Subnet Management
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    Subnet Management

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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    In Subnet Management, you can create or delete subnets within a VPC, or check the list of subnets in operation. LoadBalancer, general, BareMetal, NatGateway and SFC types of subnets are provided. You can select appropriate subnet for the purpose.

    • You can use the SFC subnet only when you selected Public in the transit VPC.
    • You cannot set a routing table for SFC subnets. To control the network flow in the SFC subnet, see Service Function Chain.

    View subnet list

    You can check the information of each subnet from the list of subnets that have been created and are in operation. To check the information, follow these steps:


    You can see the list if you have one or more subnets in operation. If you don't have any subnets that have been created and are in operation, then the list is not displayed in the Subnet Management page.

    1. From within the VPC environment on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services> Networking> VPC in order.
    2. Click the Subnet Management menu.
    3. When the list of created subnets appears, view the summarized information or click a subnet to see the details.
      • Subnet name: name of the subnet
      • Subnet ID: ID value of the subnet
      • Status: status of the subnet
        • Creating: status in which the subnet is being created with the information entered by the user
        • Running: status in which the creation of the subnet has been completed with the information entered by the user, and the subnet is available for use
        • Shutting down: status in which the subnet created with the information entered by the user is being deleted
      • VPC name: name of the VPC to which the subnet belongs
      • IP address range: the subnet's IP address range
      • Zone: available zone in which the subnet is placed
      • Internet gateway exclusivity: indicates whether the subnet is connected to the internet. Y is displayed for public subnet, and N is displayed for private subnet
      • Purpose: purpose of the subnet
      • Network ACL: network ACL applied to the subnet
      • Creation date: date when the subnet was created
      • Load balancer exclusivity: indicates whether the subnet can only be used by Load balancer

    Change network ACL

    You can change the network ACL applied to a subnet. The following describes how to change it.

    1. From within the VPC environment on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services> Networking> VPC in order.
    2. Click the Subnet Management menu.
    3. Click the subnet to change the network ACL for, and then click the [Change] button next to network ACL in the Details area.
    4. When the Edit Network ACL pop-up window appears, change the Network ACL, and then click the [Apply] button.

    Create subnet

    The following describes how to create a subnet from NAVER Cloud Platform console.

    1. From within the VPC environment on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services> Networking> VPC in order.

    2. Click the Subnet Management menu.

    3. Click the [Create subnet] button.

    4. When the Create subnet pop-up window appears, enter information for the subnet to create.

      • Subnet name: enter the name of the subnet to create, in 3 to 30 characters.
      • VPC: select a VPC to place the subnet in
      • IP address range: specify and enter within the selected VPC address range (<example>,
        • The first 5 IPs are excluded from the available quantity since they're reserved for network IP, broadcast IP, and internal management. The number of available IPs would be 249 for /24, 121 for /25, and 57 for /26.
      • Available zone: Select a physical zone available where the subnet will be placed.
      • Network ACL: network ACL to be applied to the subnet. The default rule is provided, and security can be enhanced if the network ACL is configured to fit the network environment in advance
      • Internet gateway exclusivity: Select whether to connect the subnet to the internet.
        • If you select Y (Public), a public subnet is created, and a server created in it can communicate through the Internet after getting a public IP.
        • If you select N (Private), a private subnet is created, and a server created in it can only communicate internally. NAT Gateway must be created separately for it to connect to the internet. (Only outbound communication is available.)
      • Purpose: Select a purpose of the subnet.
        • If the subnet is for Load Balancer, Bare Metal, NAT Gateway, and SFC, then select those purposes.
      • You can use the SFC subnet only when you selected Public in the transit VPC.
    5. Click the [Create] button.

    6. Check the status of the subnet that was created from the subnet list in the Subnet and Management page.

      • Creating: status in which the subnet is being created with the information entered by the user
      • Running: status in which the creation of the subnet has been completed with the information entered by the user, and the subnet is available for use

    Delete subnet

    You can delete a subnet that has been created and is in operation. To delete it, follow these steps:

    • A subnet with servers in it can't be deleted.
    • A subnet can't be recovered once deleted.
    1. From within the VPC environment on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services> Networking> VPC in order.
    2. Click the Subnet Management menu.
    3. Click the subnet to delete, and then click the [Delete Subnet] button.
    4. When the Delete subnet pop-up window appears, click the [Yes] button.
    5. Check the status of the subnet from the subnet list in the Subnet Management page.
      • Shutting down: status in which the subnet is being deleted

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