flow log of the network interface details. Even if you delete the flow log settings, the logs already saved to Object Storage are not deleted.

    Set secondary IP

    Secondary IP is a feature that adds secondary IPs to network interfaces assigned to servers to be utilized for HA solutions and so on.

    • You can use them if you need to use several IPs in a single subnet.
      <example> If you have created redundancy with an Active server and Standby server in a cluster, you can move a secondary IP for services between the two servers.
    • Up to 5 secondary IPs can be manually specified or randomly assigned within the IP range of the subnet that the network interface belongs to.

    The following describes how to change the secondary IP settings.

    1. Click the environment you are using in the Region menu and the Platform menu on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
    2. Click Services > Compute > Server, in order.
    3. Click the Network Interface menu.
    4. Click to select the network interface to change the Secondary IP settings for in the network interface list, and then click the [Set Secondary IP] button.
    5. Change the settings from the Set Secondary IP pop-up window, and then click the [Set] button.
      • Enter the IP in the input field, and click the [Add] button.
      • Leaving the field blank and clicking the [Add] button automatically assigns the IP.
      • To delete the entered IP, click the [x] button.

    Activate Secondary IP

    For Secondary IPs to function properly, they need to be created and changed from the console, and then set up from the server. The following describes how to change the Secondary IP settings for each server OS.


    Access the server and run the following commands: The following example configures a secondary IP on eth1:

    $> vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1:0
        # Enter secondary IP
        # Enter subnet mask
    $> ifup eth1:0
    $> ip addr list eth1


    Access the server and run the following commands: The following example configures a secondary IP on eth1:


    In the versions of Ubuntu 18.04 and above, you can configure networks with legacy or netplan.
    However, for Ubuntu 16.04, configure networks with the legacy method.

    Legacy configuration


    While working with setting up a network, the network connection may be temporarily interrupted. Therefore, please do not include the services in operation to the tasks if possible.

    $> vi /etc/network/interfaces
        auto eth1
        iface eth1 inet static
        # Enter eth1 IP
        # Enter subnet mask
        iface eth1 inet static
        # Enter secondary IP
        # Enter subnet mask
    $> systemctl restart networking.service
    $> ip addr list eth1

    Netplan configuration

    $> vi /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
            # Enter primary eth1 IP, secondary IP / subnet mask
              addresses: [,]    
          version: 2
    $> netplan --debug apply
    $> ip addr list eth1


    Access the server and run the following tasks:

    1. Click i-server_window_start(1) > i-server_setting > Network & Internet > Change adapter options, in that order.
    2. Right-click the icon for the added network interface, and then click Properties.
    3. Click the [Networking] tab, click to select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click the [Properties] button.
    4. Click the [Advanced] button.
    5. Click the [Add] button from the IP address area.
    6. Enter the added Secondary IP address, then click the [OK] button.

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