Transit VPC Connect
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    Transit VPC Connect

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Use the Transit VPC Connect to communicate between a general VPC and a transit VPC.
    General VPCs and transit VPCs are connected on a one-to-on basis. To connect multiple general VPCs to a transit VPC, create as many Transit VPC Connects as the number of general VPCs.


    View Transit VPC Connect list

    To check details by item in the list of Transit VPC Connects that you have created and are in operation, follow these steps:

    1. From within the VPC environment on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services> Networking> VPC in order.
    2. Click the Transit VPC Connect menu.
    3. When the list of created Transit VPC Connect appears, view the summarized information, or click the Transit VPC Connect to see details.
      • Transit VPC Connect name: name of the Transit VPC Connect
      • Transit VPC Connect ID: ID value of the Transit VPC Connect
      • Status: status of the Transit VPC Connect
        • Getting ready: preparing to create the Transit VPC Connect with the information you entered
        • Creating: Transit VPC Connect is being created with the information you entered
        • Operating: Transit VPC Connect creation completed with the information you entered, and the Transit VPC Connect is available for use
        • Shutting down: deletion status of the Transit VPC Connect created with the information you entered
      • Normal VPC (ID): name and ID value of the general VPC connected
      • Transit VPC (ID): name and ID value of the transit VPC connected
      • Normal VPC Region: Region of the general VPC connected
      • Transit VPC Region: Region of the transit VPC connected
      • Normal VPC IP address range: IP range of the general VPC connected
      • Transit VPC IP address range: IP range of the transit VPC connected
      • Related Endpoint Route Table: Endpoint Route Table set for the Transit VPC Connect
      • Note: memo related to VPC peering. To edit it, click the [Edit] button

    Create Transit VPC Connect

    To create a Transit VPC Connect, follow these steps:

    1. From within the VPC environment on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services> Networking> VPC in order.
    2. Click the Transit VPC Connect menu.
    3. Click the [Create Transit VPC Connect] button.
    4. When the Create Transit VPC Connect popup window appears, enter the information for the Transit VPC Connect to create.
      • Transit VPC Connect name: enter the name of the VPC Gateway to create, in 3 to 30 characters using English letters, numbers, and/or hyphens (-).
      • Normal VPC: general VPC to connect with Transit VPC Connect
      • Transit VPC account: account of the Transit VPC to connect with Transit VPC Connect
      • Transit VPC: Transit VPC to connect with Transit VPC Connect
        • When selecting My account, select other Transit VPC belong to your account
        • When selecting Other account, enter Transit VPC Login ID, Transit VPC ID, Transit VPC name of other account
    5. Click the [Create] button.

    Accept Transit VPC Connect

    If you requested a connection to the other account's Transit VPC, the connection is complete after the Transit VPC Connect is accepted from other account. To accept or deny the Transit VPC Connect from other account, follow these steps:

    1. From within the VPC environment on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services> Networking> VPC in order.
    2. Click the Transit VPC Connect menu.
    3. Click the item in the pending status in the Transit VPC Connect list.
    4. When the [Details] tab appears, click Deny or Accept in the Request response section.
      • When selecting Deny, the Transit VPC Connect is denied.
      • When selecting Accept, the Transit VPC Connect is complete.

    Delete Transit VPC Connect

    You can delete the VPC Gateway that has been created and is in operation. If connected with the Transit VPC from other account, if either of the Transit VPC Connect of is deleted, the Transit VPC Connect of the other account is also deleted.

    1. From within the VPC environment on the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services> Networking> VPC in order.
    2. Click the Transit VPC Connect menu.
    3. Click the Transit VPC Connect to be deleted and click the [Delete] button.
    4. When the Delete Transit VPC Connect popup window appears, click the [Delete] button.
    5. From the Transit VPC Connect list in the Transit VPC Connect page, check the status.
      • Shutting down: status in which Transit VPC Connect is being deleted

    If you specified the Transit VPC Connect as a related endpoint in the Endpoint Route Table, you must remove the related endpoint to delete the Transit VPC Connect.

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