SourceBand glossary
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    SourceBand glossary

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    You must become familiar with a few terms to use SourceBand. The terms and their descriptions are as follows.


    A distributed version control system to manage source code for programs and more.


    A repository for gathering and sharing information scattered across an organization or related to application system development

    Sub Account

    A service that enables the creation of sub accounts under a representative account and management of permissions by role, enabling multiple users to use and manage the same resource. Sub accounts can freely use and manage the NAVER Cloud Platform services within the scope of their permissions.


    A private Git repository service for the secure storage of source codes and files


    Large work groups that require a long time to complete or can be broken into several tasks. An epic is made up of multiple issues tied together by a common goal or purpose. Issues can be combined as a group as a higher concept.


    A unit of work to solve a problem or accomplish a goal. Represents work items such as bug fixes, addition of requested features, feature enhancements, and documentation.


    Checkpoints that can be evaluated and restored via snapshots; created when files are modified, changed, or added.


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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