Reinstall Xentools (Linux)
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    Reinstall Xentools (Linux)

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic

    Xentools is used to deliver a variety of information from the Linux server to the hypervisor. It describes how to troubleshoot Xentools on a Linux server by uninstalling and reinstalling.


    This feature is not available in CentOS 6.3, CentOS 6.6, CentOS 6.9, and Ubuntu 16.04.

    Reinstall using NTK

    Follow these steps to reinstall using the Ncloud Tool Kit.

    1. Access Linux server

    Connect to the Linux server. For more information on accessing the server, see Connecting to Classic server.

    2. Unzip and run NTK

    Run Ncloud Tool Kit on the accessed Linux server.

    1. Run the following command to move to the path of the NTK location.

      # cd /usr/local/etc
    2. Run the following command to unzip the ntk.tar.gz file.

      # tar zxvf ntk.tar.gz
      • If the ntk.tar.gz file is not in the path or you want to download the latest version, run the following command:

        # wget -P /usr/local/etc

        As of January 11, 2024, the latest version of NTK is v0.6.5-1.

    3. Enter the following commands in the given order to run NTK.

      # cd /usr/local/etc/ntk
      # ./ntk


    Run the command to reinstall Xentools from Ncloud Tool Kit.

    1. Click (E) EXECUTE - << Run System Apps >>.
    3. If you want to check or reinstall the Xentools version, click the [YES] button. Check if and what version of Xentools is installed on the VM.

    4. Run Xentools reinstallation

    Users can check the version of Xentools and whether it is installed on the Linux VM itself. Follow these steps to check it for each OS.

    • CentOS
      rpm -qa | grep xe-guest
    • Ubuntu
      dpkg -l | grep xe-guest

    Proceed with the reinstallation according to the Xentools version and the installation results.

    • Proper installation with the recommended version displays the normal installation message. In this case, no action is required.

    • Xentools installation with a different version other than the recommended version displays a reinstall request message. Click the [YES] button to reinstall. Delete the previous version of Xentools and reinstall the recommended version of Xentools.

      <example> If the installed Xentools version is 7.4.0--1 and it is reinstalled to 7.20.2--1, the reinstallation is completed with the message '7.4.0--1 ==> 7.20.2-1.

    • If Xentools is not installed, it outputs an installation request message. Click the [YES] button to install. The recommended version of Xentools will be installed.

      <example> If Xentools is not installed and you install the version 7.20.2-1, the installation will be completed with the message '0.0 ==> 7.20.2-1'.

    5. Reboot server

    Reboot the server when Xentools installation is complete.


    Perform the rebooting on the OS. Restarting through the console may cause improper installation.

    6. Check Xentools operation status

    After reinstalling Xentools, verify that the Xentools operation status is normal.

    1. Run the following command:
      # systemctl status xe-linux-distribution.service
    2. Check if the service is active.
      [root@xentools ~]# systemctl status xe-linux-distribution.service
      ● xe-linux-distribution.service - LSB: Virtual Machine daemon providing host integration services
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xe-linux-distribution; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-04-26 14:54:33 KST; 5min ago
         Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
      Process: 855 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/xe-linux-distribution start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         CGroup: /system.slice/xe-linux-distribution.service
               ├─937 /usr/sbin/xe-daemon -p /var/run/
               ├─956 logger -t xe-daemon
               └─959 logger -t xenstore

    7. Check server status from console

    If Xentools is installed properly, you will see a change to the Running state in the console upon reboot.

    If Xentools is not installed or is not installed with the recommended version, it may remain in the Restart state in the console, although there is no problem with the OS upon reboot.

    Reinstall using scripts

    Follow these steps to reinstall Xentools using a script.

    1. Download Xentools

    Download Xentools using the script provided on NAVER Cloud Platform Linux server.

    1. Run the script with the following command:
    # wget
    # chmod u+x
    # ./
    1. Reboot the server when installation is complete.

    Reboot in the operating system. Restarting through the console may cause improper installation.

    2. Check Xentools operation status

    After reinstalling Xentools, verify that the Xentools operation status is normal.

    1. Run the following command:
      # systemctl status xe-linux-distribution.service
    2. Check if the service is active.
      [root@xentools ~]# systemctl status xe-linux-distribution.service
      ● xe-linux-distribution.service - LSB: Virtual Machine daemon providing host integration services
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xe-linux-distribution; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-04-26 14:54:33 KST; 5min ago
         Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
      Process: 855 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/xe-linux-distribution start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         CGroup: /system.slice/xe-linux-distribution.service
               ├─937 /usr/sbin/xe-daemon -p /var/run/
               ├─956 logger -t xe-daemon
               └─959 logger -t xenstore

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