SourceDeploy overview
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    SourceDeploy overview

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    SourceDeploy is an automated deployment service that automatically deploys and applies new or updated sources to servers.

    You can use SourceDeploy to automate source deployment, run, and validation through pre-defined custom commands, and to minimize service interruption during deployment.

    You can also use SourceDeploy to control deployment via deployment manager and to apply the necessary deployments only to ensure service quality.

    Various features provided by SourceDeploy

    The descriptions of various features provided by SourceDeploy are as follows:

    • Create stages and scenarios for each project: you can create different stages for a project and set up server groups for each stage. You can create multiple scenarios for each stage to configure and run a variety of deployment processes
    • Select file to deploy via Object Storage and SourceBuild: provide SourceBuild and Object Storage for deploy source
      • Object Storage: automatically download compressed sources uploaded to Object Storage and deploy them
      • SourceBuild: get the last build result of a build project created in SourceBuild, and automatically deploy the output
    • Detailed log information provided: you can check logs from deployment target servers as they are created in real time from the console, and respond quickly when necessary
    • Deployment manager setup available: you can set up deployment manager so that deployment on certain stages can only be done by the manager's approval. You can designate multiple managers, and deployment can be carried out according to approval rules in such cases
    • Access control by user: you can control access for each deployment project by integrating with NAVER Cloud Platform's Sub Account

    SourceDeploy user guide

    SourceDeploy provides services in Korea, Japan, and Singapore Regions. The service content is identical in the Regions. Check the following table of contents and their details for smooth use of SourceDeploy:

    NAVER Cloud Platform provides the user guide and other various resources to help our customers understand SourceDeploy better. If you are considering to use SourceDeploy, or if you are a developer or a marketer who needs detailed information establishing your data related policies, please make good use of the following resources:

    Check the FAQs first.

    You can get your questions answered quickly by referring to the answers in the FAQ before reading the user guide. If you don't find the answer to your question in the following FAQs, search the user guide for what you'd like to know.

    Q. What is SourceDeploy?
    A. SourceDeploy is an automated deployment service that automatically deploys and applies new or updated sources to servers. For more information about SourceDeploy, see introduction to SourceDeploy.

    Q. What are the procedures to use SourceDeploy?
    A. The following is the procedure for using SourceDeploy. For more information about the procedure for using SourceDeploy, see SourceDeploy scenarios:

      1. Create deployment project
      1. Install agent
      1. Create deployment scenarios
      1. Deploy

    Q. Is the agent for SourceDeploy required?
    A. To use SourceDeploy, the target deployment server must have the agent for SourceDeploy installed. For more information on how to install Agent, see agent installation guide:

    Q. What kind of deployment environments does SourceDeploy support?

    • SourceDeploy supports Server, Auto Scaling, Ncloud Kubernetes Service, and Object Storage created in NAVER Cloud Platform as deployment targets. Thus to use SourceDeploy, Server, Auto Scaling, Ncloud Kubernetes Service, or Object Storage must be installed in advance, and agent for SourceDeploy in Server and Auto Scaling must be installed as well. (See agent installation guide) agent supports CentOS and Ubuntu image types.
    • You cannot deploy a server created in NAVER Cloud Platform Secure Zone through SourceDeploy.
    • See the following for how to create each service:

    Q. Where can I find the deployment project I created?
    A. You can see the deployment projects you created in SourceDeploy in Services > Developer Tools > SourceDeploy on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.

    Q. If I want to define the permissions by action units through the User Created policy, do I need to be aware of the relations between actions?
    A. When a specific action is selected to be granted to a sub account, the system automatically selects all actions that are linked to the chosen action.

    Q. Where can I find troubleshooting information related to the agent?
    A. See agent troubleshooting guide. Send your inquiry through contact Us if the problem is not resolved with the guide.

    Q. Can I grant sub account permissions for SourceDeploy?

    • You can grant permissions for SourceDeploy from Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Sub Accounts on the NAVER Cloud Platform console.
      • NCP_INFRA_MANAGER: can use all services in NAVER Cloud Platform including SourceDeploy, same as the customer account. However, some management features of My page are excluded.
      • NCP_SOURCEDEPLOY_MANAGER/ NCP_VPC_SOURCEDEPLOY_MANAGER: can use all features in SourceDeploy
    • For more information about sub accounts, see Sub Account user guide.

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