Create a player for iOS
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    Create a player for iOS

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Applying a player for iOS describes the example for applying and setting Native player for iOS with Video Player Enhancement iOS SDK.


    If you implement the examples of iOS SDK, you must use the Standard plan, which requires the following circumstances:

    • Xcode
    • Environment that can communicate externally

    Apply player

    The following describes how to apply a player:

    1. Run Xcode.
    2. Click the Targets > General menu in the projects to add in order.
    3. In Framework, Libraries, and Embedded Content, add "NCPlayerSDK.xcframework" as Embed & Sign type.
    4. Load NCPlayerSDK into the VC you want to use.
    5. After creating Class, refer to NCPlayerView.
    6. Specify Class of View as PlayerView.

    Set up player

    The following describes how to set up the player:

    1. Apply the following code to reset NCPlayerView Class in VC:

      class PlayerView:NCPlayerView{}
      class ViewController: UIViewController {
          // Connect with view
          @IBOutlet weak var playerView: PlayerView?
    2. After creating override func viewDidAppear, apply the following code:

      • You can call the method after creating NCPlayerView object.
      • Bundle ID must be the same as the app package ID registered in the console.
      var defaultBackground: UIColor? = .white
      func updateBackgroundColor() {
            if UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape {
                self.view.backgroundColor = .black
            } else {
                self.view.backgroundColor = defaultBackground
      override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
          defaultBackground = self.view.backgroundColor
      override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
      override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
              // Reset SDK
              // Enter license key
              let licenseKey = "{your license key}"
              // Enter player options (use script code made in the console)
              let playerOptions = """
                          "poster":"   202211/083fff831d8904cd9d9c180e5c10be0b.png",
                              "title":"NAVER Cloud test video1",
                           "profile_name":"NAVER Cloud",
                             "title":"NAVER Cloud test video2",
                             "profile_name":"NAVER Cloud",
                             "title":"NAVER Cloud test video3",
                             "profile_name":"NAVER Cloud",
              NCPlayer.shared.initialize(licenseKey: licenseKey)
              NCPlayer.shared.delegate = self
    3. Create the function after inheriting NCPlayerDelegate from ViewController.

    4. Apply the following code to set an event:

          // Network connected or not
      func NCPlayerNetworkStatus(state: String) {
          print("networkStatus: \(state)")
          // Full screen or not
      func NCPlayerOnFullscreenState(state: Bool) {
          print("onFullscreenState: \(state)")
          // Horizontal mode or not
      func NCPlayerIsLandscape(state: Bool) {
          print("isLandscape: \(state)")
          // Event that occurs when the current play time changes
      func NCPlayerOnTimeUpdate(data: Dictionary<String, Any>?) {
          if let data = data {
              print("time: ",data)
          // Event that occurs when moving to the previous video
      func NCPlayerOnPrevTrack(data: Dictionary<String, Any>?) {
          if let data = data {
              print("NCPlayerOnPrevTrack: ",data)
          // Event that occurs when moving to the next video
      func NCPlayerOnNextTrack(data: Dictionary<String, Any>?) {
          if let data = data {
              print("NCPlayerOnNextTrack: ",data)
          // To enable or disable a control bar or not
      func NCPlayerOnControlbarActive(active: Bool) {
          print("NCPlayerOnControlbarActive: ",active)
          // Event that occurs when the video playback attempt is successful
      func NCPlayerOnPlay() {
          print("NCPlayerOnPlay: play")
          // Event that occurs when a video is paused temporarily
      func NCPlayerOnPause() {
          print("NCPlayerOnPause: pause")
          // Event that occurs when the playback is completed to the end
      func NCPlayerOnEnd() {
          print("NCPlayerOnEnd: end")
          // Captured or not
      func NCPlayerIsCaptured(state: Bool) {
          print("NCPlayerIsCaptured: \(state)")
          // Recorded or not
      func NCPlayerIsRecording() {
         // Full screen is off
      func NCPlayerOnFullscreenOff() {
          print("NCPlayerOnFullscreenOff: Off")
          // Full screen is on
      func NCPlayerOnFullscreenOn() {
          print("NCPlayerOnFullscreenOn: On")
          // Full screen is true or false
      func NCPlayerOnFullscreen(state: Bool?) {
          if let state = state {
              print("NCPlayerOnFullscreen: \(state)")

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