SourceCommit product integration
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    SourceCommit product integration

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    SourceBand provides integration with SourceCommit products among the NAVER Cloud Platform Dev Tools products. By integrating your SourceBand project with the SourceCommit repository, you can easily find the SourceCommit repository commit code in the SourceBand project issue that mentions the issue.

    The SourceCommit product integration introduces how to integrate with the SourceCommit repository, create repository commits that mention a SourceBand issue, and view the commit that mentions the issue.

    SourceCommit repository integration

    In SourceBand, you can integrate your project with a SourceCommit repository as follows:


    1. On the SourceBand project page, click the [Setting] > [Developer tool integration] button on the left.
    2. Check the SourceCommit repository list in the developer tools service settings modal window.
    3. Select the repository you want to integrate with and click the SourceBand-project_arrow-button button.
    4. Click the [Save] button.

    Create a commit that mentions an issue

    For the SourceCommit repositories that you have integrated in your SourceBand project, you can mention a SourceBand issue when creating a repository commit. For more information on how to create a commit, see the following guides.

    You can mention a SourceBand project issue when creating a commit message as follows:

    1. On the SourceBand organization page, find the project ID to which the issue you want to mention belongs. (See SourceBand organization page)

    2. Check the number of the issue to be mentioned in the SourceBand project.

      • Example of checking the issue number in the table page
    3. Create a commit by including the project ID and issue number you checked in the commit message in the form of #[project_ID].[issue_number].

      • Example of creating commit
      $ git commit -m "#1.2 A commit that mentions an issue with issue number 2 in a project of which project ID is 1." 

    Check the commit that mentions the issue

    In a SourceBand issue, you can view the SourceCommit repository commit that mentions the issue in the following way.


    1. Move to the setting page for the SourceBand issue mentioned in the SourceCommit commit.
    2. Click the [Change history] tab at the top of the issue setting modal.
    3. Check the issue history list to see the commit that mentions the issue. Click the Commit ID to move to the commit code page.

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